Springfield Prep


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 5:45 PM


This meeting will take place in person at Springfield Prep, 2071 Roosevelt Ave, Springfield, MA 01104, and via Zoom.

This meeting of the Springfield Prep Charter School Board was held at Springfield Prep Charter School, 2071 Roosevelt Ave, Springfield, MA 01104 on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 and via Zoom videoconference at 5:45 pm. 


Meeting notice was posted on the school's website (www.springfieldprep.org) on 5/20/22 at 10:00 am.

Trustees Present

A. Grant (remote), A. Malone (remote), A. Narvaez, D. Morrin (remote), J. Rosewell (remote), K. Molina, R. Leonard, S. Balogun (remote), S. Fuller, S. Monson

Trustees Absent

A. Piela

Ex Officio Members Present

B. Spirer

Non Voting Members Present

B. Spirer

Guests Present

M. Estey, M. Wagner, N. Abramowitz, Pam Haywood

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Leonard called a meeting of the board of trustees of Springfield Prep to order on Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 5:49 PM.


Public Comment, If Any

No members of the public (besides invited speakers) were present, and no comment was made at this time.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve April 27th Board Meeting Minutes

K. Molina made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 04-27-22.
S. Monson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Leonard
A. Malone
S. Monson
D. Morrin
A. Grant
S. Fuller
A. Narvaez
K. Molina
S. Balogun
J. Rosewell
A. Piela


Approve April Financials


Open Architects Contract Approval


Greenhouse Contract renewal


UMass Chan Medicare Billing Contract


Summer board meeting schedule


Vote to approve consent agenda items

K. Molina made a motion to Approve the Consent Agenda items as presented.
S. Monson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Monson
S. Balogun
A. Piela
D. Morrin
S. Fuller
R. Leonard
J. Rosewell
A. Grant
A. Malone
A. Narvaez
K. Molina

III. Special Education Parent Advisory Council


SEPAC Presentation and Q&A with family representatives

  • Pam Haywood, Director of Student Support, & Marianne Estey, mother of a 1st Grade student and an incoming Kindergartner joined to discuss the Special Education Programs and the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
  • Marianne discussed the 2 SEPAC meetings that have been held this year, one remote and one in-person. She noted that one meeting involved some collaborative learning with our school counselors about supporting students at home. 
  • She noted that she is very satisfied with the services her son receives at school, and that she has seen growth in his confidence and skills over the past two years. She appreciates the proactive suggestions that staff members make to ensure that her son will be successful as the curriculum develops and changes throughout the year. She discussed that she does not feel that the services are disruptive to her son's day and that he feels included in the classroom.
  • She shared that one area of challenge is the coordination of services and recommendations between special ed service providers and teachers at school and outside providers to ensure that the recommendations are consistent and not too numerous to implement successfully. Pam noted that she would look into this both for Marianne's son and also for other students who see service providers outside of the school day.
  • She recommended an overview of our various assessments, as well as additional SEL resources, as topics for future SEPAC meetings. 

IV. Executive Director's Report


Executive Director Report

  • Bill addressed the shooting in Uvalde, TX and our response to it.  The school communicated with families, provided resources for parents and students, and provided resources to teachers and counselors to address the tragedy in age-appropriate ways.
    • The Board asked if the event affected attendance and Bill confirmed that it did not affect attendance the day after the event.
  • Bill reviewed the ED memo as shared. He mentioned our upcoming Spanish/English family dinner event, field trips, performances, art shows, and other events. He discussed the state budget update and new funding that is projected to be approved. 
  • He reviewed the hiring updates and shared that we are projecting 94% staff retention and have already made several hires of experienced and associate teachers for next years, but that AT and math roles have been especially challenging to hire for. The Board discussed the AT role and how other schools handle recruitment for that role in particular.
  • He discussed our summer school program for ~100 students who need assistance to avoid regression over the summer, led by Academic Dean Kate Parsons (formerly an Instructional Leader Fellow). 
  • Nancy shared a COVID update, noting that the case numbers were increasing since March but still very low. She shared the most recent updates from the state regarding student isolation & quarantine protocols and state-provided testing programs, as well as the availability of state-run vaccine clinics this summer and fall.

V. Finance


Benefits plans for 2022-23

  • Meghan shared the budget update and noted that our benefits costs increased as we had budgeted for and expected. She noted that based on feedback from staff, the school is able to provide additional benefits with a reduced cost to employees for vision and additional dental benefits without a significant increase in cost to the school. She discussed the change from state-provided PFML to PFML provided through a private carrier due to lower costs and ease of operation for employees and the school. 
  • The Board discussed how changes in benefits might impact recruiting and retention and suggested ways to share the benefits and compensation clearly with new recruits to highlight the value provided. 
  • Meghan noted that the school is looking into providing several new or expanded benefits in the 2023-24 school year, again based on employee feedback.

