One City Schools


One City Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 27, 2021 at 4:00 PM


Normally, we will meet at One City Schools, 2012 Fisher Street, Madison, WI 53713. However, due to COVID-19, we will meet by Zoom conferencing for this meeting.
Join the April 27, 2021 Board Meeting via Zoom at


Meeting ID: 964 1421 1790


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Directors Present

C. Gaines (remote), C. Zdeblick (remote), G. Derzon (remote), J. Krupp (remote), L. McDonald (remote), N. Wray (remote), S. Klug (remote), S. Martyniak (remote), T. Balsiger (remote), T. Pedracine (remote)

Directors Absent

G. Ladson-Billings, J. Lee, J. Pope-Williams, T. Jaeckle, W. Akhtar

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Caire (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Caire (remote)

Guests Present

B. Pickett (remote), C. Hodge (remote), D. Davis (remote), D. Stephan (remote), F. D'Abell (remote), G. Wiseman (remote), L. Lange (remote), M. Ruffin (remote), X. Zupan (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Wray called a meeting of the board of directors of One City Schools to order on Tuesday Apr 27, 2021 at 4:00 PM.


Approve Minutes from March 23, 2021 Regular Board Meeting

J. Krupp made a motion to approve the minutes from the One City Regular Board Meeting on 03-23-21.
L. McDonald seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Finance Committee: Discussion and Actions


Review and Approve One City's March 2021 Financial Report

L. Lange of Numbers4Nonprofits reviewed the March 2021 financial report and shared that we are projected to receive a payment by June 21, which will be the last payment of the year. The payment comes from our student count as of the end of January. Projected tuition payments through the end of the year should be approximately $75,000.

We expect to receive ESSR 3 funds, though the exact amount is yet to be approved.

S. Klug wondered if the gift from Pleasant Rowland is official and marked in the books. K. Caire replied that it will be entered in the financials as soon as the pledge has been signed. 

N. Wray asked if we generate any money for summer school? K. Caire replied that the state budget isn't built to support our longer school year. N. Wray wondered if we could make this a part of our fundraising strategy. Catherine Z. questioned whether we could use test results as leverage to prove the value of summer school? K. Caire responded that our summer session runs from June 15-end of July as a third trimester; it doesn't quality as a summer school because summer school usually lasts just 2-4 hours. K. Caire informed the Board that Fern Knepp, a One City parent, will speak about this at the retreat on May 1.

K. Caire shared that he recently met with Senator Dale Kooyenga and spoke with him about independent charter schools receiving more equitable funding from the state. We receive $9,000 per student vs. $15,000 in the public school system. 

N. Wray stated that he still believes we should investigate the possibility of leveraging the value of our summer program to help raise funds to help cover operations.

T. Pedracine asked about the budget line for engagement programming and wondered if there is a separate budget line for FAST, and if so, what is included in the "parent engagement programming" budget. K. Caire responded that One City budgets $14,000 for FAST; we also budget $200 for meals for the parent council meetings which have only been held virtually this year. 
T. Pedracine requested a meeting for a breakdown of the budget for parent engagement and L. McDonald said that she believed the parent council does have access to the $200 per month. She suggested that the funds could be used to rent a bus to go to a park for a retreat, go to Milwaukee to visit a museum, etc. The money could be saved up and spent bi-annually to host events, though it could not be saved beyond 12 months. The Parent Council decides how to spend the money and any OCS parent can participate. 
L. McDonald further stated that Board members can help with supplemental cost of trips with connections with, for example, the owners of a water park. 
K. Caire suggested that we talk more about the possibilities at the upcoming retreat. 
J. Krupp made a motion to approve the March 2021 financial report.
G. Derzon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Update on the status of the $20M grant applied for from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation

K. Caire shared that the application for the $20M grant applied for from the Kellogg Foundation made it through the administrative review process. K. Caire and Beth Graue submitted 5 peer reviews for competitors applications. Next, we move on to the internal review process. We will learn the results closer to July. The coalition will spend time between now and July determining how we will proceed if we are named a finalist.

K. Caire informed the Board that Savion Castro, VP of the Madison School Board, has joined the ECE4ALL Coaltion.

III. CEO Update and April 2021 Organizational Report


CEO Departmental Reports: Key Topics and School Highlights


One City Student Enrollment Update for the 2021-22 School Year

M. Ruffin provided an enrollment update for the 2021-22 school year, including:
  • 4K, 5K and 1st grades are full, and waitlists for each are growing
  • 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades have available seats
  • Total enrollment is at 76%
  • We will continue our recruitment efforts in May
  • Members of the leadership team met with the MGSD Superintendent and School Board President last week to discuss partnership ideas
  • The team has done a great job helping enrollment along, especially I. Perea and L. White
C. Gaines asked if we are meeting our target demographics racially and economically with our currently enrolled students.
M. Ruffin responded that we will gather demographic information by May 14, as parents complete enrollment via Powerschool. She will follow up with an answer to C. Gaines' question at the next Board meeting.
K. Caire reminded the Board that we have to follow a blind enrollment process, which means that we cannot ask for demographic information up front.
C. Gaines commented that it is a heavy lift to get families who need One City the most to enroll. 

