Equitas Academy Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 24, 2022 at 3:00 PM


900 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Additional Call-in Location:

4324 Franklin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027

8631 E Via Del Palacio, Scottsdale, AZ 85258

3731 W 227th St, Torrance, CA 90505 

4919 Biloxi Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601


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PUBLIC COMMENT AT EQUITAS ACADEMY BOARD MEETINGS – An opportunity for the public to address the Board will be provided prior to discussion and action on agenda items. Members of the public who wish to speak on any item are requested to identify themselves and indicate on which agenda item they wish to speak. The Board will provide an opportunity for the public to speak for a maximum of three (3) minutes, unless granted additional time at the discretion of the Board. Testimony shall be limited in content to matters pertaining to Equitas Academy. The Board may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony period that are not listed on the agenda. Brown Act Compliance: Agenda posted at School.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a meeting of the Board of Directors, may request assistance in advance of the meeting by contacting Equitas Academy Charter School at 1700 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90015 or by phone (213) 201-0440.

Directors Present

A. Santino, C. Langston, D. Krishna, D. Ortiz, L. Heisser, P. Reddy, T. Bell

Directors Absent

F. Spindler, O. Bajracharya

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

D. Ortiz

Guests Present

Andres Figueroa, B. Rush, C. Melgares, C. Osuna, J. Belcher, J. Rayas, Javier Guzman, Jose Gonzalez, K. Gouveia, L. Lofton, M. Borrego, M. Ford, S. Sobkov, Vivian Pena

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Bell called a meeting of the board of directors of Equitas Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Feb 24, 2022 at 3:15 PM.


Approve Minutes

D. Krishna made a motion to approve the minutes from December Board Meeting on 12-15-21.
C. Langston seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
P. Reddy
F. Spindler
T. Bell
C. Langston
A. Santino
D. Ortiz
O. Bajracharya
D. Krishna
L. Heisser

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

There was no public comment.

D. Ortiz arrived at 3:25 PM.

III. Org Updates


Organizational Updates: Principal Voices & Strategy Planning

Malka Borrego introduces perspective Chief School Officer, Javier Guzman, who has joined us. Javier is in the final round of interviews. 


Malka Borrego shares details about Org Updates and grounds us in the 21-22 Meeting Focus structure.

  • 2 School Directors will be sharing with the Board.

Malka Borrego shares the CEO update.

  • 11 priorities used to determine org direction. 
  • Most indicators are on track.
  • We are focused on learning opportunities with our students and teacher satisfaction.
  • CEO has three goals and all goals are on track. 
  • Inaugural Director of DEIA, Brittany Rush, will be presenting to the Board.
  • Final stages of Chief of Schools interviews are being conducted.
  • Cristina Lowry has been hired as Director of People & Culture. 

Kyle Gouveia, Director of Data and Assessments, presents on winter surveys.  Students, parents and staff were surveyed. Mr. Gouveia shared details about strengths and areas of growth for each group surveyed. 


  • Students
    • Areas of Strength for grades TK-4: School Climate, School Belonging, School Engagement, Teacher-Student Relationships, Value for School
    • Areas of Growth for grades 5-8: School Engagement, School Learning Strategies, Grit, Teacher-Student Relationships, and School Rigorous Expectations. 
  • Parents
    • Areas of Strength include Barriers of Engagement, School Climate, School Safety
    • Areas of Growth Include: School Fit and Family Engagement
  • Staff
    • Areas of Strength: Hiring Process, Teacher Compensation, Observation & Feedback, Workload, Leadership.
    • Areas of Growth: School Operations, Academic Opportunities, Instructional Planning for Student Growth, Learning Environment, Professional Development, Education

Mr. Gouveia also shared 

  • Growth goal progress % Data Guide including growth projections and growth achievement.
  • Data on the overall MAP data.
  • Student Learning MAP NWEA Winter Admin IS Data.


Tyler Bell asked: 

  • How are we looking at growth beyond the academics? 
  • How are we accounting for or do we plan to account for social and emotional learning as well as the academic piece?
  • Can we identify a correlation between how a student is feeling and how they are performing? 

Response: That is a gap in the data collection but we are looking at ways to measure more effectively this data. We do have some tools already that we can begin to use. 


Jennifer Freeman, Director of ELD, presented data on Emergent Bilingual Scholar Context highlighting with a focus on promoting Bilingualism. Ms. Freeman's presentation includes the multilingual progress 21-22 goals and analysis: 


  • 21-22 Goal #1: 80% of Designated and Integrated ELD teachers have an explicit language focus in lessons gathered through observations.
  • 21-22 Goal #2: 55% of Emergent Bilingual Scholars (EB)s will meet their ELA MAP Growth Goal in Spring 2022 (up from 48% in Spring 2021).
  • Data analysis included Wins, Growth opportunities, Action Steps and Action Items.
    • Jennifer Freeman highlighted the action step "drafted a proposal for an EL Program specialist" that can be on the ground and can provide additional support on school sites. 

