Future Public School


Board of Director's Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 27, 2021 at 3:30 PM


Meeting ID: 851 7670 4995 Passcode: mbZ203GAj7 One tap mobile +13462487799,,85176704995#,,,,*7075727680# US (Houston) +14086380968,,85176704995#,,,,*7075727680# US (San Jose)  


Directors Present

Basile Beaty, Julie Fogerson (remote), Julie Oliver (remote), Levi Mogg (remote), Matthew Kuzio, Phillip Thompson, Suzanne Metzgar (remote), Tracy Sedano, Will Pigott (remote)

Directors Absent

Dynisha Smith

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Phillip Thompson

Ex Officio Members Present

Amanda Cox

Non Voting Members Present

Amanda Cox

Guests Present

Cole Skinner (remote), Heather Efaw, Kim Esterman, Lauren Tassos, Marc Carignan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Matthew Kuzio called a meeting of the board of directors of Future Public School to order on Tuesday Apr 27, 2021 at 3:37 PM.


Approve March 30th Minutes

Suzanne Metzgar made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Director's Meeting on 03-30-21.
Matthew Kuzio seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Suzanne Metzgar
Julie Fogerson
Matthew Kuzio
Dynisha Smith
Levi Mogg
Will Pigott
Phillip Thompson
Basile Beaty
Tracy Sedano
Julie Oliver

II. Welcome New Members



The board welcomed new members, Basile Beaty and Tracy Sedano.


III. Management


General Update

Ms. Cox provided a review of the following management update.
1. HB377 - Idaho Charter School Network has been involved with this bill. We are serving needy students, doing what is outlined in our charter contract, our school is in great standing, and philanthropy is supportive of our school. Ms. Cox has addressed the PII violations with IFF.

Ms. Cox has addressed safety concerns with Garden City Police Department. While this situation is Iunsettling, students are safe. Ms. Cox has received resounding support for the school from parents and families.
A related formal complaint has been filed with the charter school commission, which forwarded the complaint to the school, stating that it honors the board's autonomy to address these matters.


2. End of Year Academic Performance
In this unusual school year and testing environment, Ms. Cox is challenged to be able to compare growth and performance both year-over-year and to surrounding schools.  in this unusual school year and testing environment. She is working with NSVF to find some comps to share alongside performance data that will be presented at the end of the year.


3. ESSER Funding Approach
Looking to leverage ESSER funding to provide summer learning opportunities, kinder readiness camp, after-school tutoring, and increased capacity for family and student supports (counselor, social worker, etc.).


4. Growth Model Pathways
Working with NSVF and other experts at Bluum and elsewhere to create a model for determining the best possible recommendation on the growth pathway to the board.


IV. Finance


Update on State Finance

Mr. Carignan, Ms. Osterman, and Mr. Cole Skinner from Bluum joined the meeting. Bluum's mission is to expand high-quality charter schools in the state of Idaho. Bluum also provides financial back-office services to schools and supports Ms. Cox and Ms. Tassos.


Mr. Carigan provided the following update.
The Idaho education budget has not yet been determined for the upcoming school year but Bluum is expecting:
  • A commitment to funding the career ladder two steps
  • Restoration of special distribution will be restored.
  • Increased per-pupil funding by 5-10% (typical increases are 3%)
  • Infusion of federal ESSR II and II funds to address learning loss
Once the state budget has been approved, FPS's proposed budget will be amended to reflect the changes.


Phillip Thompson arrived at 4:05 PM.


March Financials

Mr. Pigott discussed the March financials. Items of note include:
  • Worker's Compensation - Exceeding budget because the budget was too low. The addition of staff increased this line item as did the number of claims made this year.
  • Days Cash on Hand - Currently 14 days DCOH compared to the 45 days required. This is primarily due to the length of time it is taking for receivable to be paid.


V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:48 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Suzanne Metzgar