Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday March 19, 2018 at 6:00 PM


YPICS Central Office - 10660 White Oak Avenue, Granada Hills, CA 91344
Meeting Call In Number: (641) 715-3680, Access# 1004153.
Board Members calling in from 17112 Minnehaha Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344; 501 S. Bixel Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017; 25024 Highspring Avenue, Newhall, CA 91321; 1625 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90015; 17037 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, California 91344.

Trustees Present

A. Reza (remote), J. Lucente, M. Green (remote), M. Keipp

Trustees Absent

C. Vaquerano, S. Mendoza

Guests Present

I. Castillo, R. Duenas, Y. King-Berg, Y. Zubia

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Keipp called a meeting of the board of trustees of Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS) to order on Monday Mar 19, 2018 at 6:12 PM.


Flag Salute


Additions/Corrections to Agenda

There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. 


Approve February 26, 2018 Minutes

J. Lucente made a motion to approve minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on 02-26-18 Regular Board Meeting on 02-26-18.
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Keipp
A. Reza
S. Mendoza
J. Lucente
M. Green
C. Vaquerano



Presentations from the Public

There were no presentations from the public.



Financials Approved in the February Board Meeting

The financials voted on in the February meeting are included in the March agenda. 


Committee/ Council Reports

There were no reports.


Facilites Update

The MORCS building continues to be on schedule.  The expected rain may push the August 15, 2018 completion date back if the rainfall is not minimal.  Currently, the project has fifteen contingency days allocated for rain therefore minimal rain may not postpone the project at all.  


Bert Corona Executive Administrator Report

BCCS continues to work on the implementation of SFA with their teachers. SFA strategies are integrated in professional development days for teachers and tutors. Currently 54% (7 of 13) of the staff are implementing the program at a high to medium level of fidelity. Bert is reviewing benchmark data (B1) to see the impact SFA implementation has on NWEA Maps ELA outcomes. Ultimately, a plan will be developed to support the teachers that are implementing SFA at the lowest levels of fidelity.

Meal Program- Students are required to have access to potable water when eating (including breakfast in the classrooms).  The school has purchased HydroFlasks that will be filled with water and will be delivered each morning with the breakfast supplies. 

The FY18-19 waitlist is holding at twenty-six students. The school needs to do more outreach as these numbers are low compared to previous years.

Office Discipline Referrals
Office Discipline referrals spiked in February. Staff are analyzing the numbers. A red flag comment states that national events have increased emotions and stress on campus for students and adults (immigration and school violence).

Community Actions Against School/Gun Violence
Bert Corona participated in the March 14, 2018 Walk Out in response to the tragic event in Florida a couple weeks ago.  The students chose to walk out to the basketball courts to write concerns, thoughts, and/or messages to the victims and post their cards on the fence.  The next two community action days anticipated will be March 24, 2018 and April 20, 2018. 

YPI hosted a basketball tournament at Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez High School over the past two weeks. The boys fought hard to qualify for the next round, but fell short in a close game. With teamwork and a tough defense, the girls made it to the championship game and were excited to bring the championship trophy back to Bert Corona.


Monsenor Oscar Romero Executive Director's Report

Professional Development
In the PD plan for the second semester, MORCS have been focused on meeting the needs of at-risk students. Currently, the teachers are participating in a “Choose Your Own PD Adventure” series in which they have the opportunity to select their sessions for the next 5 weeks. Topics include: Project Based Learning, Student Roles and Routines for Classroom Management, Thinking Maps, and EL Strategies. All options were planned intentionally to support struggling students and the at-risk populations. The administration is also including time for exhibition planning and critical friends groups for unit plan/rubric feedback from peers.

Continued Work on Positive Culture:
The School continues to work on tier 1 implementation for the PBIS program. To ensure that all students have positive events and experiences at school, that will help continue our positive school culture, the school has been working on implementing activities such as: lunchtime cohort competitions (musical chairs, chess tournaments), a movie night and an Achieve3000 Competition. 


