One City Schools


One City Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 23, 2021 at 4:00 PM


Normally, we will meet at One City Schools, 2012 Fisher Street, Madison, WI 53713. However, due to COVID-19, we will meet by Zoom conferencing for this meeting.
Join the February 2021 Board Meeting via Zoom at


Meeting ID: 964 1421 1790


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Directors Present

C. Gaines (remote), C. Zdeblick (remote), G. Derzon (remote), J. Krupp (remote), J. Lee (remote), J. Pope-Williams (remote), L. McDonald (remote), S. Martyniak (remote), T. Balsiger (remote), T. Jaeckle (remote), T. Pedracine (remote), W. Akhtar (remote)

Directors Absent

G. Ladson-Billings, N. Wray

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Caire (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Caire (remote)

Guests Present

B. Pickett (remote), C. Hodge (remote), D. Davis (remote), D. Stephan (remote), F. D'Abell (remote), G. Wiseman (remote), L. Allen (remote), L. Lange (remote), M. Ruffin (remote), X. Zupan (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Krupp called a meeting of the board of directors of One City Schools to order on Tuesday Feb 23, 2021 at 4:00 PM.


Approve Minutes from January 26, 2021 Regular Board Meeting

T. Jaeckle made a motion to approve the minutes from One City Regular Board Meeting on 01-26-21.
G. Derzon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. New Business: Vote to approve new Board member Scott Klug


Approve the Appointment of Scott Klug to One City's Board of Directors

K. Caire introduced prospective Board member Scott Klug to the Board. Mr. Klug is the Director of Public Affairs and co-chair of the Federal Public Affairs Practice at the national law firm of Foley & Lardner LLP. Mr Klug is a former Congressman and Emmy Award-winning television reporter. From 1990 - 1999, Scott represented the 2nd Congressional District (Madison area) as our elected Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Mr. Klug will bring significant Board governance experience to One City Schools and is ready to help us with our fundraising efforts to secure our future home for our elementary and secondary (6-12) schools, enhance and grow our preschool, and promote our public policy agenda in Wisconsin and nationally. He will also help identify resources through several federal agencies in Washington, DC that can support our efforts here in Madison.


G. Derzon made a motion to approve the appointment of Scott Klug to the Board of Directors.
J. Lee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Finance Committee: Discussion and Actions


Review and Approve One City's January 2021 Financial Report

L. Lange of Numbers4Nonprofits reviewed the January 2021 financials for the elementary and preschool.
Ms. Lange pointed out that the first PPP loan was forgiven and that the second PPP loan was applied for on 2/22/21.


Ms. Lange further highlighted that:
- The third payment for the charter school has been received.
- Tuition payments are starting to flow in, using the ProCare registration software.
- Salaries are under budget. 


J. Krupp remarked that it is good to see a positive cash flow. K. Caire agreed and stated that we expect to see additional funds as a $40,000 pledge payment from Phil Blake will arrive in late February and $140,000 in Covid support from the state between now and March. 


S. Martyniak enquired about the date of the last payment from the pledge made by P. Rowland and K. Caire responded that the last payment date is scheduled for August 2022.
S. Martyniak made a motion to approve the January 2021 financial report.
G. Derzon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Facilities Committee: Discussion and Actions


One City Facility Search

D. Stephan reported that Urban Land Interests (ULI) has agreed to extend our option to rent the current facility at 450 Coyier Lane until June 2021.


The Facilities Committee, with Annette Gelbach of Key Commercial Real Estate, continues to investigate long-term, permanent facility options, including the WPS building located at 1707 W. Broadway.


We are well into plans for growing our middle school and eventually our high school.


Devon Davis, School Developer for One City Schools, is working with team members to create plans around growing each school.


G. Derzon asked if the WPS building is the most solid option.  D. Stephan replied that it is the most realistic option on the market at this time. 


J. Krupp stated that the Facilities Committee should be able to report a more concrete plan for next year at the next (March) Board meeting.


G. Derzon wondered if there are any estimates of what the renovation costs would be for the WPS building. D. Stephan replied that committee members and staff are looking at costs.

V. One City Parent Board Member Input


One City Parent Update by Parent-members of One City's Board of Directors

W. Akhtar reported that the Parent Council has been working to ensure that each class at the elementary school has a steady stream of communication from the classrooms to One City families.
She remarked that nearly all classes have been getting regular communication.


F. D'Abell and M. Ruffin have been taking and distributing videos for families to see what the classrooms and building at Coyier looks like.


T. Pedracine clarified that communication needs to be improved in the Scholars Academy and in the kindergarten classrooms and that she, the Parent Council and families are looking forward to seeing those communications improve.


VI. CEO Agenda and Report for January 2021


CEO Report; Key Topics and School Highlights


One City Student Recruitment and Enrollment Plan for the 2021-22 School Year

M. Ruffin reported that we are adding 2 classes each of 3rd and 4th grades. The enrollment period is March 1 - March 19.  We expect to enroll a total of 274 students, nearly twice our current number.
If necessary, a lottery will be held on March 23. Parents will be notified via email and a paper letter on March 25. 
Preschoolers in the 3K classroom must enroll or participate in the lottery for 4K. Students in the preschool are not guaranteed a space in the charter school, parents have to apply.  Students with older siblings already attending the charter school are guaranteed a spot. 


