Future Public School


Board of Directors September

Date and Time

Tuesday September 22, 2020 at 1:00 PM


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Parents & Community: The allotted time for each agenda item is estimated. Please plan to attend the entire meeting if there are topics of special interest to you. Thank you!

Board Minutes: All board minutes can be found at: https://app2.boardontrack.com/public/g4ecws/home.  

Virtual: Meetings continue to be virtual, with phone and video options. Please make every effort to join by video if possible.

Directors Present

Dynisha Smith (remote), Julie Fogerson (remote), Julie Oliver (remote), Levi Mogg (remote), Matthew Kuzio (remote), Phillip Thompson (remote), Suzanne Metzgar (remote)

Directors Absent

Will Pigott

Ex Officio Members Present

Amanda Cox (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

Amanda Cox (remote)

Guests Present

Guest, Basile Beaty (remote), Guest, Greg Richmond from Bluum (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Suzanne Metzgar called a meeting of the board of directors of Future Public School to order on Tuesday Sep 22, 2020 at 1:10 PM.


Meeting Minutes

Suzanne Metzgar made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Directors July on 07-21-20.
Levi Mogg seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Suzanne Metzgar made a motion to approve the minutes from Emergency COVID Planning Meeting on 08-03-20.
Levi Mogg seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Suzanne Metzgar made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 08-18-20.
Levi Mogg seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Management



Ms. Cox provided an update to the board.

Ms. Efaw is analyzing results of the Idaho Reading Assessment which students completed during he first weeks of school. 93% of students have completed the assessment and, in all grades, students have maintained or grown in reading proficiency. Ms. Efaw is grouping students based on IRI data into strategic academic groups to provide them with the learning opportunities appropriate for them.

In the coming weeks, students with complete the NWEA MAP Assessment. The assessment will be provided to students in-person as much as possible (rather than remotely). Individual appointments for testing will be made for students who are attending school virtually. Assessment results will be presented at the October board meeting.

The Panorama Ed staff culture and climate survey went out. Results and analysis will be presented by the November board meeting.

Ms. Cox shared how students are doing, things that are going well, and the challenges of this start to the new school year.
  • Students are resilient and engaged.
  • Our coaching and feedback model is going very well.
  • The Future team is strong but the unknowns, frequent environmental changes, and long hours are causing fatigue for some staff and leadership.
Mr. Kuzio and Ms. Oliver shared their experiences visiting the school this week. Both said it was inspiring and surreal to see education being delivered in such a different way than we all imagined due to COVID-19.



Ms. Cox provided an update to the Reopening Pathways the board previously approved. Beginning the week of September 28th, through the week of October 12th, and aligned to recommendations from Central District Health, we will begin gradually inviting students back into the building. Re-entry plans are based on safety, feasibility, and robust learning options to ensure equity for in-person and virtual students. Ms. Cox is providing an abundance of communication about reopening plans with families and staff.

III. Finance Committee



Mr. Kuzio shared that a team has begun working on the annual audit. Findings will be presented no later than the November board meeting.

Ms. Tassos, Director of Operations, is working on reconciliations and reporting protocols with Bluum. Full financial reports for July through September will be presented at the October board meeting.

IV. Governance



Ms. Smith discussed the need to focus on building board capacity and recruiting to ensure we have the skills and perspectives needed to have a strong board of directors. Please help the Governance Committee recruit new potential board members, ask them to serve on a committee, and/or attend board meeting. The Governance Committee will revisit future training based on the needs of the full and expanded board.



Board on Track

Mr. Kuzio discussed the work of the board over the last many months especially around a smooth leadership transition and providing support around COVID-19. He asked that everyone on the board complete the board assessments in Board OnTrack within the next week. This will provide us with feedback to determine how to best establish new goals, plan and train in the coming year, and move from a founding to a governing board.

Ms. Metzgar updated the board on the use of board agenda and minute publication through Board OnTrack. All members of the board now have access to take minutes using the tool.

V. Closing Items


Gratitude/Team Check

The board participated in a gratitude exercise.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Suzanne Metzgar