Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)


YPICS Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 31, 2022 at 6:00 PM


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Trustees Present

C. Lopez (remote), D. Cho (remote), M. Green (remote), M. Keipp (remote), S. Mendoza, W. Njboke (remote)

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

S. Mendoza

Guests Present

F. Zepeda (remote), I. Castillo (remote), R. Duenas (remote), Y. King-Berg (remote), Y. Zubia (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Keipp called a meeting of the board of trustees of Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS) to order on Monday Oct 31, 2022 at 6:00 PM.


Approval of Board Findings relating to Teleconference Meetings During State of Emergency

M. Green made a motion to continue teleconference meeting for the next 30 days pursuant to Government Code 54953(e)(1).
C. Lopez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Lopez
M. Green
D. Cho
S. Mendoza
M. Keipp
W. Njboke


Additions/Corrections to Agenda

The Board chose to review action items first and then followed by the informational items.


Approval of September 26, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

W. Njboke made a motion to approve the minutes from YPICS Regular Board Meeting on 09-26-22.
C. Lopez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Njboke
S. Mendoza
C. Lopez
D. Cho
M. Keipp
M. Green

II. Communications


Presentations from the Public

There were no communication nor presentations from the Public.

III. Consent Agenda


A. Background


Consent Items

There were no consent agenda items to be reviewed.

IV. Items Scheduled For Action


Receive, review, discuss and file 21-22 LAUSD Oversight Visit Reports for BCCS, MORCS, and BCCHS.

C. Lopez made a motion to approve and file the 21-22SY LAUSD Oversight Visit reports for BCCS, MORCS, and BCCHS after reviewing and discussing the reports with the Board.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Lopez
M. Keipp
M. Green
D. Cho
S. Mendoza
W. Njboke


Board Policy: Administering Medication & Monitoring Health Conditions (Naloxone and Epinephrine Auto Injectors)

S. Mendoza arrived.
C. Lopez made a motion to approve Board Policy: Administering Medication & Monitoring Health Conditions.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Lopez
M. Keipp
S. Mendoza
D. Cho
M. Green
W. Njboke

The YPI Charter Schools (YPICS) Board believes that regular school attendance is critical to student learning and that students who need to take medication prescribed or ordered for them by their authorized health care providers should be able to participate in the educational program. 


The Executive Director or designee shall make epinephrine auto-injectors available at each school for providing emergency medical aid to any person suffering, or reasonably believed to be suffering, from an anaphylactic reaction. (Education Code 49414) 


The Executive Director or designee or any trained YPICS staff member shall make naloxone hydrochloride or another opioid antagonist available for emergency medical aid to any person suffering, or reasonably believed to be suffering, from an opioid overdose. (Education Code 49414.3) Executive Director or designee shall train and distribute Narcan Kits to YPICS staff and replace if used or expired. 


Approval of EL Plans for Bert Corona Charter School, Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School, and Bert Corona Charter High School

S. Mendoza made a motion to approve the EL plans for BCCS, MORCS, and BCCHS.
C. Lopez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Green
W. Njboke
D. Cho
M. Keipp
C. Lopez
S. Mendoza


BCCS Local Assignment Option and BCCS Provisional Internship Permit for Staff

In accordance with Ed Code (§44258.2) the Board delegates to the Principal/Ex. Dir. the authority to employ the holder of a single subject teaching credential, with his or her consent, to teach classes in grades 6 to 8, inclusive, in a YPICS middle school, if he or she has a minimum of 12 semester units, or six upper division or graduate units, of coursework at an accredited institution in the subject to which he or she is assigned. And also in accordance with EC §44256(b) the Board delegates to the principal and the Ex. Dir. the authority to employ holder of a multiple subject teaching credential to teach any subject in departmentalized classes to a given class or group of students below grade 9, provided that the teacher has completed at least 12 semester units, or six upper division or graduate units, of coursework at an accredited institution in each subject to be taught. Such assignment shall be with the teacher's consent.

M. Green made a motion to approve applying for a Provisional Internship Permit for Alberto Castrellon to teach 8th grade math and to approve a Local Assignment Option allowing Christina Luc, a multiple subject holder, to teach Mathematics for the 2022-23 school year.
C. Lopez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Green
D. Cho
S. Mendoza
C. Lopez
W. Njboke
M. Keipp


Think Together Updated ASES MOU for Bert Corona Charter School and Monseñor Oscar Romero School

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the updated ASES MOU for Bert Corona Charter School and Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School.
D. Cho seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mendoza
W. Njboke
D. Cho
M. Keipp
C. Lopez
M. Green


Contracts and Purchases Above Spending Authority of the Executive Director

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the Luminarias contract for SY22-23 and the Ellevation contract.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mendoza
M. Green
C. Lopez
D. Cho
W. Njboke
M. Keipp


Updated YPICS Fiscal Policies and Procedures

S. Mendoza made a motion to approve the updated Fiscal Policies and Procedures.
D. Cho seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Lopez
M. Keipp
S. Mendoza
M. Green
W. Njboke
D. Cho


FY22-23 YPICS September Financials

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the September 2022 financials and check registers as submitted.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Keipp
M. Green
C. Lopez
W. Njboke
S. Mendoza
D. Cho

V. Items Scheduled for Information


Bert Corona Executive Administrator's Report

Parent conferences were a big win for us this year. 92% of our families came out to participate and to spend time with our teachers and staff. During this time, our parents were able to connect with their childrens’ teachers and to gain a better understanding of the expectations for learning and behavior at our school. 


