One City Schools


One City Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 22, 2024 at 4:00 PM


3rd Floor Conference Room

1707 W. Broadway

Madison, WI 53713

Directors Present

C. Gaines (remote), D. Aguayo (remote), G. Derzon (remote), J. Howard, J. Johnson, J. Krupp, S. Campagna, S. Stroman (remote), T. Jaeckle, T. Pedracine

Directors Absent

B. Curley-Prestine, G. Ladson-Billings, N. Wray, S. Klug

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Caire

Non Voting Members Present

K. Caire

Guests Present

A. Ogunniyi, B. Pickett, G. Wiseman, M. Dyslin, M. Ruffin, N. Fees, X. Zupan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Howard called a meeting of the board of directors of One City Schools to order on Tuesday Oct 22, 2024 at 4:03 PM.


Approve Minutes from the September 2024 Regular Board Meeting

J. Krupp made a motion to approve the minutes from One City Regular Board Meeting on 09-24-24.
S. Campagna seconded the motion.

Update the location in the minutes (met at M3 Insurance)

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Financial Statements Review and Approval


Approve September 2024 Financial Statements

J. Vertz reported One City's current assets at $175,000. Revenue is tracking ahead compared to September 2023 due to an early charter school grant claim. Expenses are tracking ahead of September 2023 due to increased personnel expenses due to the growth of One City staff and to the timing of contracts the school has signed. Expenses are recognized as soon as the contract is signed, even if payment isn't made at that time. 


The External Relations team is working to secure verbally committed pledges to improve cash on hand. The next charter school payment is scheduled for mid-late December, arriving no later than December 30th.

J. Howard made a motion to approve One City Broadway financial statements from September 2024.
T. Jaeckle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
J. Howard made a motion to One City Schools Foundation financial statements from September 2024.
S. Campagna seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
J. Howard made a motion to One City Schools Consolidated financial statements from September 2024.
S. Campagna seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
J. Howard made a motion to One City Schools Inc. financial statements from September 2024.
S. Campagna seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Review of the 2024-2025 Proposed Revised Budget


Review Updated 2024-25 Budget

J. Vertz highlighted updates from One City's 2024-2025 budget revisions.


One City will apply to receive reimbursements for the 2K and 3K program meals and reduce the amount of tuition scholarships which reduces the need for some fundraising at the preschool level. Expenses include an increase in general district wide insurances, parsing out Family Engagement budget to reflect work done at the 4K level, and maintenance costs at the preschool facility.


The original budget was built on projected enrollment of 478 students while the updated budget reflects enrollment of 454 students. Due to the reduction in students, we will receive a reduced number of per pupil funding, before/after school shares payments and fees, and federal entitlements.


One City must raise $2.5MM as soon as possible for the 2024-2025 school year.


K. Caire shared that since J. Vertz has joined the team, she has identified additional funding sources One City can claim and improved One City's reporting methods. For example, One City will begin billing Medicaid for students who receive occupational and physical therapy and increase categorical Special Education aid which will help us next year.


In order to decrease fundraising needs, One City will plan to exceed enrollment targets rather than meet them moving forward. K. Caire summarized barriers to enrollment: One City does not provide transportation, the decline in birth rate, and the increased cost of living in Madison.

J. Howard made a motion to approve the proposed revised 2024-2025 budget.
S. Campagna seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Fundraising Update and Proposed Named Gift and Gift Acceptance Policies


One City Schools' Fundraising Update and Proposed Named Gift and Gift Acceptance Policies

Teresa Midthun reported that One City has completed 60% of its planning process for the capital campaign. One City has hosted a number of tours and meetings with potential donors while campaign materials are being completed and a campaign cabinet is being assembled. Gift Naming and Gift Acceptance policies are standard and based on a template used by Associated Fundraising Professionals. These policies, if approved, will be added to One City's Financial Policies and Procedures document.


Teresa reported that campaign materials should be completed by the mid-end of November.

J. Howard made a motion to approve named gift and gift acceptance policies.
J. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. One City Schools, Inc. Department Reports


Department Reports

Board members are encouraged to review the department reports included in meeting packets for detailed department updates and to reach out to staff secretary for the board, Gail Wiseman, with any questions.


G. Wiseman shared highlights from the Operations and External Relations departments: One City is preparing to install the monument signs at the Pleasant T. Rowland Leadership and Krupp-Grove Family Unity campuses. The Wisconsin Tech Council has accepted our invitation to hold their monthly luncheons at One City Schools beginning on Tuesday, January 25, 2025. MMSD Superintendent Dr. Joe Gothard visited One City on October 4. Dr. Gothard enjoyed touring the school, meeting and interacting with some of our Scholars, teachers and other staff. 


Board and Executive team members thanked K. Caire's Executive Assistant Xena Zupan for her years of employment and her many contributions to One City Schools as she moves to her new position outside of One City. Ms. Zupan will be missed by all but will remain a part of the One City community and proud parent of a One City Scholar. 


N. Fees provided highlights from the Talent department: focusing on hiring a middle school math teacher, a 4th grade teacher and an accountant. The HR department continues to focus on creating a joyful culture and will begin offering moments to improve wellness during weekly Wellness Wednesdays. 


K. Caire will begin his yearly check in meetings with team members by department or grade level to receive feedback on successes and areas for opportunity at One City Schools.


B. Pickett provided highlights from the Preschool: One City Preschool visited Eppelgarden farm in Fitchburg on October 17. This is an annual trip for the preschool, and One City enjoyed record family participation this year.


C. Hampton shared highlights from the Advocacy department:  Advocacy will be focused on accessing more per pupil funding to reduce One City's fundraising needs. The Wisconsin Independent Charter School Association (WICSA) held its first in-person event. 


T. Pedracine-Stewart inquired about opportunities for families to assist with upcoming advocacy events. C. Hampton shared that One City's lobbying team will host a meeting at One City Schools sometime in November to discuss family engagement and give families tools for getting involved in advocacy work.


M. Ruffin provided highlights from the Family Engagement department: the Parent Council has grown in size and is ready to engage families at school. 


M. Dyslin provided highlights from One City Elementary School: the team is currently conducting a battery of academic assessments. One City will be hosting 25 school leaders from EL Education for the 2024 Impact Tour October 23-25.


A. Ogunniyi shared highlights from One City Preparatory Academy: the team is also currently conducting a battery of academic assessments. The fall athletic season wrapped up last week and there are 46 scholars signed up for winter athletics to date. 

VI. Move to Closed Session


Move to Closed Session

J. Howard made a motion to vote to move to closed session, according to WI open meeting law, "A meeting may be convened in closed session under one or more of the exemptions provided in s. 19.85: (f)".
S. Campagna seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

The Board will adjourn from closed session as no vote will be taken. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Wiseman