T. Pedracine wondered if, with the news of OCS' building being shared, have any of the families who have left One City in past years shown any interest in returning?
K. Caire responded that yes, there are a couple of families who have shown interest in returning. 

S. Klug wondered if we are now a part of the MGSD, and if so, will that district be upset that we're pulling kids/funding away from them?
K. Caire replied that our boundaries are the border of the state of Wisconsin. Students who come from other school districts bring funding with them from those districts minus the state levy tax money. That money stays with each district.

K. Caire stated that our connection with MGSD has been positive so far.

M. Ruffin wrapped up the discussion by letting members know that One City has been holding Zoom sessions to walk families through the enrollment process, and that we have 3 iPads available to help families with enrollment.

She reminded the Board that parents are out biggest supporters and that Board members and parents should please reach out to families and friends and spread the word about One City.


Report on Progress Toward Purchase of 1707 W Broadway

D. Stephan stated that an agreement to purchase the building at 1707 W Broadway was signed last weekend. Due diligence begins now.  The Facilities Committee and staff will engage with JLA and Findorff to discuss plans for renovation.

Our current landlords at 450 Coyier Lane have been notified that we will not be renewing our lease.

Staff and members of the Facilities Committee met with the City of Monona for a preliminary hearing to share and discuss our plans for zoning the area as a school.  Members of the Planning Commission were very positive and supportive and had some requests, including that we complete a traffic study and develop plans around our signage needs.
We will submit plans before May 10 and engage in another preliminary hearing 2 weeks later, and then formally submit before a hearing a a vote at the end of the month,.

C. Zdeblick commented that a closing date at the end of July is a tight timeline before the start of the school year, and materials are in short supply. Is that being taken into consideration?

D. Stephan agreed and stated that we have talked to Findorff about setting up temporary classrooms for this fall. The building is move-in ready in that everything is functional. 
We will proceed in phases. Phase I is to make certain that there is space for our scholars and staff before September 1. Construction will happen on another floor and students will move into permanent classrooms after the holiday break, in January 2022.

N. Wray wondered if the traffic plan require professional assistance? D. Stephan  replied that it will, and we have reached out to a company that can help us identify our needs.

C. Gaines asked to be reminded what document she signed recently, and G. Wiseman replied that, as Board Secretary, she signed the resolution that the Board passed at the last meeting allowing K. Caire and T. Jaeckle to negotiate the purchase of the building at 1707 W Broadway. N. Wray stated that he had the same questions, and G. Wiseman confirmed that, as Board Chair, his signature was also required on the resolution. 



A Preview: First Look at One City Schools WPS Facility

K. Caire stated that Phase 2 of construction will include a state-of-the-art athletic facility. He then presented a preview of the new OCS Facility Schematic Drawings and shared a proposal suggesting that we demolish the current parking structure and build an athletic center. This endeavor will require serious fundraising. 
Highlights of the schematic drawings shared include:
  • Lower level: Indoor playspace, tech center, building mechanicals, gymnasium for staff use
  • First level: Grades K-4, nurse’s office, security office, family engagement center, mother’s rooms, and the cafeteria
  • Second level: Administrative office and cubicle space, meeting spaces, grades 5-12, sensory room, math and science rooms
  • Third level: Cubicle space for non-instructional staff, teacher education lab, tutoring lab, LMC, college advising space, art rooms, humanities classrooms, collegiate academy
  • Creation of an athletic facility which will be available for the community to rent out for events, tournaments, etc.

A. Gelbach stated that the City of Monona has already mentioned the possibility of developing some of the woodland area, so they may be open to approving the plan around building of an athletic center.

J. Krupp believes that, realistically, this is a $15-20M building. He wondered if there is still talk of installing a dome over the building. 
K. Caire replied that it won't be a dome, we will be working with the architects to determine what can be done and what the City of Monona will approve. 

G. Derzon suggested that the Goodman Foundation may donate to OCS if we can create a space that will be open to the community.

J. Krupp stated that if we pull this off, OCS will be a competitive school, and he wondered how many parking spaces we can fit under the building? K. Caire replied approximately 275 and we may need to negotiate using WPS overflow parking, which could still connect to the underground walkway into the school.

T. Pedracine wondered about space for track and field. K. Caire responded that MGSD is open to a co-op team so we can partner with them and use their practice space. We will be meeting with their school board soon. We will have soccer fields, basketball courts, a concession stand, dance studio, offices for coaches/athletic directors, training rooms, and a cardio and weight training center. 



A Preview: One City's 2021-22 Capital Campaign

K. Caire shared and reviewed initial plans for the Capital Campaign with members of the Board. The Campaign will consist of phases 1 and 2 of the facility renovation and will include replacing doors and windows at the preschool on Fisher Street. 

We will ask people to join the campaign, both nationally and locally and Board members should begin thinking about who else we can involve and we will have initial discussion around the campaign at the upcoming Board Retreat. 

IV. Other Business


Other Business

N.Wray reminded members to please, if possible, attend the retreat to be held at Olbrich Gardens this Saturday. It is an important time allowing us to build relationships.

G. Wiseman reminded members to please RSVP via Board and Track and that the retreat will begin promptly at 8:30AM.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

G. Derzon made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
C. Zdeblick seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Wiseman