Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)
YPICS Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
YPI Charter Schools
Learning and Support Center
10660 White Oak Avenue, Suite B101
Granada Hills, CA 91344
The meeting will be held at YPI Charter Schools Learning and Support Center.
The Public may also access the live stream of the meeting at any of the four (4) YPICS locations or via the Zoom link below: Invite Link
Presentations from the Public can only be made at one of the four YPICS locations listed.
YPI Charter Schools
Learning and Support Center
10660 White Oak Avenue, Suite B101
Granada Hills, CA 91344
Bert Corona Charter School
9400 Remick Avenue Pacoima, CA 91331
Bert Corona Charter High School
12513 Gain Street Pacoima, CA 91331
Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School
2670 W. 11th Street Los Angeles, CA 90006
Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 6:00 PM | |||
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | Yesenia Zubia | |||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | Mary Keipp | |||
C. | Additions/Corrections to Agenda | Mary Keipp | 1 m | ||
D. | Approval of October 28, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes | Approve Minutes | Mary Keipp | 1 m | |
II. | Communications | 6:02 PM | |||
A. | Presentations from the Public | FYI | Mary Keipp | ||
END OF STATE OF EMERGENCY AND NEW REMOTE PARTICIPATION RULES - Assembly Bill 2449 Governor Newsom announced that the COVID-19 state of emergency ended on February 28, 2023. With the end of the state of emergency, agencies are no longer able to utilize pandemic-era virtual meeting procedures. However, board members may continue to participate remotely by telephone and/or videoconference under traditional Ralph M. Brown Act teleconference rules. Effective January 1, 2023, Assembly Bill 2449 (AB 2449) allows individual board members to participate in meetings remotely during "emergency circumstances" or for "just cause." Specific requirements may be found in the full text of AB2449 (California Legislation Information). All requirements for attendance by the YPICS Board of Trustees are adhered to in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.
Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Parents and Citizens
If you wish to make a public comment, you may attend in person and may complete a "Speaker Card" (on an agenda item or non-agenda item) card which will be available at the door.
When addressing the Board, speakers are requested (but not required) to state their name and address from the podium and adhere to the time limits set forth. Non-agenda items are limited to three (3) minutes and total time allotted to not exceed fifteen (15) minutes and Items on the agenda are limited to five (5) minutes.
III. | Items Scheduled for Information | 6:02 PM | |||
A. | Board Committee Updates | FYI | 4 m | ||
1. Board Academic Committee update presented by Committee Chair Cesar Lopez 2. Board Finance Committee update presented by Committee Chair, Michael Green 3. Board Technology Committee update presented by Committee Chair, Dean Cho. |
B. | YPICS Director of Special Education's Report | FYI | Vashon Nutt | 2 m | |
C. | YPICS Senior Director of Community Schools Partnerships' Report | FYI | Karina Favela-Barreras | 2 m | |
D. | Bert Corona Charter School Executive Administrator's Report | FYI | Kevin Myers | 2 m | |
E. | Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School Executive Administrator's Report | FYI | Freddy Zepeda | 2 m | |
F. | Bert Corona Charter High School Executive Administrator/ COO's Report | FYI | Ruben Duenas | 2 m | |
G. | YPICS Chief Accountability Officer's Report | FYI | Ena Lavan | 2 m | |
The CAO has provided the updated EL Master Plans for the YPICS Schools that are on the consent agenda. |
H. | YPICS Executive Director's Report | FYI | Yvette King-Berg | 2 m | |
IV. | Consent Agenda Items | 6:20 PM | |||
A. | Background | Vote | 5 m | ||
All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removal from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board's vote on them. The Executive Director recommends approval of all consent agenda items. |
B. | Consent Items | Yvette King-Berg | |||
1. There are no items scheduled for consent.
V. | Items Scheduled For Action | 6:25 PM | |||
A. | YPICS Financials | Vote | Irina Castillo | 5 m | |
This is a recommendation from the administration to approve the October 2024 financials and check registers as submitted. |
B. | YPICS FY 24-25 1st Interim Reports | Vote | Irina Castillo | 28 m | |
This is a recommendation from the administration to approve the YPICS (Bert Corona Charter MS, Monsenor Charter MS, and Bert Corona Charter HS ) FY 24-25 1st Interim Reports as submitted. |
C. | Approve the YPICS Fiscal Audit for the 23-24 Fiscal Year | Vote | Irina Castillo | 5 m | |
This is a recommendation from the Executive Team to approve the YPICS Fiscal Audit for the 23-24 Fiscal Year as submitted. |
D. | Approve updated YPICS By-Laws | Vote | Irina Castillo | 5 m | |
This is an administration recommendation to approve the updated YPICS By-Laws submitted. |
E. | Approve YPICS Board Certification of Compliance Review | Vote | Yvette King-Berg | 5 m | |
This is a recommendation from the administration to approve the YPICS Board Certification of Compliance Review for Bert Corona Charter MS, Bert Corona Charter HS, and Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter MS. |
F. | Approve the Renewal of the Banc of CA Line of Crediit | Vote | Yvette King-Berg | 3 m | |
This is a recommendation from the administration to approve the YPICS Bank of CA's $500,000 working capital line of credit. The current line of credit matures on 01/26/25. |
VI. | Announcements | 7:16 PM | |||
A. | Next Board Meeting | FYI | Yvette King-Berg | 2 m | |
The next YPICS Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 27, 2025. |
VII. | Closing Items | 7:18 PM | |||
A. | Adjourn Meeting | Vote | Mary Keipp |