Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)


YPICS Board Data Retreat and Board Meeting

Date and Time

Saturday September 18, 2021 at 9:00 AM


The Board Data Retreat and the Board Meeting will be held virtually via Google Meet. 

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The Board Data Retreat will be in session from 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM and the Regular Board Meeting will follow from 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM.

Trustees Present

C. Lopez (remote), D. Cho (remote), M. Green (remote), M. Keipp (remote), S. Mendoza (remote), W. Njboke (remote)

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

Y. King-Berg (remote), Y. Zubia

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Keipp called a meeting to order on Saturday Sep 18, 2021 at 9:09 AM.

II. Introductions


Welcome Check-In

Board Chair Keipp Opened the Meeting and Invited anyone from the Public to address any item on the agenda. Unfortunately, there were no members from the Public.


Innovare Visualization & Data Tracking with YPICS Board Dashboards

Board Members and the Executive Team shared their vision, hopes, and dreams for this year.  They expect that YPICS will continue to prioritize the whole child.  For example, increasing academic outcomes is a must and supporting scholars through Social Emotional Learning/Counseling.  They desire that the technology strategies learned during distance learning be utilized for in-person instruction and school community parent communications.  The Board wants the schools to ensure that there are multiple opportunities and pathways for students to receive counseling and a feedback loop for students to use their voices to problem-solve.  Support teachers and staff so that every scholar every day is provided grade-level work and assignments.  As YPICS recommits to the Hallmarks outlined in each charter petition, the Board expects that the organization is a place where employees come to work and thrive, and as a result, scholars will also thrive.  

III. School Data Review


Bert Corona Charter School

The Full Board reviewed data from the 20-21 school- year and wanted to review responses to the CSD questions during the spring oversight visit. The Board is clear that the data review from the CSD in the spring is still referring to two-year-old data but also asked Executive Administrator Myers, “How are the scholars doing now?  How do we know that they are growing?  Are they producing enough? What is the school doing to support the teachers?  Based on this data, what are your priority goals that we will be able to see tracked on the Innovare Board Dashboard, which The Executive Director will provide at regular board meetings?"  Ultimately, the Board was pleased with the student growth and pushed the team to better support teachers, students, and families to obtain better outcomes. The board would also like to see data presented in alignment for the middle schools.


Bert Corona Charter High School

 The Board asked the same questions of Executive Administrator Simonsen as they did the middle school administrators.  In addition, asked the following questions of the high school, "We want to know your A-G passage rate?  Tell us about your compliance with AB 104.  Are there any families or students that we should review and consider any additional support to complete high school?  Based on your compliance with AB 104, are we serving any 5th-year seniors?  If so, how many? What are we doing to support parents through their fears of sending their children to college during the Pandemic?  What additional supports are we providing students who left to attend college last year and this Spring?"  The Board also wants to see the High School's EL progress reported in the Innovare Data Dashboard.  


Scheduled Break



Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School

The Full Board reviewed data from the 20-21 school- year and wanted to review responses to the CSD questions during the spring oversight visit. The Board is clear that the data review from the CSD in the spring is still referring to two-year-old data but also asked Executive Administrator Quon, “How are the scholars doing now?  How do we know that they are growing?  Are they producing enough? What is the school doing to support the teachers?  Based on this data, what are your priority goals that we will be able to see tracked on the Innovare Board Dashboard, which The Executive Director will provide at regular board meetings?"  Ultimately, the Board was pleased with the student growth and pushed the team to better support teachers, students, and families to obtain better outcomes.  The board would also like to see data presented in alignment for the middle schools.  

IV. Executive Team Evaluation Process and Documentation


Evaluation Process and Documentation

The Board did not discuss the updated Executive Team Evaluation and Process, which includes metrics and an opportunity for ongoing reflection and feedback for the team member in addition to the previous scaled ratings. Instead, the Board Chair directed the Executive Director to add the item to the 9/27/21 Board Meeting.   

V. Communications


Presentations from the Public.

There were no presentations from the Public.


Modified Meeting Procedures during the COVID-19 Pandemic

VI. Informational Items


Chief Operations Officer Report

Mr. Duenas provided a full COVID-19 Update for the Board.  He shared that he is pleased because of the weekly testing on all three campuses identified students have been quarantined.  To date there is no spread of COVID on any of the campuses because of the mitigation measures that the schools have implemented.

VII. Action Items


Title III Consortium MOU and Assurances

S. Mendoza made a motion to approve the Title III Consortium MOU and Assurances.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Cho
C. Lopez
M. Keipp
M. Green
S. Mendoza
W. Njboke


Board Resolution - Student Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination

C. Lopez made a motion to approve the mandatory student COVID-19 vaccination policy.
W. Njboke seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Cho
C. Lopez
W. Njboke
S. Mendoza
M. Green
M. Keipp
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that to ensure the continued delivery of the highest-quality public instruction in the safest environment possible, the YPICS Board approves the Executive Director to implement reasonably necessary measures requiring all YPICS students on all school sites who are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, excluding those students with qualified and approved exemptions and conditional admissions under YPICS’ existing immunization policies, to become vaccinated against COVID-19 as a mandatory precondition to accessing YPICS’ school facilities, as follows:


All students who are 12 years of age and older and are part of in-person extracurricular programs must receive their first vaccine dose by no later than October 3, and their second dose by no later than October 31, 2021;


All students who are 12 years of age and older must receive their first vaccine dose by no later than November 21, 2021, and their second dose by no later than December 19, 2021.


All other students must receive their first vaccine dose no later than 30 days after their 12th birthday, and their second dose no later than 8 weeks after their 12th birthday.


IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Governing Board of the YPI Charter Schools adopts this Resolution as part of YPICS’ policies and practices as they relate to YPICS and LAUSD for
YPICS Schools that are co-located on LAUSD sites, and as part of YPICS’ health, safety, and emergency procedures and requirements applicable to facilities and related operations.


Resubmission of Material Revision for Change in Board Structure

The YPICS Board requested more information before moving ahead with this item.  The Board will revisit in the future the timeliness of returning to moving this YPICS Business forward.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Y. King-Berg
Documents used during the meeting
  • YPICS Data Visualization Board Dashboards 2021-22.pdf
  • 21-22 EA Board Report_Data Update (Sept 18).pdf
  • HS Data for Board Retreat.pdf
  • MORCS Data Goals Snapshot 9_18_2021.pptx.pdf
  • MORCS CSD Update 9_18_21.pdf
  • REV 21-22 YPICS Executive TEAM EVALUATION.pdf
  • COO Report September 18, 2021.pdf
  • Application_LEP Funding_21-22_YPICS (1).pdf
  • General and Program Assurances 2021-22 (CA Dept of Education) (1).pdf
  • Consortium Assurances Funding Year 2021-22 (CA Dept of Education) (2).pdf
  • YPI CHARTER SCHOOLS Mandatory Student Vaccine 09182021 (1).pdf