Future Public School
Monthly Future Public School Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday July 28, 2022 at 1:00 PM
511 E. 43rd St. Garden City, ID 83714
Directors Present
Basile Beaty, Colleen Mackay (remote), Darnisha Orcutt, Tracy Sedano
Directors Absent
Keith Donahue, Whitley Caka
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
Tracy Sedano
Guests Present
Amanda Cox, Heather Efaw, Lauren Tassos, Stephanie Jarvis
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance & Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Meeting Minutes
II. Management
School Update
Amanda shared updates around staff hiring, professional development for new and returning team members, our new SPED assistant principal start, Future's five year celebration, and upcoming events.
III. Governance
Board Member Term Renewals
Board Positions
IV. Academic Goals
2021-2022 Academic Review
Amanda walked through an academic goals report, which provided data around student achievement and growth in standardized assessments during the 2021-22 school year. It also included a summary of highlights, strengths to leverage, and challenges to address in the 2022-23 school year.
2022-2023 Academic Goals
Amanda and Heather shared an overview of the academic goals for the 2022-23 school year, both externally facing and the internal goals grade level teams are striving towards. The new SPED assistant principal will consider goal-setting for students with IEPs.
The Engineer Impact committee will explore goals approved by the board and determine what and when to share during the year to help the board monitor progress towards end-of-year goal, for both academic goals and those in other areas important to engineer success.
Amanda welcomed introduced guest Stephanie Jarvis as a potential board member, and all other board members gave brief introductions.
Board members shared personal and professional celebrations.