One City Schools

One City Regular Board Meeting

Published on May 21, 2023 at 8:57 PM CDT

Date and Time

Tuesday May 23, 2023 at 4:00 PM CDT


One City Broadway, 1707 W. Broadway, Monona, WI 53713 (lower level)

Only One City Board members, staff and invited guests are allowed to participate in-person.



      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Gail Wiseman 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Noble Wray 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Noble Wray 2 m

The Board will vote to approve the draft minutes from the April 2023 regular meeting.

    Approve minutes for One City Regular Board Meeting on April 25, 2023  
II. Welcome to Chief Talent Officer Nikole Fees 4:04 PM

Board members will join us in welcoming Ms. Nikole Fees, who will serve as the new Chief Talent Officer for One City Schools. 


Ms. Fees has most recently served as principal of Milwaukee Scholars Charter School in Milwaukee, WI and has a significant background in K-12 education. Learn more about Ms. Fees here: Nikole J. Fees - One City Bio


Ms. Fees began her tenure with One City on Monday, May 15, 2023. She spent her first week working with David Stephan, former CTO, on transition activities. 


Ms. Fees will serve as a member of our executive and leadership teams, and report directly to CEO Kaleem Caire. Please join us in welcoming Nikole to our team! You can reach her at  


  A. Introduction of Nikole Fees, CTO, and Staffing Update Discuss Kaleem Caire, Nikole Fees 10 m

Ms. Fees will be introduced to the One City Board and provide a brief staffing update. 

III. March 2023 and April 2023 Financial Statements Review and Approval 4:14 PM

Effective this month, the Finance Committee has made the decision to share financial statements one month prior, so that the Board can review and approve in a timely manner. This month, the board will review both the March and the April 2023 statements. 

  A. Approve March and April 2023 Financial Statements Vote Torrey Jaeckle 15 m

Treasurer Torrey Jaeckle will review the financial statements from March and April 2023. Board members will be asked to vote to approve the financials.

IV. Approve 2023-24 Strategic Plan 4:29 PM
  A. Approve One City Schools' 2023-24 Strategic Plan Vote Kaleem Caire 20 m

The One City Schools Board of Directors held its annual retreat on May 6, 2023. During the retreat, the Board discussed and vetted the Strategic Plan, making suggestions that have been included in this final draft. We need the Board to approve this plan. After this, we will finalize our 2023-24 Budget Plan and prepare it for the Finance Committee to review at its June 2023  meeting, and then for the full Board to adopt at its June 2023 meeting as well.

V. One City Schools Department Reports 4:49 PM
  A. Department Reports FYI Gail Wiseman

Written reports are shared with board members. Board members should reach out to staff secretary to the board, Gail Wiseman, or to CEO, Kaleem Caire with any questions. 

VI. Enrollment Update 4:49 PM

M. Ruffin will provide an update on enrollment for the 2023-24 school year. 

  A. 2023-34 School Year Enrollment Update Discuss Marilyn Ruffin 10 m

Updated enrollment numbers will be shared with members of the Board. 

VII. Advocacy Update and Engaging One City's Board Members in our Advocacy Initiatives 4:59 PM

We will engage One City's Board Members in our Advocacy Planning and provide an update of where things stand with our Advocacy efforts, and securing equitable funding for our schools.

  A. Advocacy Update Discuss Kaleem Caire, Latoya Holiday 30 m

Kaleem Caire and Latoya Holiday will provide updates on advocacy efforts to date. 

VIII. One City's 10th Anniversary Celebration 5:29 PM
  A. Introduce a Concept for One Cit's 10th Anniversary Celebration in 2024 Kaleem Caire, Gail Wiseman 25 m

One City Schools will celebrate its 10th anniversary as an organization on July 30, 2024. We would like to host our 10th anniversary celebration in July 2024. We are tentatively calling the event, "Greater Madison Homecoming: Coming Together to Help Our Children Move Forward into the Future". 


We will discuss features of the event and what steps we will take to plan this effort going forward. We would like initial Board feedback and input, and identify a time in July 2023 where we can host a half-day retreat to development the framework of the event with Board members, and identify Host Committee members and a fundraising goal.

IX. Closing Items 5:54 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Noble Wray 6 m

The board will adjourn at 5:30pm to allow time for interviews with Beth Graue, Director, Center for Research on Early Childhood Education (CRECE).