One City Schools

One City Regular Board Meeting

Published on May 26, 2024 at 7:53 PM CDT
Amended on May 26, 2024 at 10:07 PM CDT

Date and Time

Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 4:00 PM CDT


1707 W. Broadway

Madison, WI 53713


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Gail Wiseman 3 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   James Howard 2 m

One City's mission is to seed a new model of public education that ensures children and teens are on track to succeed in a college or career preparatory program from birth through high school graduation.




  C. Approve Minutes from the March Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes James Howard 2 m

Board members will vote to approve the draft minutes from March 26, 2024 and April 23, 2024.

  D. Approve Minutes from the April Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes James Howard 2 m

Board members will vote to approve the draft minutes from April 23, 2024.

  E. Thank You to Retiring Board Member Mike Hanson   Kaleem Caire 10 m

Mike Hanson has served on the One City Board since February 2022, and has submitted his notice of resignation. His resignation from the One City board coincides with his retirement from the Madison Police Department, where he has served for over 20 years. Most recently, Mike has served as the Captain of the South District where he worked with the community on problem solving issues and on community relations. Mike holds a degree in public relations and a master’s degree in human resource management.  Born and raised in Madison, Mike found a career that allowed him to help others and make a difference in our community.  As an adjunct instructor for Northwestern University, Mike has always been committed to education and life-long learning.  Mike created a fundraising mechanism throughout the community to hire tutors to increase reading scores with our youth who are behind.  This program has grown in the three years of development to reach out to more youth in need.  Additionally as a Captain, Lieutenant and neighborhood officer Mike has been involved in leading numerous community events.  

We are very grateful for the time and support that Mike has provided to One City Schools. His voice was critical during the challenges our school has faced during the past two years and he has demonstrated time and again his belief in the mission and vision of One City Schools, and has cheered our successes. 

We wish Mike a very happy retirement!

II. Introduction of Guests Carolyn Stanford Taylor and Beth Curley Prestine 4:19 PM

Board members will be introduced to guests Carolyn Stanford Taylor, former Wisconsin State Superintendent, and Beth Curley Prestine, Private Banking Relationship Manager at US Bank.


  A. Introduction of Guests Carolyn Stanford Taylor and Beth Curley Prestine FYI James Howard, Kaleem Caire 10 m
III. Financial Statements Review and Approval 4:29 PM

Board members will review and vote to approve the financial statements from April 2024.

  A. Approve April 2024 Financial Statements Vote Torrey Jaeckle, Gail Wiseman 10 m

Treasurer T. Jaeckle will provide a review of the financial statements from April 2024.  Numbers4Nonprofits Accountant Amanda Daiello-Curylo will present a narrative slide deck requested by members of the board during its March meeting. 


Board members will be asked to vote to approve financial statements. 

IV. Vote to approve One City's Updated 2024-25 Strategic Plan 4:39 PM

Board members will vote to approve One City's Updated 2024-25 Strategic Plan

  A. Approve One City's Updated 2024-25 Strategic Plan Vote Kaleem Caire 5 m

One City's Board of Directors discussed One City's 2024-25 during its annual Board retreat in May. All members present approved of the direction and details provided in One City's draft strategic plan for 2024-25. One City's Board Chair and CEO are asking the Board to vote to approve the updated 2024-25 Strategic Plan. 

V. Discuss and Vote to Approve One City Schools' Establishment of a 501(c)(4) Organization 4:44 PM

Board members will discuss and vote to establish a 501(c)(4) organization. 



  A. Review Memo Regarding Establishment of 501(c)(4) Organization Vote Kaleem Caire 20 m
VI. One City Schools, Inc. Department Reports and School Highlights 5:04 PM

Reports are attached to the agenda. Board members may reach out with questions or comments at any time, by contacting Gail Wiseman, the staff secretary to the Board, at


  A. Department Updates FYI OCS Staff
VII. Move to Closed Session of the Board 5:04 PM
  A. Board Vote to Move to Closed Session Vote James Howard 55 m

Board members will vote to move to closed session per WI Open Meetings Law, 19.85(c).

VIII. Closing Items 5:59 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote James Howard 1 m

The meeting will adjourn from closed session, as no vote will be called.