Bert Corona Charter High School Executive Director's Report

The new English teacher, Ms. Susana Rodriguez, started work during the second week of January. She is from Southern California, is Latina, is bilingual, and is adept at instruction in both English and Spanish. She is able to manage a classroom in a highly professional, encouraging, and rigorous manner with pre-college expectations. 

BCCHS 9th, 10th, and 12th graders will be taking the NWEA Maps test in March, just before spring break. BCCHS 11th graders have been taking the state’s interim assessments to prepare for the SBAC exams.

BCCHS Professional Development focus is currently on LTEL Support and Reflective Practice. After the LAUSD Oversight Visit in January, the team is taking the instructional advice of the committee and putting it immediately into active use. They are implementing specific SDAIE strategies, recording the SDAIE results, and video-recording instruction in every classroom for observation and feedback.

Student, Jacqueline Aristondo placed 4th in Impromptu Speaking recently at the Cal Lutheran Invitational. It’s the highest performance of a BCCHS Student since the Knights formed their inaugural Speech and Debate team this year. The school is very proud of Mr. Yabut and his entire team for taking on this daunting style of competition.

The sports program launched girls and boys soccer and boys basketball this winter. The boys soccer team had their third match, and were finally in their best form. They defeated Los Angeles Leadership Academy 2-0 in a hard-fought match. It was a great moment for our school, as soccer is of particular athletic and cultural value to our school community.


Executive Director's Report

YPICS has made a concerted effort to partner with Loyola Marymount University (LMU) and other educators to collaborate on addressing the issue of trauma. On Saturday, February 24, 2018, teachers and administrators from all three schools will have an opportunity to participate in a colloquium at LMU, which will focus on the definition of trauma, the issues that arise for special populations, ELs, SPED, and students living in poverty. Lastly, those in attendance will have an opportunity to hear from those who have successfully develop programs and systems to address this topic. During the conference, they will discuss the realities that teachers and administrators have communicated their concerns regarding more students coming to school exhibiting more defiance, anger, and higher levels of stress! Ms. King-Berg is looking forward to the continued learning to support those who are the most vulnerable, the students, and those on the front line serving them, our teachers and administrators.

CCSA News:
2018 Top Bill List – 2/17/2018
  1. AB 2635 (Weber, Burke, Gipson) LCFF African American Bill
  2. SB 1216 (Glazer) Charter school transparency
Oppose/Bills of Concern
  1. SB 1362 (Beall) Charter School Denials on Negative Fiscal Impact and Study of El Dorado SELPA
  2. AB 3222 (O’Donnell) Prevailing wage for charter projects
  3. AB 2082 (Garcia) Bans TFA teachers in most CA schools
  4. AB 3167 (O’Donnell) charter schools: inquiries
  5. AB 1871 (Bonta) Charter school meals
Other charter bills
  1. AB 2575 (Santiago) and AB 2891 (Holden) College and Career Access Pathways Partnerships
  2. AB 2011 (Kiley) Nonclassroom-based instruction/Shasta
  3. SB 964 (Allen) 1090 Spot Bill
  4. AB 3058 (O’Donnell) Charter schools: notification of school site
  5. SB 1060, SB 1061, SB 1062 (Mendoza) Related to non-contribution of employer matching funds for CalPERS/STRS:
  6. SB 1065 (Mendoza) Spot Bill on SBE: Suspicious spot bill related to the composition of the State Board of Education.





Consent Items

There were no consent items. 



Board Member Selection Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations

No action was taken on this item.  


Audit Firm Selection Recommendation

J. Lucente made a motion to approve Clifford, Larson, and Allen, LLC for the 17-18 audit with the addition of requesting a different partner.
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Reza
M. Green
J. Lucente
C. Vaquerano
M. Keipp
S. Mendoza



Items Scheduled for Action

Open session convened at 7:21pm.  

No action was taken in closed session. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:21 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Y. Zubia