VI. Facility


Renovation Work Proposal

  • Meghan discussed the memo regarding the renovation work and the need for more & different space based on growing in our leadership, operations, and special education teams. The proposal includes an additional small classroom for special education, an additional office space, and an additional internal conference room. She shared that the funding for this project is available from bond proceeds.
S. Fuller made a motion to authorize Bill Spirer to approve a contract with Fontaine Brothers for interior construction work to create three additional interior spaces at an amount not to exceed $165,000 and to approve a contract for playground shade structures at an amount not to exceed $20,000.
S. Monson seconded the motion.

Amneris noted that as our school grows, the school should consider the additional need for space for special education services. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Balogun
S. Fuller
J. Rosewell
A. Grant
S. Monson
A. Piela
R. Leonard
D. Morrin
A. Narvaez
A. Malone
K. Molina

VII. Governance


Student & Family Survey Report

  • Kelvin shared on behalf of the Governance Committee. They were pleased on how families perceived the school, and how staff does as well. Especially over past few years, seeing increases and positive outcomes, especially in areas where the school has focused such as DEI, was a highlight. 
  • Bill shared that he agreed with Kelvin’s assessment and that seeing really high staff satisfaction felt like as a shared accomplishment of the culture all staff members have all created and the way families perceive the school.
  • He noted that one of the lower questions was “This year, my workload has been reasonable” question, but that many responses were neutral, not negative, and staff retention this year is high. To better understand the drivers of this question, he met with each team about the work they are doing and to see if we can reduce or share workloads when tasks are not critical to the success of students or the school. 
  • Bill shared that there were no major differences between how families and staff of color experience the school compared to white families and staff.
  • The Board discussed if the lower responses for reasonable workload could be impacted by the demands or perception of professional development content and sessions and how, if that is the case, to mitigate those impacts. Bill added that our professional development program is a design element of our charter so the school is working to differentiate PD to ensure all staff benefit from the work and understand each session's value. 


New board member for approval

  • The Governance committee proposed Ron Molina-Brantley as a new Board member, effective upon Kelvin Molina-Brantley hitting the term limit at the end of the school year. Sarah & Bob met with him last week, and Sarah shared that he will bring a great perspective given his work in finance and financial education. She noted that he is also a parent of a 1st Grader and an incoming Kindergarten student.
S. Fuller made a motion to elect Ronald Molina-Brantley to the Board of Trustees, effective July 1st, 2022 or upon approval from the Commissioner, whichever is later.
S. Monson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Fuller
S. Balogun
A. Narvaez
D. Morrin
S. Monson
J. Rosewell
K. Molina
A. Malone
A. Piela
A. Grant
R. Leonard

VIII. Closing Items


Next Board Meeting

  • Alex shared that he is not seeking re-election for a 3rd term, but that he would be in attendance at the next meeting.
  • Kelvin shared that he will not be at next meeting so this was his last meeting (because he is term limited), and that it has been an honor to see Bill & the school develop and to be a part of it. He expressed gratitude for those who have served on the Board and continue to serve. Several Board members shared their appreciation for Kelvin & his work in building the school and the Board for the past 11 years. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Abramowitz
Documents used during the meeting
  • 5. SP FY22 April SNP.pdf
  • 2. SPCS FY22 April Summary.pdf
  • 3. SP Freinds FY22 April Summary.pdf
  • 4. SP Realty FY22 April Summary.pdf
  • 6. SP FY22 April Cash Flow.pdf
  • 7. SPCS FY22 April Grants.pdf
  • Confidentiality and Data Sharing Agreement - Springfield Prep - executed (1).pdf
  • Project Proposal - Springfield Prep v3.pdf
  • Greenhouse Order Form with Springfield Prep Charter School.pdf
  • Springfield Preparatory Charter School, 7.1.22-6.30.25 for review.pdf
  • ED Report for 05.25.22.pdf
  • MEMO. FY23 Benefits Update.pdf
  • Building Project Update Board Memo 5.20.22.pdf
  • Work Proposal - New Breakout Room & Storefront Assembly - rev 5-11-22 (1).pdf
  • Staff and Family Survey Report SY21-22 for Board of Trustees.pdf
  • DESE Approval Request Letter for Ron Molina-Brantley.pdf