Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)


YPICS Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday December 6, 2021 at 6:00 PM


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Trustees Present

C. Lopez (remote), D. Cho (remote), M. Green (remote), M. Keipp (remote)

Trustees Absent

S. Mendoza, W. Njboke

Guests Present

I. Castillo (remote), K. Myers (remote), L. Simonsen (remote), R. Duenas (remote), Y. King-Berg (remote), Y. Zubia (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Keipp called a meeting of the board of trustees of Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS) to order on Monday Dec 6, 2021 at 6:06 PM.


Additions/Corrections to Agenda

There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.


Approval of November 15, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

M. Green made a motion to approve the minutes from YPICS Regular Board Meeting on 11-15-21.
C. Lopez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Keipp
M. Green
C. Lopez
W. Njboke
S. Mendoza
D. Cho


Approval of November 15, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

No action taken.  These minutes will be presented at the next Fiscal Committee meeting.

II. Communications


Presentations from the Public

There were no presentations from the Public.


Modified Meeting Procedures During COVID-19 Pandemic

III. Items Scheduled For Information


School Committee/ Council Reports

Each school held site council meetings to review their effectiveness plans.


Board Committee Reports

Fiscal Committee:
The committee met on November 15, 2021 to discuss financials and a proposal for pandemic stipends.  The committee is recommending approving the financials and the pandemic stipends.


Academic Excellence Committee:
The committee will be meeting on January 24, 2022.


Bert Corona Executive Administrator Report

EL Support Plan: 

We were fortunate to have Elizabeth Jimenez, professor at the University of Hawaii and EL expert, visit our campus last week. She walked through classes and shared her insight about how we can improve our practice to meet the needs of English learners, and she helped our leadership team develop an approach for professional development for the second semester that will help our teachers improve their overall practice in support of ELs. 


Benchmark Testing (iReady): Benchmark testing will be taking place the week of December 6th. We are eager to see how our students have grown over the last few months and we are excited to have our data so we can start making plans for second semester. Generally speaking, our students should be about 50% on the way to their typical growth for the year, or 50% on the way to their stretch growth (depending on the goals they set with their teachers). Once we have our data, we will be analyzing it with our teams, and we will setting goals, benchmarks, and strategies for learning in the second semester. We will also use this data to inform our planning for PD so we can meet the needs of all of our teachers, leading to better instruction for all of our students. 


Teacher Support and Areas of Focus: Research shows that instructional support is best accomplished by a team of people rather than just one individual. This year at BCCS, we have 6 people providing support to our teachers so we can meet the needs of our teachers while also pushing the growth we need to see this year. While our goal is for all students to grow, our focus is to see growth for our subgroup populations as well. 

The rest of the Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack. The director was also in attendance and available to respond to any board member inquiries. 


The Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack. The director was also in attendance and available to respond to any board member inquiries.


Monsenor Oscar Romero Executive Administrator Report

Parent Partnerships

MORCS hosted High School Choice night on November 17th, 2021! We invited the following neighborhood high schools to present the highlights of their respective programs with 8th grade students and families so that they can make informed decisions on where to attend high school. MORCS also hosted a meeting with parents on November 23rd to remind them about vaccination expectations, to update them on current vaccination data at MORCS, and to provide information about what Independent study programs look like.


Academic Update

i-Ready testing The window for the second diagnostic for iReady reading and math has opened this week 12/6/2022. We look forward to analyzing the data with the students, parents, staff, and board! Results will be provided to the YPICS Academic Excellence in January.

Professional Development 

Teachers are currently participating in a Professional Development Cycle centered around checks for understanding. Using resources from Teach Like a Champion and Get Better Faster, teachers are engaging in critical friends groups in order to discuss and plan ways of more effectively and expediently getting a snapshot of how well the entire class (as well as individual students) are progressing towards mastery of the learning objective. Paired with the previous area of Professional Development focus, exemplars, we are equipping the teaching staff to set and communicate high academic expectations and then accurately assess how the class is progressing towards these learning goals.

The rest of the Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack. The director was also in attendance and available to respond to any board member inquiries. 


Bert Corona Charter High School Executive Administrator Report


College Applications  All eligible BCCHS students who qualified for admission to UC or CSU institutions have completed the application process. Application to the CA Community College System as well as private universities through the Common App will begin in January. 


Homecoming BCCHS held its first Homecoming Dance in 2 years on Friday, November 19th. Students and staff joined their efforts to produce a fun and artistically rich evening. There were beautiful decorations, great food, and photography that will provide memories for a lifetime. 


Service Learning Projects One of the hallmarks of YPICS schools is project-based service learning. BCCHS has never implemented this hallmark consistently and universally as an expected schoolwide learner result, until now. We have taken staff and students through a process of exploration and training so as to prepare them for a semester of service-learning PBL projects that should result in students making a difference in their community on many fronts. All students will be programmed into a course called “projects” for the second semester. It will have a bearing on their cumulative GPA, it will be team taught, and it will be student-driven. 


Reading Intervention 10% of our student body has had the opportunity to work in small groups with a K-12 literacy specialist for 3 full months of the first semester. This week we will administer the MAPS academic progress exams, and hopefully gain some insight into how exactly these students have grown in their capacity to tackle grade-level reading tasks, both fiction and expository text. It should be an encouraging report card!

The Director's report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack. The director was also in attendance and available to respond to any board member inquiries. 


Chief Operations Officer Report

COVID-19 Response 

COVID-19 Testing, Positivity, Quarantine Data The schools continue to have zero spread on campus. The testing data below is from July 10 to November 26, 2021. School Spread 0 Student COVID Tests 13704 Staff COVID Tests 1855 Total # COVID Tests 15559 Valid Test Results 15408 99.03% Positive Test Results 25 0.16% Positive Test by an Outside Provider 7 Total Positive Cases 32 Students Quarantined 88 Staff Quarantined 10 Total Quarantined 98.


