Hill View Montessori
Accountability Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 4:30 PM
Committee Members Present
A. Roth (remote)
Committee Members Absent
K. Laureano, P. Arnold
Guests Present
H. Herklotz (remote), M. Kutschke (remote), N. Dolan (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
A. Roth called a meeting of the Accountability Committee of Hill View Montessori to order on Wednesday Jan 8, 2025 at 4:45 PM.
Approve Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes from Accountability Committee Meeting on 11-06-24.
We did not have quorum to vote on this item
II. Updates
General Updates
- Reviewed the Data Review/Meeting calendar and confirmed ready to go to January board meeting
- H. Herklotz got DIBELs data this week (1/6/25)
- Quick take:
- K 1st takes - disaggregated by classroom, seems pretty consistent across classrooms
- 2/3 required intensive support
- Beginning 1st - 4th grade, doing winter later this month
- 1-3rd grade: a lot needing intensive support but it decreases by every advancing in grade
- 4th grade: much smaller percentage of needing intensive support
- Reading program implemented this year, (Montessori Reading Acceleration Program) did an assessment at the same time and have mid-year data. Seeing significant growth. Question: Will that be reflected in the DIBELs data?
- Look at MRAP and DIBELS progress data in March
- K 1st takes - disaggregated by classroom, seems pretty consistent across classrooms
- Quick take:
- STAR data in Open Architects
- Quick take:
- FY 23-24: It looks like there was a dip in performance last year
- Last year there was a difference in the frequency of testing between lower and upper EL AND it was first year of implementation
- FY 24-25: seeing slight growth
- FY 23-24: It looks like there was a dip in performance last year
- Deep dive in February
- What might we compare STAR data to?
- Is there alignment/correlation with MCAS data (only 3rd -8th)?
- Ask Math interventionists (Shannon and Stephanie) to join February and present on STAR Math progress data.
- What might we compare STAR data to?
- Quick take:
New/Other Business
III. Closing Items
Next Meeting
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:14 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
A. Roth
Documents used during the meeting
- HVM Accountability Committee Data Review_Meeting Calendar.pdf