Additionally there is progress monitoring in designated classrooms for scholars that are not projected to meet their goals.


Gregg Gonzalez, Interim Chief Schools Officer, provides a schools update including data reviewing Academic Expectations and Academic Opportunities. Greggs presentation highlights the connection of mindset to priorities. 


School Context - December - January

  • Key Challenges include: staffing, attendance, student culture, leader focus.

Second half of year focus:

  • Reignite 21-22 School Level Priorities
  • Planning for the 22-23 SY 

Prabhu Reddy asked:

  • What are some of the key priorities for the upcoming years? 

Response : 

  • The details list of school priorities can be found on slide 53 in the Board presentation slides.


How we are capturing data about what has been learned?


Tyler Bell asked:

  • What are the strategies to support staff and teacher who are tired and fatigued?


  • On a national scale, we are beginning to make connections between our fatigue and how outcomes. As we begin moving out of this phase, we will need to begin focusing on the work that supports staff in feeling successful. Mr. Gonzalez highlights getting back to foundations will help.

Brittany Rush, Director of DEIA, presents on Equity Work and DEIA priorities steeped in Equitas Forward Initiatives.

  • Ms. Rush shares details about her personal path prior to her time at Equitas. 
  • Details about the Promise 54 data which is a DEI Survey as well as a SWOT analysis captured in early learnings. 
  • Essential Question: How are we considering our staff and particularly our staff of color, understanding that they are disproportionately effected by the Pandemic? 

Tyler Bell asked:

  • How does the Board continue to support in the work of staff retention, specifically highlighting BIPOC staff?


  • Learning more and unpacking more about how we can support forward movement and career growth.  Cristina Lowry, Director of People & Culture, will work along side Ms. Rush in digging into what staff are looking for in the future and identifying what support looks like?

Kyle Gouveia also shares that as we broaden the group surveyed it impacts the data that we are seeing


Carla Perez, EQ2 School Director, adds that when people are saying they are not coming back and in the exit interviews we should examine that data to find answers to these questions. 


Jessica Redon, EQ School Director, and Brittany Rush, former EQ School Director, present on EQ 2021 - 22 SY Initiatives including and Insight Survey Data. 


Initiative Foci: 

  • Instruction 
  • Culture 
  • DEIA

In Academic Opportunity, EQ is above the national average and there was growth in several areas. 


  • Ms. Rendon highlights areas of focus including:
    Instructional planning for student growth. 
  • Next Steps include Instructional Planning Support and collaboratively reviewing student work.  


Carla Perez, EQ2 School Director, presents on the goals and initiatives for EQ2


Initiatives Include: 

  • Build a culture of Trust and collaboration 
  • Build Restorative Scholar Culture 
  • Build Strong Tier 1 Instruction

How can the Board Support?

  • On going tracking of learned information 


Catie Langston acknowledges the level of EI in the presentations and sees the strategic level thinking but also the heart in each presentation.


Board Review of Monthly Financials

D. Ortiz made a motion to Pass the 2021.
P. Reddy seconded the motion.

Slav Sobkov presented the review of Monthly 2021 Financial Package, including Income Statements, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Variance Analysis, and Check Register. Overview of the impact of COVID19 on FY21 revenues and spending. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
O. Bajracharya
F. Spindler
T. Bell
D. Ortiz
A. Santino
C. Langston
P. Reddy
L. Heisser


Declaration of Need

D. Krishna made a motion to Pass the Declaration of Need.
C. Langston seconded the motion.

Cristina Lowry presented on Declaration of Need regarding Teacher Credentialing. The Declaration of Need (DON) is a staffing related document requiring annual Board Approval prior to submission to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The DON is a prerequisite to the issuance of any Emergency Permit and/or Limited Assignment Permit for public school employers by the CTC. Assembly Bill 15-05 requires Charter Schools to issue the document annually effective the 2021-2022 academic year. 

Background: AB-1505 established a new Assignment Monitoring requirement for Charter Schools to notify the Commission on Teacher Credentialing of annual anticipated need for teaching permits. There is no penalty for overestimation. This annual notice was previously only required from traditional public schools. CTC's intent of collecting this data is to aid in tracking teaching shortage subject fields. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Heisser
A. Santino
D. Ortiz
O. Bajracharya
C. Langston
T. Bell
P. Reddy
D. Krishna
F. Spindler


Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

D. Krishna made a motion to Pass the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
P. Reddy seconded the motion.

Maggie Ford presented on Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for Equitas Academy, Equitas Academy 2 Equitas Academy 3 Equitas Academy 4 Equitas Academy 5 and Equitas Academy 6. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
O. Bajracharya
L. Heisser
C. Langston
F. Spindler
A. Santino
D. Ortiz
T. Bell
D. Krishna
P. Reddy


Form 700/Conflict of Interest

Cecilia Melgares presented on Form 700.


