Springfield Prep
Board Meeting
Published on May 2, 2016 at 4:57 PM EDT
Amended on July 1, 2016 at 11:05 AM EDT
Date and Time
Wednesday May 4, 2016 at 5:45 PM EDT
370 Pine St. (park at 184 Mill St.)
This meeting of the Springfield Prep Charter School Board will be held at 370 Pine St. on 5/4/16 at 5:45 pm. Meeting notice was posted on the school's website (www.springfieldprep.org) on 5/2 at 5 pm.
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve Minutes | |
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on April 6, 2016 | ||
D. | Updates & Recognitions | |
II. | Finance | |
A. | FY17 Budget Presentation | |
A presentation of the updates made to the FY17 budget since it was presented at the March meeting. |
B. | March Financials | |
C. | Valley Gives | |
Update on the success of this year's Valley Gives campaign. |
III. | Facility Task Force | |
Facility Task Force
A. | Facility update and due diligence proposal | |
IV. | Other Business | |
A. | DESE Site Visit - 4/12 | |
A report on the Year One site visit. |
V. | Governance | |
A. | Board Recruitment | |
Discussion of new prospects. |
B. | Annual Meeting | |
Review date, time, and key items to discuss at Annual Meeting.
C. | Approve Leave of Absence request | |
Vote to officially approve Tricia Walker's Leave of Absence request. |
VI. | Academic Achievement | |
Academic Achievement
A. | April Academic Dashboard highlights | |
A brief report on the highlights from the April Academic Dashboard. |
VII. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |