Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 26, 2015 at 6:00 PM


YPI Valley Public Charter High School - 12513 Gain Street, Pacoima CA 91331

Trustees Present

A. Reza, G. Straub, J. Lucente, M. Keipp

Trustees Absent

C. Vaquerano, J. Williams, S. Mendoza

Guests Present

C. Harvey, I. Castillo, K. Myers, L. Simonsen, R. Duenas, R. Ruiz, Y. King-Berg, Y. Zubia

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Straub called a meeting of the board of trustees of Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS) to order on Monday Oct 26, 2015 at 6:30 PM.
Board members Carlos Vaquero and Jonathan Williams called in as guests.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approve Minutes from September 28, 2015

J. Lucente made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 09-28-15 Board Meeting on 09-28-15.
A. Reza seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board President, Gene Straub - Aye, Board Treasurer, Joe Lucente - Aye, Board Member, Mary Keipp - Aye, and Board Member, Alex Reza – Aye.

II. Communications


Presentations From The Public

There were no presentations from the public.

III. Academic Achievement


Director of Academic Achievement's Report

On October 6, 2015 YPICS hosted a townhall meeting at Berendo Middle School on Common Core Standards. The meeting was open to parents, Berendo and the community. The Director's full report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.


Director of Special Education's Report

The Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.

IV. Finance


Review and Approve YPI Charter Schools' July 2015 Financials

M. Keipp made a motion to approve the July 2015 financials for YPI Charter Schools including a review of the schools’ check registers and financial ledgers as submitted.
J. Lucente seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board President, Gene Straub - Aye, Board Treasurer, Joe Lucente - Aye, Board Member, Mary Keipp - Aye, and Board Member, Alex Reza – Aye.


Review and Approve YPI Charter Schools' August 2015 Financials

M. Keipp made a motion to approve the August 2015 financials for YPI Charter Schools including a review of the schools’ check registers and financial ledgers as submitted.
J. Lucente seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board President, Gene Straub - Aye, Board Treasurer, Joe Lucente - Aye, Board Member, Mary Keipp - Aye, and Board Member, Alex Reza – Aye.


Review and Approve YPI Charter Schools' September 2015 Financials

The September 2015 financials were moved to the following meeting.


Teacher Effectiveness Funding Expenditure Plan BCCS

The Educator Effectiveness funding is available to county offices of education, school districts, charter schools (both direct and locally funded), and state special schools that reported full-time equivalent (FTE) certificated staff in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) for the 2014–15 fiscal year (FY). Funds are specifically to be used for professional development, coaching, and support services. There are conditions of funding, described on the Educator Effectiveness Web page, which include developing a local plan and submitting expenditure information in the future.
AB 104, Section 58 and SB 103, Section 8 appropriate $490,000,000 for the Educator Effectiveness program in FY 2015–16. The funds can be used for the following purposes:

  • Beginning teacher and administrator support and mentoring, including, but not limited to, programs that support new teacher and administrator ability to teach or lead effectively and to meet induction requirements adopted by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and pursuant to Section 44259 of the California Education Code (EC).
  • Professional development, coaching, and support services for teachers who have been identified as needing improvement or additional support by LEAs.
  • Professional development for teachers and administrators that is aligned to the state content standards adopted pursuant to sections 51226, 60605, 60605.1, 60605.2, 60605.3, 60605.8, 60605.11, 60605.85, as that Section read on June 30, 2014, and 60811.3, as that Section read on June 30, 2013, of the EC.
  • To promote educator quality and effectiveness, including, but not limited to, training on mentoring and coaching certificated staff and training certificated staff to support effective teaching and learning.

The board reviewed the paln and will approve at the next board meeting.


Teacher Effectiveness Funding Expenditure Plan MORCS

The board reviewed the paln and will approve at the next board meeting.

V. Open Session


Board Review of Comparable Compensation Date for Charter School Executive Directors/CEOs

Board Chair, Gene Straub presented comparable compensations for executive directors at similar schools. Compensation ranged from $100,000's to $250,000 with the average being misleading. YPICS' Executive Director's compensation for 2014 - 2015 was $162,000. The proposed salary of $175,286 was in line with the incremental increases for all staff - 4% increase (same as LAUSD) and a 4% returning bonus.
J. Lucente made a motion to approve Regina King-Berg's compensation of $175,286.00 for fiscal year 2015-2016.
M. Keipp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board President, Gene Straub - Aye, Board Treasurer, Joe Lucente - Aye, Board Member, Mary Keipp - Aye, and Board Member, Alex Reza – Aye.

VI. Closed Session


Public Employment Title: Executive Director

The board did not go into closed session.

VII. Governance


YPI Valley Public Charter High School Name Change

During the development of the YPI Valley Public Charter High School Charter Petition,  a place holder name was provided (YPI Valley Public Charter High School).  The parents were never committed to that name, however, to identify it as separate and different, the place holder name remained. However, in the community families and students have continued to call the school Bert Corona High School.  The outreach team used the petition name during the enrollment process and families did not make the connection to YPI Valley Public Charter High School but continues to make the connection to Bert Corona High School.  The CSD also has a concern about the school name.  The school staff met with parents during back to school night to discuss the concern.  Parents articulated that they are know that the legal name is YPI Valley Public Charter High School, however, they will still refer to the school with their children and friends as Bert Corona Charter High School.  Senior Staff is recommending that we officially change the name to Bert Corona Charter School.  

The board discussed the recommendation and concluded the following:

Continue to use the legal name for Official Business, however we will note that we are also known as(AKA) Bert Corona Charter School.  In order not to disrupt business and not to distract the school n the early stages of development we are directing staff to continue to focus on school enrollment and start up items.   We will investigate the best timing of the year to rename the organization during the Spring of 2016. The goal is to have the least impact on the school business operations. 

VIII. Lead Administrator Reports


Director of Operation's Report - BCCS

The Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.


Director of Operation's Report - MORCS

The Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.


Director of Instruction's Report - YPIVPCHS

The Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.

IX. Directors' Reports


Director of Technology's Report

The YPICS internet infrastructure has been upgraded and the wifi organized. Monsenor's move saved YPICS money as YPICS is able to use Berendo's resources. The Director's full report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.


Director of Marketing's Report

For the past two months Mr. Ruiz' focus has been on marketing for the high schools from flyers and banners to designing the high school mascot's logo. The Director's full report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.


Director of School Culture and Climate's Report

The Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.

X. Chief Operations Officer's Report


COO's October 2015 Report

The Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.

XI. Executive Director's Report


Executive Director's Report

The Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack.

XII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Y. Zubia