Planned marketing efforts include:
- Sending out oversized postcards, in and around Greater Madison
- Sharing information on social media
- Word of mouth/recommendations by our current families
- Passing out flyers at local grocery stores, retail stores, colleges and universities, and community-based organization
- Passing out door flyers in the South Madison neighborhoods
- Holding virtual open houses: 2 at the preschool and 2 at the elementary school 
- Winterfest will be held at Coyier on Saturday, February 27 from 1:00-2:00pm. The event is for families to play in the snow, enjoy hot chocolate or apple cider and learn more about enrollment at One City Schools
- Individual virtual tours set up with M. Ruffin via Zoom


T. Jaeckle asked whether not knowing the location of our future facility will hurt our enrollment. M. Ruffin responded that until we know differently, we will plan around staying at Coyier Lane.


W. Akhtar wondered how we will navigate the situation if we tell families we'll be at Coyier next year and then end up at a different facility. D. Stephan said that we will explain the situation as it unfolds, making sure to keep our families informed in a timely manner.


T. Jaeckle asked whether we will fill spots on a first come, first served basis if we don't fill up during the enrollment period. M. Ruffin confirmed that is how enrollment will be handled. 


J. Lee asked to see the target enrollment numbers again and asked where we are currently on reaching the goal of 274, considering the number of current families and their siblings. M. Ruffin stated that she won't have that number for sure until our current families complete their enrollment forms. She further stated that there is no concern around filling spots, but that we will have to work harder to market 4th grade spots since we are looking to new families to fill those spots. It will be a challenge, but one that we can face, to nearly double our student body.


Recruiting and Retaining Staff at One City Schools

K. Caire provided Board members with a thorough review of the talent management process at One City Schools. Every team member is expected to adhere to the 5 core values of One City Schools. Mid-Year reviews are underway and involve team members answering questions around Leadership Expectations, including:
- Personal Leadership: Are you resilient and adaptable? Are you reliable? Do you treat other people fairly? Do you speak up?
- Team Leadership: How do you collaborate with others? Are you inclusive and respectful? Do you communicate effectively? Do you give clear, motivating feedback to others? Do you engage and inspire people?
- Results Leadership: Do you follow up with people to get things done? Are you organized? Do you use your time well?
- Thought Leadership: Are you a problem solver? Are you innovative? Do you think critically?


Leadership Expectations are aligned to the Board approved Goals and Priorities in our review process.​


K. Caire shared that there are 24 teachers, including lead teachers and assistant teachers. At this time, we are not aware of anyone planning to leave One City.


L. Allen and D. Davis are leading the recruitment efforts for HR manager and teachers.
They are following a very detailed process which involves a number of interview panels. 


One City using the UK-based HR management system, Apogee. Apogee starts the onboarding process online with a welcome message, gives new staff the opportunity to review other staff members' profiles, ask questions, review company documents and upload their own profiles before their first day of work.
Staff also sets and reviews personal, team and school-wide goals, and each team members submits "shout outs" to acknowledge the team members' good work. 


K. Caire talked about the importance of creating a teacher training program, stating that earning a teaching degree doesn't guarantee that a person will be a great teacher. Programs have not kept pace with the challenges that the world and our scholars are facing, 


K. Caire reported that most private schools do not require that their teachers be licensed. He reviewed the National Association of Independent Schools' (NAIS) career page.  Private schools place value on experience and expertise in subject areas. 


We need to continue to recruit and train teachers of color and are going to start a teacher certification program in-house.


Two assistant teachers have been promoted to associate teachers.One City will invest in these team members and help them earn their bachelor's degree and teaching certification.


T. Pedracine asked if the sponsors of the school support this concept. K. Caire responded that our authorizer at UW-Madison is supportive of us trying new things.


T. Jaeckle wondered if we are legally required as a public charter school to hire only certified teachers. K. Caire replied that we are required to have a charter license and that our lead teachers meet this requirement.


K. Caire asked the Board to actively assist in recruitment of teachers and to let us know of anyone interested in applying



One City applying to receive $20M from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation

K. Caire reported that Beth Graue, UW-Madison longitudinal study evaluator reached out to us about the Kellogg Foundations Racial Equity 2030 grant opportunity. 


One City has partnered with nearly 2 dozen community partners including 4-C, United Way, UW-Madison and the City of Madison) to create an initiative designed to provide deeply discounted, affordable, high quality preschool for children ages birth-5, regardless of race or income, to families in Greater Madison.


Preparation of the application is like laying a blueprint for future plans. The work the coalition is doing now will lay the groundwork for creation of free/affordable preschool for everyone, with or without funding from the Kellogg Foundation.


G. Derzon asked if it's a $90 million dollar initiative, why is only $20 million being applied for. K. Caire replied that there are a number of $20 and $10 million dollar grants being awarded to equal $90 million. We are required to apply for $20 million with the application.






VII. Other Business


Other Business

The next Board meeting will be on Tuesday, March 23 at 4:00pm.


VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

G. Derzon made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Jaeckle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Wiseman