One City Schools


One City Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 4:00 PM


1707 W. Broadway

Madison, WI 53713

Directors Present

D. Aguayo (remote), G. Derzon (remote), J. Howard, J. Johnson (remote), M. Hanson (remote), N. Wray (remote), S. Klug (remote), T. Pedracine

Directors Absent

C. Gaines, G. Ladson-Billings, J. Krupp, S. Stroman, T. Jaeckle

Guests Present

Ayo Ogunniyi, B. Pickett, G. Wiseman, J. Clements, M. Ruffin, N. Fees, X. Zupan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Howard called a meeting of the board of directors of One City Schools to order on Tuesday Apr 23, 2024 at 4:06 PM.


Approve Minutes

Quorum has not been met at this point, so the Board will vote to approve the minutes from the March meeting at the May board meeting.

II. Introduction of Guest Kim Schachte


Introduction of Guest Kim Schachte

G. Wiseman introduced guest Kim Schachte, longtime supporter of One City Schools and Regional Director of Business Development at Strang. Kim introduced One City Schools to the CEO of Fetch which is now a strong partner of One City Schools. Kim spoke about past and current volunteer work, her passion for connecting people and organizations. Kim is also an active member of the We Are One Group. 

III. Financial Statements Review and Approval


Approve March 2024 Financial Statements and Meet New Accounting Team Member

Amanda Daiello-Curylo, Senior Accountant at Numbers4Nonprofits, joined the N4N team in March and has been working with OCS since day one. Ms. Daiello-Curylo provided an overview of the different OCS entities: One City Schools, Inc., One City Schools Foundation, One City Broadway, Inc., and One City Broadway South, LLC.


Ms. Daiello-Curylo provided an overview of March financials. Fundraising in March and February was lower than budgeted, but April is looking better so far. Ms. Daiello-Curylo discussed the importance of fundraising through the summer as DPI will provide its final payment in late May/early June. 


G. Wiseman shared that we will not know the final number for the final per pupil payment expected from DPI in early June until we complete the membership audit which is due May 15. G. Wiseman referenced the "fundraising desert" that schools experience in the summer after the final pupil payment in June.


G. Derzon asked if the quote for the next phase of construction is available. G. Wiseman shared that Findorff is in the process of creating an updated quote. 


Chair Howard requested that the financial documents be available for review in advance of the regular board meetings. Ms. Wiseman and Ms. Daiello-Curylo will share materials with Board members shortly after monthly Finance Committee meetings.

T. Pedracine made a motion to approve March 2024 financials.
D. Aguayo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Review and Approve Updated Policies


Review of Updated Policies

C. Hampton explained that One City needs to publish a policy regarding the services the school provides to families experiencing homelessness in One City's handbook as well as on the website to remain compliant with the McKinney Vento act and to continue receive funding which aids the service of these families.

V. One City Schools, Inc. Department Reports and School Highlights


Department Updates

Updates from each department are attached to the packet agenda for review.


One City "Lit Night"

A. Ogunniyi shared information about the first annual One City Lit Night, which will be hosted at One City Schools next Tuesday, April 30 from 5:30-7:00pm. Some of the activities and resources offered include: Families will create personalized bookmarks, learn about bibliotherapy (using storytelling in therapy), Ms. Dyslin will lead an interactive session, representatives from the Madison Public Library and Monona Public Library will have tables, and families will go home with goodie bags with age-appropriate literacy resources. The theme is "literacy is light," lifting up the importance of reading at all ages. All One City families, board members, and team members are invited and encouraged to attend!


Enrollment Update

M. Ruffin provided an update on current enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year. One City's preschool is 100% enrolled, the elementary school is 94% enrolled, and the middle school is 96% enrolled. New families have until April 30th to complete enrollment in PowerSchool. There are 27 open seats across all three schools.


T. Pedracine-Stewart stated that the high percentage of families re-enrolling ties together with the current positive climate at One City, which is partly a product of the decision to grow more slowly.


Scholar Assessments

S. Kendrick provided an overview of the process for conducting academic assessments for reading, writing, math, and social and emotional learning for newly enrolled Scholars for the 2024-2025 school year. Middle school-age scholars also compete a personality assessment.


A. Ogunniyi reported that many elementary-age Scholars are coming in at grade level whereas some of the older Scholars are still presenting behind grade level. Mr. Ogunniyi explained that these are hopeful signs that the children who began school in the post-pandemic era are making expected progress.


EL Education Design Principles

S. Kendrick provided an overview of EL Education and discussed the concept of CREW, which is the culture and community built in a classroom and in the school building, as well as the curriculum One City has adopted in our elementary and secondary schools. S. Kendrick discussed the design principles and shared a video of a 4th grade Scholar describing a particular design principle: Solitude and Reflection.


T. Pedracine-Stewart shared her appreciation for One City's adoption of EL Education and the impact it has had on her Scholar's academic journey as well as One City's plan for slower growth.


Forward Exam

S. Kendrick described: the reason schools conduct assessments (to collect data and inform teaching and learning) as well as the types of assessments (formative, which encompasses classwork/quizzes, and summative, which compare our school to others in the State of WI and across the country) and the way One City prepared for the Forward Assessment.


S. Kendrick explained that One City's 3rd and 4th graders began Forward testing before spring break, and the team is wrapping up makeup testing now. Score results are embargoed until DPI releases them in the fall.


S. Kendrick confirmed that Scholars were well-prepared for the Forward Exam, including practicing using computers.


Dr. Wray asked what signs, if any, team members noticed that may indicate that this year's test results may improve compared to last year. Team members explained that children were more comfortable using the computers this year, the Parent Council created and distributed notes of support, and that preparation for the testing period was improved and involved very intentional focus.


Marketing and Fundraising

G. Wiseman shared two videos created by Clouds North Films with the intent of raising awareness about One City Schools and the unique features of our schools. Special thanks to board members Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings and Noble Wray for their participation in these phenomenal videos.


X. Zupan summarized the success of a recent 12-week social media campaign in which One City placed 15- and 30-second ads on Meta (Facebook and Instagram), LinkedIn, and YouTube.


G. Wiseman shared that One City recently won a $25K unrestricted grant, an anonymous high-level donor will be visiting One City this week, and another anonymous donor has pledged $100K to hire a reading specialist for the 24-25 school year.


G. Wiseman also announced that One City will be hosting a fundraiser this summer with the goal of raising $1MM from 100 local businesses.


One City Schools Board of Directors Annual Retreat

One City's annual Board Retreat will be held at One City Schools (1707 W. Broadway) on Saturday, May 4 from 9:00am-3:00pm. All board members are expected to attend and participate.

VI. Closing Items


Other Business

Chair Howard asked Board members to use Board on Track to indicate their attendance at future board meetings and the board retreat on May 4.


Chair Howard asked Board members to submit areas of concern or items for discussion for future agendas.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:03 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Wiseman