One City Schools


One City Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 4:00 PM


1707 W. Broadway

Madison, WI 53713

Directors Present

J. Johnson, N. Wray (remote), S. Klug, S. Stroman, T. Pedracine

Directors Absent

C. Gaines, D. Aguayo, G. Derzon, G. Ladson-Billings, J. Howard, J. Krupp, M. Hanson, T. Jaeckle

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Caire

Non Voting Members Present

K. Caire

Guests Present

B. Pickett, C. Hampton, G. Wiseman, J. Clements, M. Dyslin, M. Ruffin, N. Fees, X. Zupan (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Klug called a meeting of the board of directors of One City Schools to order on Tuesday Jun 25, 2024 at 4:09 PM.


Approve Minutes from the May 2024 Regular Board Meeting

J. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes from One City Regular Board Meeting on 05-28-24.
S. Stroman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Introduction and Vote on Appointment of New Board Members


Approve the appointment of Carolyn Stanford-Taylor to the Board of Directors

K. Caire shared that Ms. Stanford-Taylor had to withdraw her application to join the One City Board for personal reasons. 


Approve the appointment of Beth Curley-Prestine to the Board of Directors

K. Caire shared information on Ms. Curley-Prestine's history with US Bank and the skill set and qualifications that will make her a strong contributing member to the One City schools Board of Directors.


S. Stroman made a motion to approve the appointment of Beth Curley-Prestine to One City Schools' Board of Directors.
J. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve the appointment of Sarah Campagna to the Board of Directors & Board Treasurer-Elect

S. Klug introduced Sarah Campagna, sharing the skill set and qualifications that will make her a strong contributor to the One City Board of Directors. 


Sarah shared that she is looking forward joining the Board and to assuming the role of Board Treasurer. 

S. Stroman made a motion to approve the appointment of Sarah Campagna to One City Schools' Board of Directors.
J. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Approve Board Meeting Calendar and Topics for 2024-25


Review and Approve Board Meeting Calendar for 2024-25

The calendar for 2024-25 One City Board Meetings was shared with Board members for review. 


Approve Topics Calendar for FY2024-25 Board Meetings

Topics that will be covered at One City Board meetings during FY2024-25 were reviewed by board members. 

IV. Financial Statements Review and Approval


Approve May 2024 Financial Statements

A. Daiello-Curylo, a member of the One City accounting team at N4N, provided a summary of May 2024 financial statements. 

Ms. Daiello-Curylo shared that the OCS bank balance is ~$1.3M. Ms. Daeillo-Curylo noted that personnel expenses have picked up but are still within the normal budget range. Regarding fundraising, One City received $75K as a result of multiple smaller donations and $100K from the Roots and Wings Foundation, designated for Preschool operations.  

Ms. Daeillo-Curylo reported that One City has raised $4M so far this fiscal year and needs to fundraise an additional $1.2M by mid-August to support operating expenses.


K. Caire discussed the higher expectations charter schools are held to compared to the much lower amount of public funding they receive. This challenge is amplified by the higher needs of children who enroll (e.g., approximately one-third of incoming new Scholars qualify for Special Education services).

S. Stroman made a motion to approve May 2024 financial statements.
J. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Vote to approve One City's Draft Budget for FY2024-25


Approve One City's Budget for the 2024-25 School Year

K. Caire provided an overview of One City's vision, mission, strategic plan, and policy priorities to provide a framework for the 2024-2025 budget. One City will need to fundraise $3M next year (1.2M by 7/31) to support operations and $12M ($600K by 6/30) towards capital expenses.


One City Schools is hosting its first annual fundraiser, "Support a One City Schools Scholar" at The Madison Club on Thursday, July 25 from 5:00-7:00pm. Board member Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings will be the keynote speaker at the event, which will highlight the exceptional young people helping to lead One City Schools and our Scholars. We will share the funding gap and ask for legacy giving during the event. One City's Board members are invited and strongly encouraged to attend.


K. Caire shared highlights of budget components that are new as of this year:

  • One City is now collecting the cost of Before/After School care
  • One City will begin collecting nominal fees for some field experiences and activities
  • One City Preschool enrollment will increase from 56 to 64, with the addition of a 2nd 2-year old classroom
  • One City will add 1-2 scholars per classroom at the Elementary and Secondary School levels
  • One City is adding one classroom of 8th graders
  • The FY24-25 operating budget is $11.6M 
  • One City Schools hopes to take more Scholars, staff, and board members on national trips

VI. One City Schools, Inc. Department Reports and School Highlights


Department Updates

Government Relations

K. Caire shared that One City Schools is hosting a democratic legislative tour this Friday, June 28 from 10:00am-12:00pm at 1707 W. Broadway. Board members are welcome to join.



J. Clements provided an overview of the sports that One City will add next year: girls volleyball in the fall and boys volleyball in the spring, and soccer programming in partnership with Eagle School.  J. Clements is preparing for the 2025-2026 WIAA application. He also reached out to local aquatics centers in town to offer a swim program so One City's scholars can all feel safe in the water.


T. Pedracine-Stewart shared that Madison West's swim coach is interested in renewing the partnership with One City Schools and will connect that person with Athletics Director J. Clements.



N. Fees reported that One City is hiring the following new positions: World Language Instructor, a PE teacher, two Parent Engagement Coordinators, two School Safety Officers, an additional Special Educator, an additional Student Support Specialist, a Director of External Relations, an Event Planner, a Marketing Specialist, and a Director of Finance.



B. Pickett explained that One City's preschool needs a few facility improvements which include cement repair outdoors, repairs to the stairs and railings in front of the building, new classroom furniture, and additional outdoor play space updates. The total budget for these improvements is $300K.


Elementary School

M. Dyslin shared that One City has hired a Resident Elementary Principal as Ms. Dyslin transitions into her role as Chief Academic Officer.


Secondary School

Ms. Dyslin and Mr. Ayo are working together to develop the academic K-8 plan for Scholars transitioning from One City's elementary school to the secondary school.

VII. Closing Items


Other Business


Adjourn Meeting

S. Klug made a motion to adjourn One City's June 25, 2024 Board of Directors meeting after proxy votes to approve the FY24-25 budget are received.
J. Johnson seconded the motion.

Proxy votes were received, and the FY24-25 budget was unanimously approved. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Wiseman