Springfield Prep


Academic Achievement Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 20, 2021 at 8:00 AM


Zoom Meeting

This meeting of the Springfield Prep Charter School Academic Achievement Committee was held via Zoom video conference on 10/20/2021 at 8 am. Meeting notice was posted on the school's website (www.springfieldprep.org) on 10/18/21 at 3 pm.

Committee Members Present

S. Balogun (remote), S. Fuller (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

B. Spirer (remote), J. Yiannos (remote), N. Abramowitz (remote), P. Haywood (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Balogun called a meeting of the Academic Achievement Committee of Springfield Prep to order on Wednesday Oct 20, 2021 at 8:06 AM.


Approve Prior Meeting Minutes

S. Fuller made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Achievement Committee Meeting on 04-14-21.
S. Balogun seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Fuller
S. Balogun

II. Academic Achievement


Academic Dashboard

  • Bill and Jess discussed the Academic Dashboard as presented. The committee discussed the attendance metrics. Bill shared about discipline this year and shared an update about the after-school tutoring program. Jess shared that the after-school program is going well and that the majority of students who were invited to attend are participating. 
  • Bill and Jess discussed the academic assessment results. Jess discussed that some of the foundational skills taught in Kindergarten and 1st grade were challenging to teach over Zoom but are being reinforced now. She shared that many of the students in 3rd grade are new this year, more than in previous years. The committee discussed the school's goals and targets for assessments and how to include both growth and results in those goals.
  • Bill and Pam discussed the DESE report regarding the identification of Special Ed students, the discipline of students, and any racial or ethnic group disparities in these processes. They noted that no issues were identified.


MCAS Results Review

  • Bill discussed the MCAS results report. He discussed the overall results across the state as well as for Springfield Prep and charters in similar environments. Jess and the committee discussed the trend of results over the past few years and the sub-group scores.
  • Jess discussed the acceleration strategies that the academic team is using to help students during the pandemic, including Professional Development.
  • Pam discussed that the Special Education team is collaborating with classroom teachers on data analysis, progress monitoring, and scaffolds to ensure they are reinforcing skills that will help Special Education students succeed alongside their peers.
  • The committee discussed these approaches and agreed that it is the right path (vs. remediation) based on what was shared and the effectiveness of these methods prior to the pandemic.

III. Closing Items


Next Academic Achievement Committee Meeting

The next Academic Achievement Committee meeting will be held on 11/17/21 via Zoom, at 8 am.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Abramowitz
Documents used during the meeting
  • Academic Dashboard 10.20.21.pdf
  • MCAS Report for Academic Achievement Committee - 10.20.21.pdf