Hill View Montessori
Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday November 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Hill View Montessori Charter Public School
75 Foundation Ave.
Haverhill, MA 01835
Directors Present
A. Roth, J. Edokpolor, J. Hood, J. Landry, K. Laureano, P. Carelis, R. Turner, S. Brush, V. Guzman
Directors Absent
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
J. Edokpolor
Directors who left before the meeting adjourned
R. Turner
Guests Present
G. Whitson, H. Herklotz, Jenny Green, Mike Mizzoni (remote), N. Dolan, P. Arnold
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment
Approve Minutes
Question regarding vote on remote attendance: Do we need to have stipulations as part of vote?
II. Updates
Massachusetts Open Meeting Law Guidelines
Board Policies
Phil had sent an email with policy framework. Kim will be loading specific policies within the framework into Board on Track.
Mike advised that we shouldn't be concerned about what policies we have/don't have but should work to wrap our head around that over the next year.
Staff Complaint Procedure
Question on which policy is active. The policy (newer) that was added to the agenda addressed concerns of previous policy. Suggestion to change he/her to "they/them"
Discussion of including an incident reporting form that some other schools are using. Board will review this for potential inclusion.
Question on whether employees can go to HR Knowledge. This was in previous policy, but not in revised. Phil said that HR knowledge will generally direct employees back to school officials to resolve. Jeff L suggested mentioning the 3rd party in the revised policy if they are indeed an option.
Discussion of who HR knowledge will report items to, Phil will get clarification.
New Business
Input form for volunteers on HVM website: Making some final edits and will be able to publish soon. This is being developed by Sarah and Veronica.
Consideration of a distribution email.
PTO Update
Holiday decor fundraiser going on
Santa parade this Sunday, HVM participating.
PTO sponsoring new sound system for school.
Thanksgiving potluck for teacher conferences.
PTO did not get great participation in leaf cleanup event effort.
Executive Director Report
Having pedagogical director role has had a positive impact on school allowing them to accommodate different learning styles and other classroom needs.
Have been conducting student assessments to find areas of need. Have been working on school's DERS rating observation/measure
1 FT position open (custodian) have a finalist candidate
4 ee separations this year (2 voluntary, 1 mutual, 1 involuntary)
Working on areas of concern within budget. Where can we cut, can Foundation bring in additional funds?
Phi attended MSCPA delegate assembly meeting to discuss important items to school. Lots of questions regarding uncertainty of what changes new presidential team may bring to schools, charter schools.
fully enrolled currently
State Rep Andy Vargas visited the school
Laps for Logan was a beautiful and successful event raised $12,000 for the Jimmy Fund
Becca Paul was nominated for educator of the year through YMCA
Haverhill public received emergency planning grant and we have opportunity to
potentially use portion of funds. Ginger will be point person for this.
Winter concert Tues 12/10
The Massachusetts Educator Diversity Act has passed. We may be able to tap into funds as a result.
Question for Hannah: Have teachers been open to coaching warm to observations? Yes, completely
Question on capital project: How do we avoid budgetary shortfalls or surprises with roof project given recent news, revision (doubling) of estimated costs? Architect estimate was half of estimate from professional estimator. Discrepancy might be in estimated HVAC cost. Committee will need to reconvene asap to clarify these figures and the plan. Delays in getting response from Pentucket Bank with crucial lending info.
Should we investigate previous mention of short-term repair due to financial issues?
Quick meeting this past month.
Reviewed how we will review data this year and going forward. This will support board/DESE goal
Will be analyzing Star and Debel scores for Q1.
Committee on Trustees
Board succession planning:
New non-voting members on finance and accountability committees (1 each). Jeff H had a call with each of them to discuss the role, expectations and responsibilities.
Phil, Jeff, Jeff and Paul attended webinar on strategic planning
Jeff shared resources for board development.
Ryan Turner's term ends in January.
Group working on alumni event. Potentially at Wicked Axe, suggestion for Game Time Amesbury
Looking into attending Chamber events, volunteer opportunities.
Planning ongoing for anniversary event.
Rock n Roll Bingo will be on again this year
No meeting in December
Revenue holding steady
DESE will be posting new rates in December, usually increase, but not last year
Nutrition ahead of budget, personnel budget is off $55k. Will reassess in December.
Expenses above budget (board on track was $10k) but other items are mostly due to timing
Committee had conversation on plans depending on DESE funding for 2025
Conversation regarding any impact of Federal DoE changes
Mike from BoT presented slides on open meeting laws & compliance. Spoke to the importance of transparency, consequences of not following laws