Trunk-or-Treat This year marked our 5th annual Trunk-or-Treat event. We had hundreds of participants and guests, and everyone enjoyed trick-or-treating, dancing, music, our favorite taquero, and even a surprise performance from Ballet Folklorico Ollin. Our high school staff and students joined in with two cars this year, and they brought some spooky art to add to the decor (Thanks, Mr. Benavides!) This event is quickly becoming one of BCCS’s favorite traditions. 


Data (Houghton Mifflin Reading Inventory: At the beginning of October, our 107 ELs all took the HMRI, and 31 of those students have already passed the assessment this year! Our EL teacher and tutors will continue to provide support to all ELs throughout the day, but this group of students will be our target group for tutoring, Saturday academy, and ongoing supports. If we could have all these students reclassify this year, we would have a reclassification rate of 29%! 


Monseñor Oscar Romero Executive Administrator's Report

Semester 1 at MORCS is off to a great start so far
During summer TPD, teachers worked hard to prepare for the year, and it is now showing as they are delivering lessons that are rigorous and engaging. Our athletics program is off to a strong start, with our Girls Volleyball team performing well and on the brink of making playoffs; Flag Football has also picked up and our team has had back-to-back wins. Our ELOP program implementation has had a strong start with student and staff buy-in. Our Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) has been able to provide meaningful and relevant professional development, with teachers stepping up and leading sessions to help their colleagues grow professionally. Our School Culture and Climate team has been responding to student and staff needs and providing support where needed (zero out of school suspensions so far!). Overall, our team has played their part in making sure that we provide an environment that is safe and promotes opportunities for growth for staff and students. 


Benchmark Data
Our iReady Diagnostic data is attached for your reference. Overall, there is a lot of room for growth. In an effort to plan and prepare interventions, our teachers engaged in a Data Driven Dialogue PD on September 12, 2022, where they reviewed their student’s PLOP using iReady D1 data and created grade level goals to help target any learning gaps that they identified. Our next diagnostic starts on the week of November 28th. 


Bert Corona Charter High School Executive Administrator's Report

Mr. Ruben Dueñas has been serving as the Interim Executive Administrator since October 10, 2022. He will take over the leadership of Bert Corona Charter High School for Mr. Larry Simonsen who has decided to pursue other opportunities for personal reasons. 

Mr. Dueñas has been working for YPI Charter Schools in various capacities for the past 16 years. He has served as Principal and Executive Administrator of Bert Corona Charter (Middle) School, and as the Chief Operations Officer of YPI Charter Schools. As Chief Operations Officer, he helped to open BCCHS. While serving as the Interim Executive Administrator for BCCHS, Mr. Dueñas will continue with his responsibilities as Chief Operations Officer for YPICS. 

Project Based Learning (PBL) Classes have begun. By working on these projects, students will continue their growth in mastering critical college and career readiness skills. Students will be engaged in research, interacting with experts in the eld, eld trips, making presentations, community service, and most importantly, reflection. Project Class teachers will use the VALUE learning outcomes to evaluate student growth. Students’ projects will cover topics such as environment health, art, homelessness, animal rights, voting rights, & etc. We cannot wait to see what solutions our students discover and implement. 


Chief Operation Officer's Report

The report was made available to the Board of Trustees.


Executive Director's Report

Earlier this month, the California State Board of Education (SBE) approved the continued use of the adjusted form blueprints for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Mathematics for the 2022–23 administration and subsequent years.
State officials stressed that the current state budget alone includes more $12 billion in one-time and ongoing funding that districts can use to remediate or accelerate learning and for mental health. This includes $7.9 billion in a Learning Recovery Block Grant, tied to a district’s proportion of low-income students, and $4 billion for low-income districts to add three hours per day for after-school learning and six weeks of added learning. In addition, they have $15.3 billion that Congress funded through 2024 under the American Relief Plan Act.


YPICS Total Professional Development Days:
All three schools’ teachers, administrators, and staff members participated in two-days of total professional development (instruction, climate and culture, and operations) on October 24th-25th.  Day 1 focused on equity as it shows up in outcomes.  YPICS reviewed all data, SBAC, grades, attendance (absenteeism & perfect attendance).  Each department created smart goals and created action plans which will be used reviewed during the next TPD Equity Pause day;  January 9, 2023.  Day 2 focused on instructional strategies that work.  Teacher participants had an opportunity  to choose sessions to enhance their practice.  YPICS Operations Teams had an opportunity to further develop their plans to increase attendance and enrollment.  Finally, the School Climate and Culture Teams were trained in NCIS to better prepare to deescalate challenging behaviors on campus. 

VI. Closed Session



The Board chose to move Closed Session to a future board meeting.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Y. Zubia