Springfield Prep
Board meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday October 23, 2019 at 5:45 PM
594 Converse St., Longmeadow, MA 01106
This meeting of the Springfield Prep Charter School Board will be held at Springfield Prep Charter School, 594 Converse Street, Longmeadow, MA, 01106 on 10/23/19 at 5:45 pm. Meeting notice was posted on the school's website (www.springfieldprep.org) on 10/18/19 at 2 pm.
Trustees Present
A. Grant, D. Morrin, J. Pistorius, J. Rosewell, K. Molina, R. Leonard, S. Balogun
Trustees Absent
A. Malone, S. Fuller, T. Walker
Ex Officio Members Present
B. Spirer
Non Voting Members Present
B. Spirer
Guests Present
Bob Baldwin, Brittanie McGregor, M. Wagner, Shawna Mitchell
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
R. Leonard called a meeting of the board of trustees of Springfield Prep to order on Wednesday Oct 23, 2019 at 5:48 PM.
It was noted that Bob Baldwin, the school's development and financing consultant, was present and would be joining the meeting to discuss real estate matters.
Public Comment, If Any
There was no public comment.
II. Executive Director Report
Executive Director Report
Bill gave a brief report (ED Report - 10.23.19). He highlighted an upcoming School of Recognition celebration for students and families, and noted that the school would be using that occasion to formally acknowledge Danielle Williams' service to the school by presenting her with an award.
Discussion of MCAS results with Instructional Leaders
Two of the school's Academic Deans, Brittanie McGregor and Shawna Mitchell, shared their experiences as teachers and instructional leaders. The board asked questions about how their work at Springfield Prep differed from their experiences in other schools and about the nature of their work as classroom teachers and as instructional leaders. The board expressed its gratitude for the exceptional work they -- and all teachers and staff members -- do every day.
III. Facility
Executive session to discuss real estate negotiations
K. Molina made a motion to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the lease or purchase of real estate because an open session may have a detrimental impact on the negotiating position of the school.
J. Rosewell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
K. Molina |
J. Pistorius |
J. Rosewell |
A. Grant |
D. Morrin |
T. Walker |
S. Fuller |
R. Leonard |
A. Malone |
S. Balogun |
Building Project Discussion with Bob Baldwin
This discussion was held within the Executive Session because the material discussed in open session may have a detrimental impact on the negotiating position of the school.
Vote to ratify the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreement
The board discussed the fact that the Executive Director in consultation with the Board Chair and the school's counsel had executed the Purchase and Sale Agreement of 2071 Roosevelt Avenue.
D. Morrin made a motion to ratify the actions of the Executive Director in consultation with the Board Chair to execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement of the 2071 Roosevelt Avenue property due to exigent circumstances and in line with the authority previously granted by the board in Executive Session on 9/25/2019.
J. Rosewell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
K. Molina |
A. Grant |
J. Rosewell |
S. Balogun |
J. Pistorius |
D. Morrin |
S. Fuller |
A. Malone |
R. Leonard |
T. Walker |
IV. Academic Items
MCAS and Accountability Report
Sherriff reported out on the 2019 MCAS results and accountability data (MCAS & Accountability Report 2019). He noted the strong results across both grades, the high growth scores in the fourth grade, and the School of Recognition acknowledgement as evidence of excellent overall academic performance from last year. The board expressed interest in looking at additional comparisons to other districts and benchmarks.
V. Finance & Fundraising Items
FY19 Audit Presentation
Doug presented the audit report and shared that the auditors joined the Finance Committee meeting on 10/21/2019 to review the audit report in detail. Highlights of the audit report were presented, including that FY19 audit is a clean report with no deficiencies in controls, the school has a net position of $1,100,000 and the school has a surplus from the fiscal year 2019. It was noted that there will be one update in the language of the report to show a subsequent event of a $100,000 deposit for the Roosevelt Avenue property. The board discussed the DESE dashboard metrics and noted that the school is considered low risk on all metrics except one that is due to a late tuition payment from DESE at the end of FY19 and which impacted all charter schools statewide. (Documents presented: SP Charter School Board Report Draft 10.22.19; SP Charter School Financial Statements 10.22.19 Draft; SP Charter School Management Draft 10.22.19 ; SP Charter School Ratios Draft 10.22.19.)
D. Morrin made a motion to approve the FY19 Audit Report.
J. Rosewell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Monthly Financials
The board reviewed the monthly financials. It was noted that there were no major developments. All revenue and expenses are within budgeted amounts. Net position and cash flow projections have no significant changes from the prior month. The board determined the financials ready to file for audit. (Documents presented: 2 FY19 September Summary Updated 10.21.19; 3 FY19 September Friends; 4 FY19 September SNP; 5 FY19 September Cash Flow.)
Promise 54 Contract Approval
Bill provided details about the school's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work and the proposed contract with Promise54 (springfield.DEI.capacitybuilding.year2.10.14.19). It was noted that this contract was discussed in detail at the Finance Committee meeting. The board discussed that the purpose of this contract is for continued diversity, equity and inclusion professional development work at the school.
K. Molina made a motion to approve the Promise54 contract as presented.
S. Balogun seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VI. Governance
Approve 9/25/19 Board Meeting Minutes
The board noted that the minutes from the 9.25.19 meeting did not reflect the agreed-upon Executive Director salary. This should be corrected to be $125,000.
S. Balogun made a motion to approve minutes from the Board meeting on 09-25-19 with the correction made to the minutes regarding the Executive Director salary. Board meeting on 09-25-19.
D. Morrin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Doug Morrin board role update
Doug Morrin has taken a new role in Seattle. He would like to continue to be a board member but will be remote at times. The board unanimously agreed that they would welcome Doug to continue in his role as a board member and officer.
Executive Director parental leave plan
Bill reported his plans to take one week of parental leave in November and his remaining five weeks of parental leave in February and Marc, in accordance with the school's parental leave policy. The board discussed Meghan's capacity to serve as Acting Executive Director role while Bill is on leave. The board acknowledged the memo he presented outlining the plan for his absence (Memo. Executive Director Parental Leave Plan 2019).
School of Recognition Celebration
Bill shared the plans to hold a School of Recognition celebration for family members, teachers, and students on 10/31/19 and invited board members to attend. The celebration will include a Dedicated Service Award presentation to Danielle Williams.
VII. Closing Items
Next Board Meeting
This item was tabled due to time constraints.
Adjourn Meeting
S. Balogun made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
A. Grant seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
M. Wagner
Documents used during the meeting
- MCAS & Accountability Report 2019.pdf
- Springfield Preparatory Charter School Board Report Draft - 10.22.2019.pdf
- Springfield Preparatory Charter School Ratios Draft - 10.22.2019.pdf
- Springfield Preparatory Charter School Management Draft - 10.22.2019.pdf
- Springfield Preparatory Charter School Financial Statements Draft - 10.22.2019.pdf
- 3 FY19 September Friends.pdf
- 2 FY19 September Summary UPDATED 10 21 19.pdf
- 4 FY19 September SNP.pdf
- 5 FY19 September Cash Flow.pdf
- springfield.DEI.capacitybuilding.year2.10.14.19.docx
- Memo. Executive Director Parental Leave Plan 2019.pdf