Form 700 is a state reporting form in which state and local government officials publicly disclose their personal assets and income that may be materially affected by their official acts. Agency employees, including some public officials who are designated in a conflict of interest code, are required to disclose certain financial interests according to the disclosure categories assigned to that position in their agency's conflict of interest code. Cecilia Melgares, MD of OPS, will reach out to board members and staff directly to send instructions on how to complete on the LA County website.


This year the Form 700 will be online and Ms. Melgares will send info on how to complete the form. The Form 700 is due by April 1, 2022. 


Longevity Award Policy

D. Krishna made a motion to Pass Longevity Pay Award to CEO.
L. Heisser seconded the motion.

Cecilia Melgares presented on the Longevity Pay Award Policy.


Our Longevity Award Policy is expanding to include all employees in efforts to have equitable policies across the organization. This includes Malka Borrego, CEO, and the Board will vote to approve to process longevity payment for the CEO. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Krishna
L. Heisser
O. Bajracharya
C. Langston
F. Spindler
D. Ortiz
A. Santino
T. Bell
P. Reddy


Contract: Woodcraft Rangers Summer Learning

A. Santino made a motion to Approve the Woodcraft Ranger Summer Learning Contract.
D. Krishna seconded the motion.

Margaret Ford presented on the Woodcraft Ranger Summer Learning Contract. 


The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for after school and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade. For 2021-2022 (Year 1), Equitas receives $1,170 per unduplicated student and the investment will ramp up to $2,500 per student. The dedicated resources coupled with flexibility allows programming designed based on the needs and interests of their specific community. Woodcraft Ranger Contract provides free summer day camp TK-6 with 1:10 ratio for 9 hours a day. 



  • How was the company vetted and was their a DEI lens on the selection?


  • There was not a DEI lens because there is not currently a DEI council assembled.  Equitas will do this in the future when a DEIA council is reassembled. 


  • Is there a supplier diversity policy in place? 


  • No, and CEO & Director of DEIA will begin to look at this in future work. 
  • Although these policies are not formally in place, Equitas is very intentional about the suppliers chosen and it sits at the front of the decision making process.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Heisser
D. Ortiz
T. Bell
O. Bajracharya
P. Reddy
D. Krishna
C. Langston
A. Santino
F. Spindler


LAUSD Annual Oversight Report Review

Maggie Ford, COO, shares about the LAUSD annual oversight.  


On an annual basis LAUSD works with each school to conduct an audit and assess the following buckets: Governance, Student Achievement and Educational Performance, Organizational Management, Programs, and Operations.


This was discussed at a previous meeting. 


Annual Update of the School Safety Plan

D. Ortiz made a motion to Approve the Annual Update of School Safety Plan.
D. Krishna seconded the motion.

Maggie Ford presents on the School Safety Plan annual update. 


California Education Code (EC) Section 41020 to ensure CSSPs are updated and adopted by March 1 of each year. The board will adopt the plan for EQ, EQ2, EQ3, EQ4, EQ5 and EQ6. 



  • Have any specific changes been made. 


  • Pandemic elements have been added to the plan to update how to operate through a pandemic.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
O. Bajracharya
L. Heisser
D. Krishna
A. Santino
T. Bell
P. Reddy
F. Spindler
D. Ortiz
C. Langston

IV. Audit Committee


Board Review and Approval of FY20-21 Audit

P. Reddy made a motion to Pass the FY 21-22 Audit.
D. Ortiz seconded the motion.

Every ear charter schools are required to get an Independent Audit report. 


The 20-21 Audit has no findings and was a clean.  Slav Sobkov and Maggie Ford presented and shared a summary of the 70 page audit report.


The audit committee is looking to find a new company to complete annual audits to better meet the needs of the organization.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
O. Bajracharya
D. Ortiz
D. Krishna
P. Reddy
T. Bell
A. Santino
F. Spindler
L. Heisser
C. Langston

V. Governance Committee


2022 Board Retreat

Tyler Bell provided an update on the 2022 board retreat. 


The committee is currently looking at the Langham to host Board retreat on May 13-14.


Acceptance of Resignation

Tyler Bell shares that Aaron Perez has resigned from the Board and the Board has accepted his resignation.


Aaron hopes to someday return to Equitas and believes in the mission. 

VI. Visioning with Board


Visioning for the Future and CEO Transition

Tyler Bell leads a discussion session envisioning the newest Equitas CEO.


Discussion Notes are linked HERE.



VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Bell