Prelude Prep

Prelude Prep Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 2, 2021 at 6:30 PM CST


Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting is scheduled at 6:30 PM.
This Meeting will be conducted by telephone conference in accordance with the Governor’s
authorization concerning the suspension of certain open meeting law requirements for COVID-19.

 Requests to provide public comment must be submitted by 12:00 pm, March 1st to During the meeting, the Board will consider, discuss, and may take action upon the following:


I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Pledge of Allegiance
  C. Record Attendance
  D. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on February 2, 2021
  E. Public Comment
II. CEO Updates
  A. Marketing Presentation with David Voss of David Voss and Associates
  B. Finance
  C. RFQ Recommendation
  D. Prelude Teacher Salary Scales
III. Executive Session
  A. Facilities Acquisition
  • Sec. 551.072 Discussions about the value or transfer of real property
IV. New Business
  A. Possible Action regarding the engagement with Garza, Bomberger and Associates
  B. Possible Action regarding the purchase of the Property at 1707 Centennial Blvd
  C. Possible Action regarding the 2021-2022 Teacher Salary Scale
V. Closing Items
  A. Call for Agenda Items
  B. Adjourn Meeting