Youth Policy Institute Charter Schools (YPICS)

Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Saturday September 23, 2023 at 9:00 AM PDT


Descanso Gardens, 1418 Descanso Drive, La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011 


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 9:00 AM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Yesenia Zubia
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Mary Keipp
  C. Additions/Corrections to Agenda   Mary Keipp 1 m
II. Communications 9:01 AM
  A. Presentations from the Public FYI 10 m


Governor Newsom announced that the COVID-19 state of emergency ended on February 28, 2023. With the end of the state of emergency, agencies are no longer able to utilize pandemic-era virtual meeting procedures. However, board members may continue to participate remotely by telephone and/or videoconference under traditional Ralph M. Brown Act teleconference rules. Effective January 1, 2023, Assembly Bill 2449 (AB 2449) allows individual board members to participate in meetings remotely during "emergency circumstances" or for "just cause." Specific requirements may be found in the full text of AB2449 (California Legislation Information).  All requirements for attendance by the YPICS Board of Trustees are adhered to in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.


Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Parents and Citizens

YPICS (or the "Charter Schools") welcome your participation at the Charter Schools' Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors ("Board") is to conduct the affairs of the Charter Schools in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our Charter Schools. To assist you in the case of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:


If you wish to make a public comment, you may attend in person and may complete a "Speaker Card" (on an agenda item or non-agenda item) card which will be available at the door. 


When addressing the Board, speakers are requested (but not required) to state their name and address from the podium and adhere to the time limits set forth. Non-agenda items are limited to three (3) minutes and total time allotted to not exceed fifteen (15) minutes and Items on the agenda are limited to five (5) minutes. 

Ordinarily, Board Members will not respond to presentations and no action can be taken. However, the board may give direction to staff following a presentation.
Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to all of the Board members shall be available for public inspection on the Charter Schools website at or at 2670 W 11th Street, Los Angeles, California 90006, 12513 Gain Street, Pacoima, CA 91331, 9400 Remick Avenue, Pacoima, California 91331 and 10660 White Oak Avenue, Granada Hills, CA 91344.

YPICS adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you require special accommodations, or more information about accessibility, please contact us at least 48 hours in advance at (818) 834-5805,  (213) 413-9600 or (818) 480-6810  or at, All efforts will be made for reasonable accommodations.


III. Items Scheduled For Action 9:11 AM
  A. MORCS Local Assignment Option for Paul Duran Vote Yvette King-Berg 2 m

This is a recommendation to approve a local assignment option for Paul Duran, a clear multiple subject holder to teach departmentalized 8th grade math per EC ยง44256(b). 

IV. Announcements 9:13 AM
  A. Closing Announcements FYI 2 m
V. Closing Items 9:15 AM
  A. Adjourn Meeting