Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)


YPICS Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday December 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM


10660 White Oak Avenue, Suite B101

Granada Hills, CA 91344

The meeting will be held at YPI Charter Schools Learning and Support Center.

10660 White Oak Avenue, Suite B101

Granada Hills, CA 91344 


The Public may also access the live stream of the meeting at any of the four (4) YPICS  locations or via the Zoom link below:


Presentations from the Public can only be made at one of the four YPICS locations listed.

YPI Charter Schools

Learning and Support Center

10660 White Oak Avenue, Suite B101

Granada Hills, CA 91344


Bert Corona Charter School

9400 Remick Avenue Pacoima, CA 91331


Bert Corona Charter High School

12513 Gain Street Pacoima, CA 91331


Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School

2670 W. 11th Street Los Angeles, CA 90006


10660 White Oak Avenue, Suite B101

Granada Hills, CA 91344

Trustees Present

C. Lopez, M. Green, M. Keipp, W. Njboke

Trustees Absent

D. Cho, S. Mendoza

Guests Present

E. LaVan (remote), F. Zepeda, I. Castillo, J. Osorio, K. Myers, R. Bradford, R. Duenas, Y. King-Berg, Y. Zubia (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Y. Zubia called a meeting of the board of trustees of Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS) to order on Monday Dec 11, 2023 at 6:09 PM.


Additions/Corrections to Agenda

M. Green made a motion to remove Section IV. Item D. - Audit from the agenda.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of October 30, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the minutes from YPICS Regular Board Meeting on 10-30-23.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Communications


Presentations from the Public

There were no presentations from the Public.

III. Items Scheduled for Information


Williams Update

All three YPICS schools were selected for the Williams audit in the sufficiency of instructional materials and a facilities audit.  All three schools are in good standing for the sufficiency of instructional materials and reasonable facilities.  The high school had a few items that needed to be addressed.  LAUSD was present during the walk-through and is working on following up with the items identified by LACOE staff as needing attention.  Overall, both visits to each school went well.


1st Quarter Report on Uniform Complaint 203-24

There were no complaints about title programs per quarter. Reported to LACOE, no complaints have been filed.


Board Committee Reports

Boaar Academic Chair Lopez reported that the Academic Committee met during the Board Retreat in September. Plans were reviewed and critiqued and will continue to be updated as new data is available. A community Data Wallk for All school leaders is scheduled for January 5, 2024. The following Academic meeting is scheduled for 2/5/24. We will review an updated plan based on the second interim assessment.

Board Treasurer Green reported that the fiscal committee is pleased that all transfers of deposits are back with PWB. They reviewed the first interim reports and recommended to the entire board that the Executive Director open a CD for up to  $300,000.

Technology Committee Chairman Cho reported that the implementation of the second authentication measure and the Ring Central Program for YPICS are going well.


School Committee/ Council Reports


Bert Corona Executive Administrator's Report

The Bert Corona Executive Administrator Provided a full academic report, which included a status report on items such as suspension, attendance, SBAC Data, iReaady baseline data, and the action plan for improvement.


Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School Executive Administrator's Report

Monsenor Oscar Romero, Executive Administrator, Provided a full academic report, which included a status report on items such as suspension, attendance, SBAC Data, iReaady baseline data, and the action plan for improvement.


Bert Corona Charter High School/ COO's Report

The Bert Corona  Charter High Executive Administrator/COO Provided a full academic report, which included a status report on items such as suspension, attendance, SBAC Data, iReaady baseline data, and the action plan for improvement.


YPICS Senior Director of Community Schools' Report

Integrated Student Supports 


● Each school site has or will hire a Youth Mentor to support a caseload of 15-20 students chronically absent. Providing 1:1 mentoring and support sessions for students as well as group enrichment activities. ○ Youth Mentors have started working at BCCS and BCCHS ○ We have identified a candidate for MORCS and will be making an offer ○ Currently working on the Youth Mentor Service Plan - to support clarity on role and task 

● Developing and expanding college going cultures ○ College & Career Director implementing workshops for parents ○ High School - College Visits 

● Improving MTSS ○ Implementing MTSS meetings at each campus ○ Defining team roles ○ Gearing up to utilize Panorama data system 

● Counseling supports: ○ Luminarias counseling services ○ Interns across all schools 


Schools submitted applications for the REACH funding opportunity:


YPICS Chief Accountability Officer's Report

The CA School Dashboard Preview The 2023 Dashboard will be publicly released on Friday, December 15, 2023. We have been in “private preview” since November 14, 2023. As part of the embargo, we may only present the data for the three LEAs until the public release. Local Indicators: All schools are showing “standard met” for the following indicators 


● Basics: Teachers, Instructional Materials & Facilities (LCFF Priority 1)

● Implementation of Academic Standards (LCFF Priority 2) 

● Parent and Family Engagement (LCFF Priorities 3 & 5) 

● Local Climate Survey (LCFF Priority 6) 

● Access to a Broad Course of Study (LCFF Priority 7)

Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) Updates The State Board of Education approved a new template in November to be used for the LCAP beginning this spring.There have been several changes to avoid redundancies contained in the previous template. Substantive changes have been made in the guidance for LEAs in the development of the new plan for 2024:

● Plan is to be developed as a three-year strategic plan 

● Goals and actions are to remain unchanged for the duration (2024-2027) 

● Student group(s) identified on the 2023 Dashboard are to be addressed in the 24-25 plan, and will remain unchanged for the duration of the plan 

We also expect the CDE to release the list of LEAs identified for Differentiated Assistance (DA) when the Dashboard goes public next week. This will also be a crucial factor in development of the schools’ coming LCAPs


YPICS Executive Director's Report

YPICS has been focused on working with the audit firm to complete the audit on time.  Please be aware that some additional testing for leases (new legislation is extending the audit process this year.

All schools are working on implementing their academic action plans and completing SARC reports to be ready for posting by the legislative deadline 2/1/2024.

IV. Items Scheduled For Action


LAUSD Certification of Board Compliance Review

M. Green made a motion to approve the LAUSD Certifications of Board Compliance for Bert Corona Charter School, Monsenor Oscar Romero Charter School, and Bert Corona Charter High School.
C. Lopez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the School Accountability Report Cards for Bert Corona Charter School, Monsenor Oscar Romero Charter School, and Bert Corona Charter High School.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY23-24 YPICS October Financials and Check Registers

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the FY23-24 YPICS October financials and check registers as submitted.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY22-23 Audit

This item will be returned to the YPICS Board at the next meeting.


FY23-24 1st Interim Reports

M. Green made a motion to approve the FY23-24 1st Interim Reports.
C. Lopez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Ratify Vendor Schedule of Agreements

M. Green made a motion to ratify the vendor schedule of payments for the last six months.
C. Lopez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Opening Certificate of Deposit Up to $300,000.00

C. Lopez made a motion to approving opening a Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $300,000.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Narcon Policy Addition to the Safety Plan

C. Lopez made a motion to approve adding the Narcon policy to the School Safety Plan.
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Handwriting Policy for 6th Grade Instruction

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the Handwriting Policy for 6th grade instruction.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closed Session


Government Code: Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal Release

The Board of Trustees moved into Closed Session at 7:16 PM.

VI. Open Session


Action Taken in Closed Session

The Board of Trustees reconvened Open Session at 7:22 PM.


Board Chair, Mary Keipp reported out no action was taken during closed session.

VII. Announcements


Closing Announcements

The next regular board meeting will be held on Monday, February 5, 2023.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Y. Zubia
Documents used during the meeting