Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday January 29, 2018 at 6:00 PM


YPICS Central - 10660 White Oak Avenue, Suite B101, Granada Hills, CA 91344
Meeting Call In Number: (641) 715-3680, Access# 1004153. Board Members calling in from 1625 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90015, 25024 Highspring Avenue, Newhall, CA 91321, 1200 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, and 405 Hillgard Avenue , Los Angeles, CA 90024.


Trustees Present

A. Reza, G. Straub, J. Lucente, M. Green, M. Keipp, S. Mendoza

Trustees Absent

C. Vaquerano

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

A. Reza

Guests Present

C. Harvey, I. Castillo, K. Myers, R. Duenas, R. Ruiz, V. Nutt, Y. King-Berg, Y. Zubia

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Straub called a meeting of the board of trustees of Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS) to order on Monday Jan 29, 2018 at 6:18 PM.


Flag Salute


Additions/Corrections to Agenda



Committee/ Council Reports

Committee and Council reports from the YPICS are made available to the YPICS Board for review.  Board Member Keipp wanted to ensure that committee and council meetings are held at optimal times for parent engagement.  Board President Straub agreed and reaffirmed that the process of ensuring that all families are informed about council meetings and how to participate.  Currently, information is sent with the annual school calendar, monthly calendars, and the remind communication system.


Facilites Update

A. Reza arrived.
Mr. Duenas reported that MORCS continues to be on time for the current August 15th completion date.  Currently, the administration building has drywall.  The 1st and 2nd floor of classroom buildings have light cement.  Overall the project is moving right along.  Kemp Brothers is doing a great job.  We only have enough state funds on had to last for another month.  It is time to utilize the LAUSD Augmentation funding.  We have submitted the necessary documents to apply to access the LAUSD funds that have granted to MORCS for this project. The MORCS Staff was able to go down to see the building.  Additionally, the staff is already asking which class they’ll be assigned, and have articulated supervision concerns based on the current layout.  Next steps include beginning to look at the school’s furniture needs.
BCCS and BCCHS:  We are talking with Pacific School Development because the church on Bradford made an inquiry to see if we were interested in possibly developing the land for both BCCS and BCCHS. The property has 1.855 acres, Bert Corona is on 1.7 acres.  Therefore space could fit another campus. The Board reaffirmed their desire to have leadership complete a feasibility study on the property. Board Member Lucente asked, “Are you thinking of another school or relocating?  Mr. Duenas responded, “BCCS would relocate, and the HS would move to the current BCCS location.   Board Treasurer Lucente, “Would the HS students be more attracted to the new building?” Board Member Keipp, “Is there room for fields for athletics?” Mr. Duenas, “We have only investigated the possibility.”


Bert Corona Executive Administrator Report

 We finally have teachers using ODR’s more consistently. The Averages are dropping for minors ODR.   We see fewer referrals overall.  Teachers have more classroom management tools. Therefore, better classroom management is exemplified in the classrooms.  The daily tracker is the check-in and check-out process.  The school is currently only targeting tier III students. 
BCCS has accepted 130 new 6th grade students for the 2018-2019 school year.  We are having challenges recruiting from elementary schools, especially LAUSD schools.  BCCS currently has 13 students on the waitlist. Usually, BCCS usually has a wait list of 60 students.    Board Member Lucente the paper has ads for all schools.  The current immigration issues may also be an issue contributing to fewer students applying for space.  Board Member Reza inquired about the size of the drop.  Board Member Lucente reported that at least 50% of ads in the recent Daily News newspaper were charter schools.   
The meal audit was last week.  The California Department of Education (CDE) was here for five days.  Right now we know there are no fiscal findings, but there will be corrections. Executive Director King-Berg stated, “This meal audit is different, and there is more at stake, the last time we only had one school at a time go through the audit.  This time YPICS is one School Food Authority (SFA), which is operating as a small district.”
Regarding academics, we are still analyzing the most recent MAPS data.  We held a growth assembly for students who grew more than 5 points on the NWEA Maps assessments. Buildings at BCCS are older and are in need of serious maintenance.  Green is suggesting that there is $280 K of work that needs to be done at this time.  Board Treasurer Joe Lucente, “You may have to sit on this until next year because that amount is well beyond the current fiscal budget. What is the amount of what work urgently needs to be completed immediately? ”   Mr. Duenas, “Urgent, would be about $89k .”  Board Member Mendoza,  “This is just a reminder that any project that large has to go out to bid. You need it!”


Monsenor Oscar Romero Executive Director's Report

Mr. Myers, “Board Members do you have any questions about the SARC?”  He also reviewed the MORCS School Success Plan with the Board.  The 2nd-semester focus is on consistent implementation of routines and classroom strategies. Teachers have consented to have their lessons recorded for self-review and instructional feedback.  The additional focus is on at-risk students.  Board Member Keipp, “What does push in mean?” Mr. Myers, “We have identified areas in need of support.  Therefore, a tutor is in the class with them to provide real-time support. The purpose of the School Success Plan is to get them going in the right direction.” Board Member Keipp continues, “And what does at risk youth mean? “ Mr. Myers, “It can mean, low income, homeless or it can mean those not on track to graduate.”  Board Member Keipp, “ Who are the tutors?”  Mr. Myers, “All tutors are college graduates.” Board Treasurer Lucente, “What’s the funding source?  Mr. Myers, “General Funds.”  Board Member Green,  “How do you deal with kids with parental issues and gang affiliations?”  Mr. Myers, “PBIS, Promise Neighborhoods, and the support of GRID.”


