Prelude Prep
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Friday March 29, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Notice is hereby given that a board meeting is scheduled at 09:00 AM.
This Meeting will be held at Prelude Prep- 1707 Centennial Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78211.
Items will not necessarily be discussed or considered in the order they are printed on the
agenda below. If, during the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should
be held in an executive or closed session, the Board will convene in such executive or closed
session as permitted by and in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
During the meeting, the Board will consider, discuss, and may take action upon the following:
Directors Present
Dr. Denise Miner-Williams, Jennifer Paquette, John Sanchez, Kim Munoz
Directors Absent
Steve Viola
Guests Present
Lauren Lewis
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Record Attendance
Public Comments
Approve Minutes
II. New Business
Board discussions
1. Discussion on gaining new Board members. K. Munoz suggested contacting nearby businesses such at Steves and SAS for either Board members or contributions.
2. Goal agreed upon is to get two nominees in the next 90 days (EOM June).
3. J. Paquette, L. Lewis, and S. Sanchez will finalize both the Nominee and Sponsorship packets to present to the Board for voting at next Board meeting, which is rescheduled to 24 April to allow the packet to be ready.
III. Reports and Updates
Committee Reports
1. Academic Excellence: Dr. Miner-Williams stated that the MCLASS test scores are lower than our stated goals. Contributory factors are the wide achievement gaps in each grade. This has resulted in change in teaching strategies (more small groups, two teachers in a classroom). All staff (except front desk) are involved in hands-on teaching. In context, our District 5 is the lowest performing district in San Antonio, and our scores are not out of line with other schools in district.
-Last year we received Title I funding, this year our enrollment was 7 students short of meeting the 50% expansion for increased funding. Pre-registration for next year indicates a good increase in enrollment for extra funding.
Ms. Lewis clarified the difference between Classroom aides and Teacher Assistants. Some of the TAs have different qualifications and get a bit more salary. There was a discussion of formalizing the levels of teaching assistance personnel with job descriptions and a graduated pay structure. Ms. Lewis stated she could prepare this by the end of the year to be ready for implementation next year.
Perhaps a development goal could be to offer tuition assistance for those TAs to get their teaching credentials.
2. Finance has not met yet; documents were distributed to committee members.
3. Development: Plans are beginning for a Casino Night in September. This summer is the time to get names of people to invite, engage a venue, and provide a date. Ms. Lewis will get information on where parents work to Mr. Sanchez.
4. Governance: Ms. Lewis will compile all submissions to the Charter Promises document for presentation at the next Board meeting.
Superintendent's Report
1. City Education Partners has been invited to come to Prelude to see the learning taking place.
2. Teacher Appreciation week is May 6-10. The Board is invited to participate, especially in ways in which we can interact with the teachers and get to know them a bit.
3. The Rey Feo Court will be at Prelude on April 19. The students' float parade will bethe same day and parents are invited to the event.
Board Training
1. Ms. Munoz and Mr. Sanchez are in need of completing their annual training.
2. There are technical difficulties with the Google sheet training log. Ms. Paquette will look at fixing the log.
IV. Closing Items
Call for Agenda Items
Please send items fo next meeting agenda to Ms. Munoz.
Recited by board