Equitas Academy Charter School


Resource Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday August 29, 2017 at 4:00 PM


Conf. Call: 719-394-0060. PIN: 81249. Additional Call in Locations:  1700 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90015, 540 Alta Vista Ave., South Pasadena, CA 91030, 5905 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036
PUBLIC COMMENT AT EQUITAS ACADEMY BOARD MEETINGS – An opportunity for the public to address the Board will be provided at the conclusion of the agenda. Members of the public who wish to speak on any item are requested to identify themselves and indicate on which agenda item they wish to speak. The Board will provide an opportunity for the public to speak for a maximum of three (3) minutes, unless granted additional time at the discretion of the Board. Testimony shall be limited in content to matters pertaining to Equitas Academy. The Board may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony period that are not listed on the agenda. Brown Act Compliance: Agenda posted at School

Committee Members Present

C. Sanii, K. Cape, O. Ammon

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

O. Ammon called a meeting of the Resource Development Committee Committee of Equitas Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Aug 29, 2017 at 4:04 PM.

II. Resource Development


17-18 Fundraising Plan

K. Cape presented the 17-18 fundraising plan to the committee, emphasizing that the priority represented therein was the funding mix, especially the 23% individual giving. C. Chung Sanii pointed out that the overall goal of $330,000 seemed aggressive given last year's goal and results. K. Cape clarified that much of the growth in the number came from the adjustment to include restricted funding in this year's goal, along with unrestricted funding, whereas last year's goal was exclusively unrestricted funding. O. Ammon requested that discussion of the goal with the larger board keep focus on the responsibilities of the board in fundraising, and C. Chung Sanii shared that she would ensure the dashboard reflected that request.


Board engagement and training plan

O. Ammon suggested that training on the face-to-face meeting at this point would be premature, but said the Development Committee should hold a joint meeting with Governance and then train them on how to structure the face-to-face meeting, as it may be valuable in thinking about how to approach meeting with prospective new board members.
K. Cape shared that governance had a tracker that everyone would be populating with prospects and the training could be applicable in that way with the larger board.
O. Ammon suggested we align with governance in the future joint meeting on a training calendar throughout the year to ensure that time spent also serves recruitment needs, especially given the significant overlap.
O. Ammon pushed that she believed we should start with a donor continuum training only on Thursday, and after some discussion, it was agreed that this is how the committee would move forward.


Follow up from board meeting

This topic was covered in earlier agenda items.


Plan for next board meeting

This topic was covered in earlier agenda items.


Sourcing new members of committee

O. Ammon suggested we start thinking about ad hoc members of the committee who are not yet on the board. Her list overlaps with her board prospects and asked if M. Borrego had some relationships in mind. O. Ammon suggested that the Governance tracker reflects who could be a good ad hoc member on the development committee to check out if prospects are the right people, and M. Borrego agreed. C. Chung Sanii also commented the importance of beefing up for next year as O. Ammon would be leaving the board. M. Borrego expressed that governance had voiced concerns about board recruitment and the goal for number of board members. O. Ammon suggested teaming up will help support them and relieve some of the pressure that committee may be feeling.

C. Chung Sanii mentioned the difficulty of the dashboard numbers changing in the preceding year, and aligned to representing cash in on the dashboard as opposed to pledges. K. Cape agreed to update backend data accordingly and align with C. Chung Sanii on data output.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:59 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
O. Ammon