BCCS Lease Negotiations Update Staff has been negotiating with the San Fernando Valley Japanese American Community Center (JACC) leads for the past year. JACC Board review on November 2nd. Final offer Specific details of the final offer will be discussed in a closed session of the next board meeting. 


MORCS Maintenance and Operations Repairs: The community is accessing the outdoor space by reaching through and/or cutting the fence. Staff has reached out to the District for support for repairs of the fence. Just recently the District installed a metal grill above the gate handles to help alleviate the cuts in the fence. Maintenance and Operations Agreement Renewal MORCS has a 3-year M&O agreement with the LAUSD. January 2022 will be the end of the 3-year agreement. We can renew the agreement or end it and take on Maintenance and Operations. 


Professional Development Operations 

After a significant break in programming due to the pandemic, our operations team will be re-examining our Parent Engagement Vision, Goals, and Objectives to develop a new plan with new and continuing resources. The plan will be developed with a renewed commitment to our Community Schools Model. 


Infinite Campus 

Staff has had challenges making the transition from Illuminate to Infinite Campus. Change is difficult and the two systems are different. Staff has access to a knowledge base, training video library, status calls on Tuesdays with IC staff, in addition to our initial one week of training. 


The full COO report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack. The COO was also in attendance and available to respond to any board member inquiries. 


Executive Director's Report

SBE Approves Revised LCAP Template 

November 23, 2021 On Tuesday, November 23, 2021, the California Department of Education released the revised template and instructions for the 2022-23 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the template and instructions for the Supplement for the Annual Update to the 2021-22 LCAP (Supplement). Both of the templates were approved by the State Board of Education (SBE) at its November 3, 2021 meeting.



Vaccination Policy for All LAUSD Charters: Last week 11/22/21, UTLA called for the Board to introduce a vaccination mandate for all charter school staff and students authorized by LAUSD, including those on private sites. Board Members Goldberg and Schmerelson requested the Interim Superintendent work with the District General Counsel to develop a proposal for the Board to consider in December.


Vaccination Status


All adults and employees working on YPICS facilities are currently vaccinated. Currently, because of Prop 39 and the LAUSD Collocated vaccination Mandate, our vaccination policy mirror’s the LAUSD policy. Teachers and staff have begun to receive the booster vaccines. We are highly encouraging YPICS Staff to obtain the booster shots. At this time, they are not mandated but highly encouraged. YPICS continue to follow all public health guidelines and laws to ensure the safety of our students and staff. 


LAUSD Oversight Visits 2021-22 


The CSD will be conducting oversight visits this year in two days. Listed below are the YPICS scheduled dates. The Executive Administrators and YPICS Teams are working hard to ensure that they are complying with all the regularly scheduled updates this year. Most of all ensuring that all YPICS Scholars have what they need, both emotionally and academically, to be successful in school. The visits are scheduled as follows: Bert Corona Charter School April 27th& April 29th, Bert Corona Charter High School April 27th & April 29th, and Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School May 18th & May 20th.


The full ED report is uploaded and available on BoardOnTrack. The COO was also in attendance and available to respond to any board member inquiries. 

IV. Items Scheduled For Action


Recommendation to Approve Continued Membership in California Charter Schools Association

C. Lopez made a motion to add the commitment of the YPICS Board to continued membership in CCSA knowing the prices will significantly increase for the 2022- 2023 school year.
D. Cho seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Cho
C. Lopez
S. Mendoza
M. Green
W. Njboke
M. Keipp


Recommendation to approve revised YPICS Youth Suicide Prevention Policy

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the revised YPICS Youth Suicide Prevention Policy.
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Green
D. Cho
W. Njboke
M. Keipp
C. Lopez
S. Mendoza


Recommendation to approve the 2021-2022 Educator Effectiveness Funding and Expenditure Plans for Bert Corona Charter School, Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School, and Bert Corona Charter High School as submitted.

M. Green made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 Educator Effectiveness Funding and Expenditure plans.
D. Cho seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Keipp
C. Lopez
W. Njboke
M. Green
S. Mendoza
D. Cho


Recommendation to approve the First Interim Report

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the October 2021 financials and the First Interim reports.
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Cho
C. Lopez
M. Green
M. Keipp
W. Njboke
S. Mendoza


Recommendation to certify LAUSD Certification of Board Compliance Review

M. Green made a motion to approve certifying the LAUSD Certification of Board Compliance Review.
D. Cho seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Lopez
M. Keipp
W. Njboke
S. Mendoza
D. Cho
M. Green


Recommendation to Approve COVID-19 Sick Day Bank

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the recommended temporary YPICS COVID-19 Sick Day bank.
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Green
C. Lopez
W. Njboke
D. Cho
S. Mendoza
M. Keipp


Recommendation to Approve Pandemic Stipends

M. Green made a motion to approve the recommended pandemic stipends for staff.
D. Cho seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Cho
W. Njboke
C. Lopez
M. Keipp
M. Green
S. Mendoza


Recommendation to Approve Board Resolution #2021-10: Teleconference Board Meeting and the January 2022 YPICS Meeting to be held via Teleconference.

C. Lopez made a motion to approve Board Resolution #2021-10 which states Resolution of the Board of Directors of YPI Charter Schools for the teleconference board meeting pursuant to special board rules in Government Code Section 54953(e) and approve the January 2021 meeting to be held via teleconference.
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Cho
W. Njboke
S. Mendoza
M. Green
M. Keipp
C. Lopez

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Y. Zubia