One City Schools

One City Regular Board Meeting

Published on August 26, 2024 at 6:51 AM CDT

Date and Time

Tuesday August 27, 2024 at 4:00 PM CDT


3rd Floor Conference Room

1707 W. Broadway

Madison, WI 53713


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Gail Wiseman 2 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   James Howard 2 m

One City's mission is to seed a new model of public education that ensures children and teens are on track to succeed in a college or career preparatory program from birth through high school graduation.




  C. Approve Minutes from the July 2024 Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes James Howard 2 m

Board members will vote to approve the draft minutes from July 23, 2024.

II. Financial Statements Review and Approval 4:06 PM

Board members will review and vote to approve the financial statements from July 2024.

  A. Approve July 2024 Financial Statements Vote Amanda Daiello-Curylo 15 m

Treasurer T. Jaeckle will provide a review of the financial statements from July 2024.  Numbers4Nonprofits Accountant Amanda Daiello-Curylo will present a narrative slide deck. 


Board members will be asked to vote to approve financial statements. 

III. Introduction of One City's New Director of Finance 4:21 PM
  A. Introduction of Janel Vertz, Director of Finance FYI Kaleem Caire 5 m

Board members will meet Janel Vertz One City's new Director of Finance. Ms. Vertz brings years of educational leadership experience in independent and public school finance.  Most recently, Ms. Vertz worked as Finance Director for the School of Leadership - Afghanistan (SOLA), leading and managing all finance functions at SOLA Inc., the US based parent company SOLA Rwanda Boarding School and SOLAx, their online education platform. 


Ms. Vertz's first day with One City will be on Monday, August 26th. Her email is  Please join us in welcoming Ms. Vertz to the One Ctiy team. 

IV. Updates to One City Schools Handbooks 4:26 PM
  A. Updates to Handbooks Vote Kaleem Caire and One City Staff 45 m

Board members will be asked to review and approve updates to One City's employee and parent/scholar handbooks for the 2024-25 school year. 


Board members will be asked to review and approve an updated Title IX Policy for One City Schools that One City's leadership developed in collaboration with attorneys at Renning, Lewis and Lacy.



V. Discuss Process for CEO Evaluation 5:11 PM
  A. CEO Evaluation Process and Timeline Discuss Scott Klug 10 m

Board members will discuss and agree on the process and timeline for the annual CEO evaluation. 

VI. One City Schools, Inc. Department Reports 5:21 PM

Reports are attached to the agenda. Board members may reach out with questions or comments at any time, by contacting Gail Wiseman, COO and staff secretary to the Board, at


  A. Department Reports FYI One City Staff
VII. Project Read AI and One City Schools Program Update 5:21 PM
  A. Project Read AI Discuss Vivek Ramakrishnan 15 m

Co-founder of One City Schools, Inc and Project Read AI  Vivek Ramakrishnan will provide the Board with a brief update on his work with Project Read AI and One City Schools.  

VIII. Move to Closed Session 5:36 PM
  A. Move to Closed Session FYI Kaleem Caire, Maria Yturriaga Dyslin 23 m

One City Board members will meet in closed session per Wis. Stat. ยง 19.85(1)(f).


Since no vote will take place during the session, the Board will adjourn from closed session. 

IX. Closing Items 5:59 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote James Howard 1 m

Board members will vote to adjourn the meeting.