Bert Corona Charter High School Executive Director's Report

Mr. Simonsen, “We had our LAUSD oversight visit on January 10, 2018, and they gave us homework.  We started implementing the suggestions right away. Paul Duran, MORCS SFA Facilitator, is going to train to the HS teachers in SFA reading strategies. Teachers are requesting more time to collaborate; we allowed them more time do so during today’s PD.  We plan to continue this practice moving forward.   We currently have 13 in the senior class, 11 are on track to go to college.
LAUSD Board Member Kelly Gonez came to visit.  When she left, she asked,  “What can we do for you?” My response, “  The math for prop 39 is off for HS’.  The high school count cannot function as the elementary model of 1 classroom and one teacher for 30 students.  At the high school level, it is about credentials.  Therefore, we need one classroom for each course that we need to have per grade level in spite of the number of students.”  Board Member Keipp, “How many seniors does the high school have?” Mr. Simonsen “13 and 11 are on pace to graduate.  There are four who have been accepted to Grand Canyon University in Arizona, Cal State LA 1, Cal State Channel Islands 1, Oklahoma State University -Technology Institute 1, and we are waiting for remaining acceptances.”  Our current Academic Counselor has her PPS Credential, and she is also obtaining her license as a Marriage, Family, Therapist.  We have a new after-school coordinator; our former coordinator was reassigned to MORCS to bolster that afterschool program.  We had our first soccer game, Girls 0-1. It was a  close game.  The boys got clobbered, which was good because they are cocky.  There will be a girls softball team this semester.  Board Member Reza, “What about enrollment next year?” Simonsen, “Enrollment has been inconsistent.  Our high school kids are going over to BCCS to recruit.”  Mr. Duenas talked about the BCCHS students, former BCCS grads, came to help at an event.  Those type of interactions and service learning projects are good for advertising.  Board Member Keipp, “ Is there any way to provide transportation between the schools during the day?”   Mr. Duenas, “The issue is being on the Maclay campus, parents do not like the area.   Also Pierce Street is low-income housing, projects and parents are fearful of the area.”  Board President Straub, “Next year what’s the plan for the college counseling piece?” Mr. Simonsen, “Point of clarification do you mean what’s the ratio of students to college counseling?” Board President Straub, “ Is it the lower 10% and higher 10%.  It multiplies when you have 60+ students to corral.”  Simonsen, “We are ready for the next 60+ students, at least for the 2018-2019 school year.”  Board President Straub, “ Reach out to Jenny Acosta at Granada for support in ensuring that everything you do regarding your courses matches the NC2A programs.”


Executive Director's Report

The Executive Director reported an update about the governor’s budget and legislation passed and vetoed. According to all of our most reliable sources, revenues for 2018-19 are again projected to be higher than the state has previously estimated. The Governor’s proposals for 2018-19 included the Administration’s revenue and expenditure estimates and planned program decisions based upon those estimates    





Consent Items

J. Lucente made a motion to approve the consent agenda item.
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Straub
S. Mendoza
C. Vaquerano
J. Lucente
A. Reza
M. Green
M. Keipp



November 2017 Financials for YPICS

M. Keipp made a motion to approve the November 2017 YPICS financials including the check register as submitted.
S. Mendoza seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Vaquerano
S. Mendoza
M. Green
A. Reza
G. Straub
M. Keipp
J. Lucente


Form J-13A - Allowance of Attendance for BCCS and BCCHS

J. Lucente made a motion to approve the submission of the Request for Allowance of Attendance Because of Emergency Conditions (Form J-13A) for Bert Corona and Bert Corona Charter High School due to the Creek Fire school closures.
M. Keipp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Vaquerano
G. Straub
J. Lucente
M. Green
A. Reza
M. Keipp
S. Mendoza


Receipt of CTEIG Funds Acknowledgement

M. Keipp made a motion to approve the acknowledgement the receipt of CETIGS funds and the transfer of funds to Vaughn Next Century Learning Center.
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Vaquerano
G. Straub
A. Reza
M. Green
S. Mendoza
M. Keipp
J. Lucente


Recertify MOU with Unidos US (formerly NCLR)

S. Mendoza made a motion to recertify the contract with Unidos US (formerly NCLR).
M. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mendoza
J. Lucente
M. Green
A. Reza
M. Keipp
G. Straub
C. Vaquerano


YPI Charter Schools Board Resolution to Join CharterSafe JPA

M. Keipp made a motion to approve the board resolution to join CharterSafe as YPI Charter Schools.
J. Lucente seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Reza
S. Mendoza
M. Green
G. Straub
C. Vaquerano
M. Keipp
J. Lucente


Board President Resignation

Board Chair, Gene Straub acknowledged and thanked the team for the wonderful decade. 


Election of Interim Board Chair

J. Lucente made a motion to recommend Mary Keipp as the interim Board Chair.
S. Mendoza seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Vaquerano
M. Green
A. Reza
G. Straub
S. Mendoza
M. Keipp
J. Lucente



Public Employee: Discipline/Dismissal/Release

The Board went into closed session at 6:30pm. 



Items Scheduled for Action

Open session resumed at 6:50pm. 

No action was taken. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Y. Zubia