Springfield Prep
Board meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday June 24, 2020 at 5:45 PM
Zoom Videoconference
This meeting of the Springfield Prep Charter School Board was held via Zoom video conference on 6/24/2020 at 5:45 pm. The meeting was held virtually due to the COVID-19-related school closure during this time. Meeting notice was posted on the school's website (www.springfieldprep.org) on 6/19/20 at 1:45 PM.
Trustees Present
A. Grant (remote), A. Malone (remote), D. Morrin (remote), J. Pistorius (remote), J. Rosewell (remote), K. Molina (remote), R. Leonard (remote), S. Fuller (remote), T. Walker (remote)
Trustees Absent
S. Balogun
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
T. Walker
Ex Officio Members Present
B. Spirer (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
B. Spirer (remote)
Guests Present
J. Yiannos (remote), M. Wagner (remote), N. Abramowitz (remote), W. Soref (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
R. Leonard called a meeting of the board of trustees of Springfield Prep to order on Wednesday Jun 24, 2020 at 5:47 PM.
Public Comment, If Any
No members of the public were present.
II. Consent Agenda
Approve May Board Meeting Minutes
K. Molina made a motion to approve the minutes from Board meeting on 05-27-20.
S. Fuller seconded the motion.
Voted as part of the consent agenda
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Special Meeting Minutes
K. Molina made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Meeting on 06-08-20.
S. Fuller seconded the motion.
Voted as part of the consent agenda
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Monthly Financials
Monthly Financials were presented as part of the Consent Agenda and reviewed by Board Members prior to the meeting. No discussion was had at the meeting about the monthly financials.
Vote to Approve Consent Agenda
K. Molina made a motion to Approve all items to be voted upon in the Consent Agenda as presented.
S. Fuller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Governance Items
Slate of board members and officers for FY21
Alex discussed the proposed slate of Officers and Trustees and noted that all are re-election votes; no new Board members are on the slate.
A. Grant made a motion to approve the slate of Officers and Trustees for FY21 as presented in the memo.
A. Malone seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IV. Financial Items
Vote to approve annual contract renewals
Meghan presented the 4 contracts up for renewal at this time and discussed any price increases. These contracts are all renewals with existing providers and all costs have been included in the approved FY21 budget. This vote allows the school to process payment during the year without additional approval.
J. Rosewell made a motion to approve all contracts as presented in the memo.
D. Morrin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
V. Executive Director Items
Executive Director Report
Bill discussed the key topics of his ED memo. He highlighted the reckoning in society in regards to racial equity and how the school has been handling this issue, both now and in prior years. He highlighted DEI professional development sessions, the creation of a BIPOC affinity group, as well as town halls and other efforts to listen to and learn from school staff, students, families, and leaders in the field of equity in education.
The Board discussed these actions and how the issues the school is facing are systemic in our national education system, but that the school must continue to work to dismantle and rise above these systemic disparities. They discussed the ways in which the school and its leadership might plan to keep working to address this in the upcoming school year, how they need ways to track progress, how the Board could increase the school's accountability in this area, and what support school leadership might need. They also expressed interest in having members of the school community speak to the Board and suggested that select Board members might visit with the member of the school community to hear more about their experiences and learn how they can support the school in efforts toward diversity, equity, and inclusion for staff, students, and families.
The Board and Bill agreed that this important topic would be an ongoing discussion throughout the upcoming school year and beyond.
The Board discussed these actions and how the issues the school is facing are systemic in our national education system, but that the school must continue to work to dismantle and rise above these systemic disparities. They discussed the ways in which the school and its leadership might plan to keep working to address this in the upcoming school year, how they need ways to track progress, how the Board could increase the school's accountability in this area, and what support school leadership might need. They also expressed interest in having members of the school community speak to the Board and suggested that select Board members might visit with the member of the school community to hear more about their experiences and learn how they can support the school in efforts toward diversity, equity, and inclusion for staff, students, and families.
The Board and Bill agreed that this important topic would be an ongoing discussion throughout the upcoming school year and beyond.
T. Walker arrived.
School Reopening Planning
Wendy and Jess joined at this point to discuss the plans for reopening school. They discussed that they were still expecting additional guidance from DESE but that they had planned for most students to be in person, at least part of the time, and described how teaching and learning might look for those in the building and at home. They highlighted the rationale behind their initial plans, including the safety of staff and students; maintaining continuity, equity, and rigor regardless of in-person or remote learning; preparing students to be proficient remote learners should the school close again due to COVID-19; preparing in case staff are absent or need to work remotely; and maintaining collaboration and positive elements of the school culture for staff and students.
