Springfield Prep
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday September 21, 2023 at 12:00 PM
This meeting will take place remotely, via Zoom.
Committee Members Present
R. Leonard (remote), S. Balogun (remote), S. Monson (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
B. Spirer (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve prior Governance Committee meeting minutes
Roll Call | |
S. Balogun |
S. Monson |
R. Leonard |
II. Board Recruitment
Board Recruitment Planning
III. Other Business
Governance Support & Resources
Bill highlighted the charter association’s new and improved governance resources and encouraged board members to reach out to Robert Carpenter or the association directly if they had any governance needs.
Next Governance Committee Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled on Mon., 10/16/23 at 12 pm. The committee decided to cancel this meeting and to meet again in November.
IV. ED Evaluation
ED Evaluation
The committee discussed Bill's evaluation. Sherriff: Everyone thinks highly of Bill and he’s doing a phenomenal job. His partnership with the board is strong and Bob, as board chair the last few years, really helped solidify that.
Sarah shared that the goal is to get aligned on compensation so we can present it to the board on Tuesday and wrap up the evaluation process.
Sherriff shared that he spoke to Bill about the committee's intentions, but we didn’t talk about specific numbers for salary or bonus.
Bob suggested reviewing the MCPSA salary table to understand where Bill is currently and where he would be in comparison to others in the region in a similar role. I know in previous years, Bill desired to remain in lockstep with his team. He encouraged Sherriff to have a conversation with Bill to share where the board is landing before it’s presented to the board.
The committee agreed that the tentative plan is to increase his salary aligned with the senior leadership team increase and also provide a bonus. Sarah will request the senior leadership salaries for last academic year, so we have a better understanding of where they were and where they are now. Sherriff will have a phone call with Bill tomorrow to share our intent, then the committee will meet again to finalize the proposal.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- Annual Board Recruitment Planning 2023-24 - 9.18.23.pdf
- 23-24 Board Governance Supports.pdf
Bob and Sarah met with Mary Kate Frodema this morning and had a good conversation with her. She grew up in Forest Park and went to Holy Name and Cathedral. Sarah thinks she will adds a lot of value to the finance committee, especially since it will be down to two people. Bob added that she seems bright, committed, and pleasant and that she would be a good board member. He also thinks that we do need more board members to staff our committees. Sherriff shared that he’s been thinking about how much more complex our finances are and agrees that it seems wise to have more expertise. Bill noted that she is an acquaintance and their kids go to the same preschool, and that he wanted to make sure that did not raise any concerns among board members. The committee had none.
The committee discussed the process for inviting her onto the board. Bill will invite her to attend the first half of the meeting to give her the chance to see the types of work the board does and to give her a sense of how we work. He will make sure that she is aware that this is really for her benefit, not a continued interview.
Bill provided status updates about other candidates. Sherriff noted that sometimes a good board member and a good committee member are two different types of people and we should keep that in mind.