January 2021 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 20, 2021 at 5:00 PM
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Meeting ID: 891 5810 6501
Directors Present
A. Bennin (remote), C. Crawley (remote), C. Glier (remote), J. Fulk (remote), L. Turner (remote), M. Canada (remote), M. Whitmire (remote), T. Hughes (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
T. Vonderheit (remote), (remote), (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
C. Glier called a meeting of the board of directors of BELIEVE SCHOOLS, INC to order on Wednesday Jan 20, 2021 at 5:05 PM.
Welcome and Attendance
Approve Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes from December Board Meeting on 12-16-20.
Will review December minutes in February.
II. Executive Director Report
School updates
Return to School
KNB shared the first day back to school was scheduled for January 15th. BCC communicated with families on the January 13th, that we would be pushing back due to Marion county turning red on the COVID map and potential dangers in the city related to the election. IPS will return with grades K-3 and middle and high school starting the following week. BCC had two positive COVID cases in the building and one team member returning from out of the country which attributed to the new in-person start date.
KNB shared that the Marion County Health Department updates were not super helpful. The city/state will now review school by school rather than the county. KNB signed a petition to the Governor around teachers not having access to the vaccine.
BCC sent a survey to families regarding intent to return in-person vs staying virtual. 50%-60% indicated they would be returning in person. The leadership team is on rotation each day for material and food pick-up.
We are in the midst of potential purchase of the building with CIES -- subsidiary of TMT. They would be purchasing the building on behalf of BCC but in their name. KNB shared there are a few struggles with this: political relationship with CIES, paying interest only on the building for 3-4 years. We will have to refinance then and with the unknowns of the market it's risky. The building is only worth 3million but would be purchased at 3.6million. KNB shared the purchase price will include a new HVAC system, but the cost is still a concern.
Fulk asked if KNB has support around this transaction. Canada and Whitmire have agreed to aid in this process.
KNB shared that TMT is paying CIES to support BCC in the purchase. CIES is pushing us to purchase. She also shared CSGF has funding available for school building purchases.
Fulk raised the question around if we are committed to staying in this location. KNB shared the upsides: location, Redline, Ivy Tech etc. KNB shared resources and emails with the entire board.
Whitmire asked who would be on the deed? CIES says we would be building equity. We would still be leasing the building. In 5 years, we would be able to refinance if we want. Whitmire: is there any language that does not allow them to nix us? Does it guarantee us the option to not stay?
Whitmire posed the question around the mechanisms behind the purchase. Charter school bond etc. Typically has to be a federal organization to access the bond. KNB shared she believes TMT or CIES received a large grant from the state for a large bond.
Whitmire has expressed he wants to get involved in the next meeting. KNB shared the stickiness includes the funds that Tindley owes Ivy Tech; TMT agreed to cover this and the HVAC system.
Canada expressed he is available to join the meeting as well. He echoed Whitmire’s words and urges the push for a deal. CIES isn’t concerned about the occupant -- they just want a tenet.
Bennin shared he is a happy to backchannel and offline conversation with Rosenberg. KNB will touch base with Rosenberg and add Canada, Whitmire, and Bennin.
Other High Level Items
-Preparing for hiring and enrollment. 1 hire has been made for chemistry which is traditionally hard to fill.
-KNB will share state of BELIEVE with the board
-We will receive the first 150k from CSGF soon. New stimulus package information is coming soon.
III. Principal's Report
Monthly Update
Anderson led Professional Development offerings for teachers. Teachers struggle with deadlines -- weekly memo responses and lesson plans. This PD session covered productivity and how to use their time wisely.
KNB shared the virtual/at home working has been difficult for teachers. KNB shared the semester grades have been difficult for teachers calculation wise. Our students are being held to much higher expectations -- on a traditional scale. Some schools are doing 1 grade/week and participation grades. KNB shared the importance of helping teachers understand the big picture down the line for students. Making sure they are set up for success.
Anderson shared the impact of virtual learning on GPAs. We have experienced a decline from Q1 to Q2. Anderson shared we decided to make all finals -- no harm. It would only count unless it boosted their grade. We are clear on the dip of GPAs and planning for the future in regards to virtual support.
