Springfield Prep
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday February 26, 2024 at 12:00 PM
This meeting will take place remotely, via Zoom.
Committee Members Present
R. Leonard (remote), S. Balogun (remote), S. Monson (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
B. Spirer (remote), D. Haghighat (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve prior Governance Committee meeting minutes
Roll Call | |
S. Monson |
S. Balogun |
R. Leonard |
Approve Prior Governance Committee Meeting Minutes
II. Governance Items
Board Self Assessment
Sarah likes the format and thinks we should use board time if possible. Sherriff agreed that likelihood of getting 100% increases a lot if we offer board time. Bill noted that March is in person and April is remote. The committee thought that providing time at the April meeting makes most sense. Bob noted that he liked to see the results and suggested that we share the report with the full board. Bill said he could do this.
Succession Planning - Updated Executive Director Job Description (DRAFT)
Bob shared some suggestions: replace the term “political” with something about community relations; reduce required experience to 5 years; and remove the word “strongly” in the Who Should Apply section. The board discussed each of these and was in agreement with each of these. Bill will make the changes.
Support for Affiliated Organizations Policy
Bill explained that the school's attorney recommended this as a way to clarity roles following the restructuring of the Friends and Realty groups, to provide clarity about how the organizations work in tandem with the school.
Bob was supportive of this policy if it made sense to articulate this. He also suggested adding language about compensation to clarify that work for the affiliated entities would not constitute additional compensation.
Donna asked about how we defined “substantive decisions”. Sherriff agreed and asked about how we separate the decision and implementation of the decision. Bill gave an example: the SP Realty Board recently approved a funds transfer under the lease, but Bill will process the transfer. One suggestion was to say something like: "All financial decisions are made by the affiliate boards of directors but school staff are administratively responsible for carrying them out."
The committee agreed that Bill should talk to Marc about increasing clarity. Bill will take this off the Board agenda, follow up with Marc and report back at next month's meeting.
Field Trip Policy
Bill explained that the school is following the bulk of these policies in practice but does not have a written policy. Given that we have middle school grades and more extracurricular programs, we want to have a clear policy in place that governs trips. The committee was supportive of this policy.
III. Closing Items
Next meeting
Board Evaluation Training
Sarah noted that she had attended the ED Evaluation Training. She said that one recommendation was to have an up-to-date job description, so we're in good shape with that. Another was to do the evaluation in the fall when data is reflecting the last school year is available. The committee discussed moving back to this timeline and whether it should raise this topic at the board meeting. It decided to work on this at next month's committee meeting before presenting to the Board. Bill will remove this from the Board agenda.
Adjourn Meeting
- Board Self Assessment.pdf
- SPCS. Job Description. ED. Updated Draft Feb. 2024.pdf
- Policy re. work for non-profit organizations (A8588185).pdf
- Springfield Prep - Field Trip Policy.pdf
The wrong minutes were attached to the packet so the proper vote (to consider the November governance committee meeting minutes for approval) will take place at next month's meeting.