One City Schools


One City Board of Directors Advocacy Planning Retreat

OCS Advocacy Planning Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday June 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM


 Perennial Yoga, 5500 East Cheryl Pkwy, Fitchburg, WI 53711

The Board of Directors of One City Schools hosted its 2022 Board Advocacy Planning Retreat at Perennial Yoga in Fitchburg, Wisconsin. The retreat focused on learning about the needs and issues surrounding public charter schools in Wisconsin and nationally, and framing One City's advocacy agenda for the next 12 months. 

Directors Present

G. Derzon, G. Ladson-Billings, J. Krupp, M. Hanson, N. Wray, S. Martyniak, T. Jaeckle, T. Pedracine, W. Akhtar

Directors Absent

C. Gaines, C. Zdeblick, D. Aguayo, D. Ledesma, PhD, S. Klug, S. Stroman

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Caire

Non Voting Members Present

K. Caire

Guests Present

B. Pickett, D. Stephan, F. D'Abell, G. Wiseman, M. Ruffin, X. Zupan

I. Opening Items


Coffee and Informal Check In


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Wray called a meeting to order on Thursday Jun 30, 2022 at 9:00 AM.

II. Meeting Notes


General Meeting Notes

Greetings Board and Committee Members.


Here is a recap of our 2022 Advocacy Retreat from Thursday, June 30, 2022.


Click here to view a handful of photos from our retreat. It was truly a wonderful day. 


The retreat started with 30 minutes of yoga meditation with Perennial Yoga instructor and staff member, Jessica Flowers


This was followed by an inspiring and passionate presentation by One City Board Chair, Noble Wray, where he addressed the purpose of our organization, the intention of our schools, and the magnificent history of our shared accomplishments since our collective founding of One City Schools in 2014.


This was followed by Board Member Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings grounding attendees in her thought-provoking presentation of why One City is so important, especially right now. 


We then enjoyed three informative presentations and conversations with our special guest presenters who joined us via Zoom or in-person:

  • Ronald Rice, Sr. Director of Government Relations, National Alliance of Public Charter Schools (presented virtually)
  • Ebony Lee, Partner and Leader of the Advocacy Practice, Charter School Growth Fund (presented virtually)
  • Bill McCoshen, Partner, Michael Best Strategies (presented in-person)

Click here to view the slides from CEO Kaleem's presentation and discussion as well.


Board Member Gordon Derzon also requested that CEO Kaleem's recent editorial in the Wisconsin State Journal titled, "We Can't Solve Problems if our Children Can't Read", was provided to all attendees at the retreat.


These presentations were followed by a discussion about what One City's legislative policy and advocacy agenda should be for at least the next 12 months. 




Before the meeting adjourned for the day, the Board and staff identified four legislative priorities and objectives that will guide One City's legislative advocacy agenda going forward:


  1. Securing greater public per pupil funding for independent public charter schools in Wisconsin
  2. Securing public funding for public schools that offer a longer school day in Wisconsin
  3. Securing public funding for public schools that offer a longer school year in Wisconsin
  4. Securing legislative support and funding for allowing staff of independent public charter schools in Wisconsin to participate in the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS)

The Board also agreed, by consent of all in attendance, that One City should continue to play a central role in helping to organize the statewide nonprofit association that will support and advance the interests of independent public charter schools in Wisconsin. Currently, it is tentatively referred to as “Wisconsin Charter School Advocates”; however, this name could be changed by the group of independent public school charter school leaders and supporters who are creating it.


With regard to One City's efforts to advocate for greater access to high quality and affordable child care options in Wisconsin, CEO Kaleem shared that One City will align with, engage in and support the advocacy efforts of the Wisconsin Early Childhood Association, and other related entities, rather than establish a separate entity to address the needs of day cares, preschools and families in our state and community.


Lastly, Board members were reminded that the Board gave the CEO permission, during its annual Board Retreat in May 2021, to move forward with hiring our VP of Government Relations and establishing a 501c4 organization. The 501c4 will enable One City to engage more significantly in legislative advocacy and pursuing the above changes and enhancements to public education policy that impacts independent public charter schools and early childhood education in Wisconsin, and namely, One City Schools. This work will commence and the CEO is talking with prospective donors about funding this work.


The retreat began promptly at 9:00am CT and concluded early at 3:30pm CT.


Board Members in Attendance: 


  • Noble Wray, Chair
  • Joseph Krupp, Vice Chair
  • Torrey Jaeckel, Board Treasurer
  • Wajiha Akhtar Khaleel, PhD, Member
  • Toya Pedracine-Stewart, Member
  • Gloria Ladson-Billings, PhD, Member
  • Salli Martyniak, Member
  • Gordon Derzon, Member
  • Michael Hanson, Member
  • Kaleem Caire, CEO, Ex-Officio

Board Members who were Not in Attendance:


  • Carola Gaines, Secretary 
  • David Aguayo, Member
  • Sui-Nae Stroman, Member
  • Catherine Zdeblick, Member
  • Scott Klug, Member
  • Dominic Ledesma, PhD, Member (until June 30, 2022)

One City Staff in Attendance:


  • Faren D'Abell, Chief of Instructional Design
  • Lucy Greimel, Extended Learning Academies Manager and FACE Team Member
  • Latoya Holiday, VP of Government Relations (official start date is July 11, 2022)
  • Bryce Pickett, Preschool Director
  • Marilyn Ruffin, VP of Family and Community Engagement 
  • David Stephan, Chief Talent Officer
  • Latisha White, School Social Worker and FACE Team Member
  • Gail Wiseman, VP of Government Relations
  • Xena Zupan, Executive Assistant to the CEO

Guests in Attendance:


  • Brittany Kinser, Kinser Consulting, Inc.
  • Joseph Sensenbrenner, One City Donor and Philanthropist
  • Guest Presenters (named above)




Additional Information for the One City Board and Staff

FYI, we have commissioned James Palmer, an intern with the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce, (and son of our very own Sui-Nae Stroman) to translate the data Kaleem shared on per pupil costs in K-12 education in Wisconsin into more charts and graphs that digestible and understandable by the average reader. James has a master's degree from Marquette University in Data Analytics. Kaleem and Gail will share these with Board members when these documents are ready.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Caire