
February 2021 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 17, 2021 at 5:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 818 9153 2283

Directors Present

A. Bennin, C. Glier (remote), J. Fulk (remote), M. Canada (remote), M. Whitmire (remote), T. Hughes (remote)

Directors Absent

C. Crawley, L. Turner

Guests Present

T. Vonderheit,

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Glier called a meeting of the board of directors of BELIEVE SCHOOLS, INC to order on Wednesday Feb 17, 2021 at 5:05 PM.


Welcome and Attendance


Approve Minutes

M. Whitmire made a motion to approve the minutes from December Board Meeting on 12-16-20.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Whitmire
C. Crawley
T. Hughes
J. Fulk
M. Canada
L. Turner
C. Glier
A. Bennin


Approve Meeting Minutes

M. Whitmire made a motion to approve the minutes from January 2021 Board Meeting on 01-20-21.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Glier
C. Crawley
A. Bennin
M. Canada
L. Turner
M. Whitmire
J. Fulk
T. Hughes

II. Executive Director Report


School updates

All paperwork has been submitted for CSGF grant. We'll receive 150k in the next few weeks. 21st Century Grant to be an after school activities for 2022 in the works. ESL/ELL grant is in progress for 2k -- AA is leading the way on this. Two other grants are in the works -- SEL/Go Vote. 


BCC received word from state around CARES Round 2. At minimum, we'll receive 40k. We're advocating for equal funding as a Title 1 school. 


External Partnerships
-Formed strong partnership with IMS for golf facilities, green program, and car programs. 
-Lilly partnership has gone stagnant. 
-Marian University: Met with new program lead to get kids into the Earn and Learn program. 





KNB shared frustrations around the purchase of the facility. Ivy Tech has brought the price down to 3.3million from 3.6million. KNB met with CSGF after the previous board meeting. Canada and Whitmire joined KNB for a meeting with Rosenberg. The last meeting it was indicated that 3.6 was non-negotiable. CSGF pushed Rosenberg and TMT team on the price, how they've come to this number, and questioned the push for the bond market. 


KNB met with Brandon Brown and ensured us that we would not be on the hook for Tindley's payment. Tindley was on the hook for 319k. TMT is going to cover the Tindley portion by writing us a check which they promised to Ivy Tech months ago. 


Ivy Tech is upside down on the building at 3.2million. The added 719k for facilities and mainatance. Rosenberg went back to Ivy Tech and proposed 3.3million. 300k will come directly from TMT. BCC will be financing 3million on the purchase price of the building. CSGF is actively pushing us to wait 6 months -- they think we'll get a better financing deal. KNB also shared Ivy Tech is pushing for BCC to cover closing costs. 


JF questioned who did the appraisal. KNB shared that TMT funded the appraisal in 2019. 


MW reiterated that the deal is getting better and better. MW pushed for an independent appraisal of the building. MW also noted he is unsure about waiting 6 months for better interest rates. 


KNB noted that we will need a vote on CIES purchasing the building vs BCC purchasing. We would save hundreds of thousands of dollars leasing from CIES, but we won't be building equity. 


KNB mentioned that if we partner with IPS we'll receive a free, public building with IPS. KNB mentioned there are other free options with Marian and Ivy Tech. 


CG is pushing for what is in the schools best interest and noted that we might need a real estate lawyer. MW noted that it's clear that TMT and CIES want the building. MW reiterated the need for a lawyer. 


JF questioned why TMT and CIES want the building. KNB stamped the prime location. JF stamped the need for an independent appraisal. 


CG is going to check with Ice Miller Real Estate team. If we are conflicted out, we'll need to get some referrals. 


MC is working on a referral for a commercial real estate broker. 


KNB is going to communicate to Rosenberg to not take any action. 



III. Principal's Report


Monthly Update

TV shared attendance and enrollment updates. 


KNB added that we are still pushing to work more with parents to push enrollment. 


Professional Development
Working closely with IP for teacher PD. 
CAO leading other sessions. 


GPA by Village Data
Major push over the past few weeks is wrapping around male performance and GPA. Largest area of concern is around Besel's village which includes mainly black male students. The other male village is made up of mostly LatinX males. 


KNB stamped that we've done a great job of investing our females and our staff is mostly comprised of black females. We've compiled male villages into one village. One day per week village leaders switch villages. 


Interim Data
We experienced a slight increase in Writing & Language and Math w/ Calculator. 


Next School Year
Planning/ mapping out curriculum for next year.
Reviewing academic calendar for next school year. We'll have a draft to share at the next board meeting. 


Community Update
-We have 2 purpose pathway meetings left to schedule with families. 
-One Sensible Solutions: Only (1) scholar who signed up and was consistently attending. We've been working diligently with families and scholars to build this program. Goal is to have 20 scholars signed up in the coming weeks. 
-No major discipline issues. We've had a few students attend character academy. 


25 applicants on Indeed and 7 TFA applicants. Recently received ITF resume book. Team is combing through these. We hired two new female teachers. We are looking for males to fill remaining positions!! 


The goal is to have all positions filled by the summer time. 

IV. Information/Discussion


Board Retreat

CG shared a general reminder that our board retreat is in April. Board meeting is first then move into the board retreat. Board meeting is at 12pm. Board retreat from 1pm-5pm. Governance committee is working on agenda items and discussion topics for the board retreat. CG opened the floor for other committees to contribute topics and discussion points. 

V. Committee Reports


Development Committee Report

No new updates. AB is working to add new committee members. 


Finance Committee Report

No major updates. MW is sharing the financials with the board. 


Governance Committee Report

TH added that the team is exploring board facilitation options with BOT. 

VI. Closing Items


Next meeting

March 17th at 5PM. 
April 23rd at 12PM -- board retreat to follow. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Glier