KNB acknowledged that our boys are far behind female counterparts.
8 scholars started dual enrollment class Ivy Tech. 15% of the student body. Goal for next year is 30%. Marian program called today regarding partnership. Goal to have students start their next semester.
Informational observations occur weekly. Consensus around the city is no to formal observations. Anderson will conduct formal observations next week and will provide updates at the next board meeting.
Parent and Community Update
Purpose path meeting scheduled for Jan 25th-Feb 5th; pushing teachers on supports and providing plans for those meetings.
School Discipline
Biggest hurdle: is getting kids logged on
5 students attended Character Academy with Dean of Culture
Staff Culture → Looking into ways to engage outside of work day, morning and afternoon huddles, planning virtual game night
Hiring: Offer was extended to ESL candidate -- had to adjust the position to a contract
3 positions posted on indeed; 10 applications received on indeed and 7 TFA screenings; 2 interviews completed and 1 more tomorrow.
1st contract extended to Chemistry Teacher
Anderson shared we need ELL and SPED teacher; positions will be posted in the next week or so.
Glier raised the question around where we are within budget. KNB shared that we are under budget across the board. Lunch position/bus driver etc. All of these positions we intend to fill for next year.
Canada raised the question around boys who are not performing well -- is it a specific content class? Anderson shared it’s a problem of missing assignments. Courses that are lead in-person have lower grade rates. Online platforms are seeing best performance. Besel's village is struggling with holding accountable and connecting with students. Boys have more home obstacles and lack motivation and girls are more motivated and driven.
Canada raised the question around support and coaching for the newer, younger teacher. KNB shared he is getting a lot of support from internal and external supports. KNB shared the boys and girls village leader will be mixed to boost GPAs.
Turner raised the question around why are we pushing for ESL teacher if there are so many red flags. Anderson shared the push from IDOE for ELL/ESL supports and having unlicensed supports. Anderson shares she is concerned about the management side of this candidate.
IV. Information/Discussion
Board Recruitment
Board Recruitment: Goal to increase board membership was one of the Governance committee goals and overall board goal. Hughes worked on skillset areas and needs for the board.
Hughes shared prospective board candidates and the number of board members needed: 10-13 total. Criteria is mission alignment and strategic organization relationship -- need for higher education, butler/IUPUIrepresentation, Latinx representative.
Glier asked if all board members can make edits and adjustments to the document. Process wise: board members should identify potential candidates → initial conversation for fit with KNB, Glier, or Hughes.
Board Retreat
Board Retreat: Last board retreat was November 2019. Annual board retreat should fall in the first quarter of each calendar year. Glier is pushing for the designated time to discuss business.
Hughes shared the first windows of time in March and April to review Semester 1 Academic data and budget items. Whitmire shared March 5th would be too early for budget.
Board retreat scheduled for April 23rd for 1-5PM. April 21st meeting is moved to the board retreat to the 23rd. Board meeting part has to be public and the retreat can be private. Board meeting is scheduled for 12pm.
V. Committee Reports
Goals are in BOT and asked for all team members to review. Turner shared the goals/needs for our charter. Schedule training for academic oversight.
Development Committee Report
No major updates. Working to get a better schedule on track and updates on BOT. Working to recruit 3 new committee members. Hughes is working with Bennin to upload goals.
Finance Committee Report
Goals: Recruit new board members...Looking for people with school based knowledge and finance background. Financial dates calendar is underway -- budget approvals, count days, Form 9 submissions etc. Budget approval and adoption timeline by the end of March with BPI. We’ll need to vote on the budget in the April board meeting.
MW reviewed the controller’s report -- no major changes or dips in finance. MW highlighted that expenses outweigh our monthly incomes but with high funding we’re in a good spot. Biggest push has been around PPP loan repayment -- very low interest. Struggles are around having liabilities out there. Come to conclusion on what we want to do on this.
Governance Committee Report
Hughes covered most of his items already. Hughes noted he shared the overall calendar with the group and has requested other dates to be added to the calendar. Two planning goals: recruitment plan and process; board development strategy ongoing.
VI. Closing Items
Next meeting
Next meeting is 2/17 at 5PM.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:48 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
C. Glier