Springfield Prep
Finance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday September 23, 2024 at 7:30 AM
This meeting will take place on Zoom.
This meeting of the Springfield Prep Charter School Finance Committee will be held on Zoom on 9/25/23 at 7:30 am. Meeting notice was posted on the school's website (www.springfieldprep.org) on 9/20/2023.
Committee Members Present
A. Piela (remote), M. Frodema (remote), R. Molina-Brantley (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
B. Spirer (remote), J. Callan (remote), M. Velazquez (remote), M. Wagner (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Finance
FY23 Audit Report
Approve May Finance Commitee Minutes
Roll Call | |
R. Molina-Brantley |
A. Piela |
M. Frodema |
Monthly Financials - August 2023
Meghan reviewed the August financials. There is typically not a lot to see at this point, but it can be helpful to see some trends in our personnel costs.
- We can see higher projected benefits costs because more staff members are participating and more staff members have families. This is still below the target in our personnel line.
- We got a slight update on tuition projections and got our final entitlement grant allocations and both went up a bit.
- In the next meeting, Meghan plans to report on our capital plan over the next 5 years so we are strategically budgeting around this.
Amy asked about whether we have strong forecasting tools to be able to track potential increases in benefits costs. Meghan shared that she has built a new tool to give us more of a detailed view into our budget tracking work.
Meghan also highlighted the cash flow report because it looks like we're projecting a deficit in all future months, but that is because we do not show private fundraising until it is realized. Bill noted that the school was recently notified that it had received two grants, one from Davis and one from Peabody, so we are in good shape there.
Mary Kate asked about how the transition is going with Ben. Bill and Meghan said it was going well and explained the training they are doing with him to bring him up to speed.
Amy asked if there was a way to show the projected fundraising in the cash flow because while the rationale makes sense, it does not seem to accurately show our actual projections. Meghan and Bill will share some ideas for doing that.
Meghan also noted that she is considering making changes to the dashboard to include enrollment and staffing as additional KPIs because they play such a significant role in our revenue and expenses.
Mary Kate asked about where we are with enrollment. Bill explained that three students recently left and we have three seats that we will need to enroll in 8th grade. We expect to be able to fill these seats after our next lottery, which is 8th grade specific.
Bill shared potential upcoming changes to our board meeting schedule, reducing meetings to every other month, and to increase board approval thresholds. Amy was supportive of these changes.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- Springfield Prep FY24 Audit Drafts 9.17.24.pdf
- 0. SP FY25 August Financial Dashboard.pdf
- 1. SPCS FY25 August Details.pdf
- 2. SPCS FY25 August Summary.pdf
- 3. SP Friends FY25 August P and L.pdf
- 4. SP Realty FY25 August P and L.pdf
- 5. SP FY25 August SNP.pdf
- 6. SPCS FY25 August Cash Flow.pdf
Matt introduced himself. He is doing a partner rotation after Dave Kelleher was our partner for a number of years. Matt provided a review of the audit.
John reviewed the audit.