The Board expressed their gratitude for the work the school team has done during the transition and as they prepare for the fall. They discussed resources that the school needs to do the proposed plans well and the challenges of the plans. They also discussed the need to prioritize planning for the most vulnerable learners, including students with IEPs and English Language Learners.
Wendy and Jess left the meeting after this discussion.
The Board expressed their gratitude for the work the school team has done during the transition and as they prepare for the fall. They discussed resources that the school needs to do the proposed plans well and the challenges of the plans. They also discussed the need to prioritize planning for the most vulnerable learners, including students with IEPs and English Language Learners.
Wendy and Jess left the meeting after this discussion.
VI. Building Project items
Building Project Update
Bill briefly discussed the Building Project updates. The project was approved by the Planning Board at their June 17th meeting. There are still items to be reviewed with DPW for the full approval to take effect, but this is a significant step forward for the Building Project.
The design development and value engineering processes continue. The largest decision which remains is whether to invest in roofing repairs or replacement, and the team is investigating options as well as funding for these options. The School has begun working with Fontaine Brothers as the Construction Manager on pre-construction tasks.
Boston Private Bank submitted a Commitment Letter that is materially similar to the Term Sheet approved by the school board and Friends of Springfield Prep board in May. Bill requested that the Board vote to authorize him to sign the Commitment Letter. All other financing is proceeding as planned. For the New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC), Bill discussed the formation of a new tax-exempt entity to serve as a real estate holding company. This ensures the lowest possible cost structure for any NMTC received. If any are received, the new holding entity would be the owner of the building and would lease it to the school; if no credits are received, Friends of SPCS would be the owner of the building and would lease it to the school. The new non-profit will serve as a supporting organization to the School, much like the structure with Friends of SPCS. Bill requested that the Board vote to authorize the creation of this new entity.
The design development and value engineering processes continue. The largest decision which remains is whether to invest in roofing repairs or replacement, and the team is investigating options as well as funding for these options. The School has begun working with Fontaine Brothers as the Construction Manager on pre-construction tasks.
Boston Private Bank submitted a Commitment Letter that is materially similar to the Term Sheet approved by the school board and Friends of Springfield Prep board in May. Bill requested that the Board vote to authorize him to sign the Commitment Letter. All other financing is proceeding as planned. For the New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC), Bill discussed the formation of a new tax-exempt entity to serve as a real estate holding company. This ensures the lowest possible cost structure for any NMTC received. If any are received, the new holding entity would be the owner of the building and would lease it to the school; if no credits are received, Friends of SPCS would be the owner of the building and would lease it to the school. The new non-profit will serve as a supporting organization to the School, much like the structure with Friends of SPCS. Bill requested that the Board vote to authorize the creation of this new entity.
Loan commitment from Boston Private Bank
A. Malone made a motion to approve the signing of the loan commitment as detailed in the June 15th letter from Boston Private Bank, pending non-material changes to be made by the School's counsel.
J. Rosewell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
S. Fuller made a motion to approve the vote as written regarding the creation of a new entity for the purposes of obtaining New Market Tax Credits.
K. Molina seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
VII. Staff & Family Surveys
Staff Survey Results
This item was tabled until the next meeting due to time constraints.
Family Survey
This item was tabled until the next meeting due to time constraints.
VIII. Closing Items
Next Board Meeting
The next scheduled board meeting is on Wednesday, 7/22/20 at 5:45 PM.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
N. Abramowitz
Documents used during the meeting
- 3 SPCS FY20 May Friends.pdf
- 6 SPCS FY20 May Grants.pdf
- 4 SPCS FY20 May SNP.pdf
- 5 SPCS FY20 May Cash Flow.pdf
- 2 SPCS FY20 May Summary.pdf
- Board Slate for Fiscal Year 2021.pdf
- MEMO. FY21 Vendor Contract Summary. .pdf
- ED Report - 6.19.20 v2.pdf
- Memo - Planning for School Reopening - 6.19.20.pdf
- SPCS status update memo revised 6.18.2020.docx
- Boston Private - Springfield Prep Commitment Letter 6.15.20.pdf