Future Public School


Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Friday June 9, 2017 at 9:15 AM


The Vineyard, 4950 N Bradley St, Garden City, ID 83714
Parents & Community: Duration allotted for each agenda item is estimated. Please plan to attend the entire meeting especially if there are topics of special interest to you. Thank you!

Directors Present

Amanda Cox (remote), Brad Petersen, Dynisha Smith, Julie Fogerson, Levi Mogg, Matthew Kuzio, Suzanne Metzgar, Will Pigott

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Dynisha Smith

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

Amanda Cox

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

D. Smith arrived approximately 5 minutes late. A. Cox attended the meeting via phone until 10:15 am.


Call the Meeting to Order

Matthew Kuzio called a meeting of the board of directors of Future Public School to order on Friday Jun 9, 2017 at 9:15 AM.


Mr. Roboto Shout Out


Lego Astronaut Sally Ride Shout Out

Dynisha Smith arrived.


Approve Minutes

Levi Mogg made a motion to approve minutes.
Julie Fogerson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Retreat Details


Logistical Details

Board retreat will begin Thursday 6/29 at 9:15 am and end F riday 6/30 at 4:00 pm. Location information and details will be forwarded shortly.


Topic Brainstorm

The following items were identified as possible retreat topics.
  • Opportunitites to get to know each other fellow board members
  • OKRs
  • Policy development (e.g. Conflict of Interest; intellectual property rights from work product of staff and students)
  • FPS Displine policy training - restorative practices 
  • Intentional board culture and public comment/participation in board meetings
  • FPS board committee structure
  • Ethics training


Committee Review

The board briefly discussed committee structure including finance committee and performance evaluation committee.

III. General Updates


Charter Application

The charter petition was submitted to the Idaho Public Charter School Commission on June 2, 2017.


Boys & Girls Club Partnership

B. Petersen updated the board on continued efforts to build and formalize the FPS-B&GC partnership.


Facilities Update

B. Peterson and M. Kuzio shared some key observations about the Charloette Lab School and its facility. Some of the elements have been incorporated into a revised floor plan for the proposed building.


Summer Program

A. Cox provided an update on the summer program including new outreach partner, Vineyard Christian Fellowship. Two staff members have been hired to assist with the programming and management. Board members to begin thinking about potential funders, partners, and champions to invite to summer program tours. 
Amanda Cox left.

IV. Charter Review: Executive Summary & Pitch Deck


Pitch Deck Review

J. Fogerson presented the pitch deck.


Executive Summary Review

J. Fogerson presented the charter executive summary.


Marketing Strategy

J. Fogerson presented the charter marketing strategy.


Staff Professional Development

J. Fogerson presented the charter team development strategy.


<- Break ->

V. Charter Review: Outreach Activities & Family Handbook


Family Handbook

D. Smith presented the family handbook.

VI. Charter Review: Academic Program


General Overview

L. Mogg presented an overview of Future Public School's educational program and why it brings value to students and families in Idaho.


Educational Program

L. Mogg and B. Petersen presented the charter educational program. 


Alignment with Standards

L. Mogg and B. Petersen presented the charter educational program alignment to standards.


Measurable Goals

L. Mogg and B. Petersen presented the charter educational measurable goals. 

VII. Lunch/ Charter Review: Legal Requirements


Employee Requirements

W. Pigott presented the charter staff requirements. 


Code of Ethics

W. Pigott presented the code of ethics for professional educators. The board discussed the desire for additional scenario discussions and ethics training.


School Closure

W. Pigott presented school closure procedures. 

VIII. Charter Review: Governance & Parental Development


Student Enrollment

S. Metzgar presented the charter enrollment projections and requirements. 


Parental Involvement

S. Metzgar distributed information about parental involvement. 


Governance and ByLaws

W. Pigott and S. Metzgar reviewed information about the charter bylaws and governance.  


<- Break ->

IX. Legal Review With Board Lawyer


Question & Answer Session

Guest Chris Yorgason, charter school attorney, arrived at 1:10 pm. Mr. Yorgason presented information about open meeting laws and public record requests.

X. Closing Items


Closing Exercise


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Matthew Kuzio