One City Schools

One City Regular Board Meeting

Published on November 21, 2022 at 1:18 PM CST

Date and Time

Tuesday November 22, 2022 at 4:00 PM CST


One City Broadway, 1707 W. Broadway, Monona, WI 53713 (third floor).

Only One City Board members, staff and invited guests are allowed to participate in-person.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Gail Wiseman 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Noble Wray 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Noble Wray 2 m

The Board will vote to approve the draft minutes from the October 2022 regular meeting.

    Approve minutes for One City Regular Board Meeting on October 25, 2022  
II. October 2022 Financial Statement Review and Approval 4:04 PM

The Board will review and vote to approve the financial statement from October 2022.

  A. October Financial Statements Vote Torrey Jaeckle, Alice Torti 20 m

Treasurer Torrey Jaeckle and Alice Torti, One City CFO will review the financial statements from October 2022. Board members will be asked to vote to approve the financials.

III. One City Strategies for Moving All Scholars Forward 4:24 PM

K. Caire, D. Davis and M. Dyslin will provide board members with details of the Scholars Academy and Prep Year, designed to provide our scholars with the additional support necessary for them to move forward. 



  A. One City Elementary and Prep Academy Scholar Development Process Discuss Kaleem Caire 20 m

One City's CEO, Kaleem Caire, will explain how One City Schools is developing its Scholars for school success at One City Elementary and One City Preparatory Academy. You will learn how we are moving the diversity of our Scholars forward academically at One City, particularly considering how many children have enrolled with One City who are many years below grade level academically. 

  B. Scholars Academy and Prep Year FYI Kaleem Caire, Devon Davis, Maria Dyslin 40 m

Following initial assessments conducted since fall 2022, we have realized that many of our scholars are far behind where they should be in the fundamentals of reading, writing and mathematics, which is not surprising given that only 9.5% of Black students in third grade in the greater Madison area are reading at or above grade level. 


Scholars Academy has been successful over the past two years in helping to move our elementary school children forward. 


In order to help build basic skills so all of our scholars can take advantage of the unique early college and career education opportunities at One City, we have established Prep Year to offer the intense, customized, remedial instruction our secondary school scholars need.

IV. Department Updates 5:24 PM

Department heads will provide brief updates and answer questions from board members. 

  A. Department Updates Marilyn Ruffin et al 20 m

M. Ruffin will provide a brief report on current enrollment numbers and plans to invite children on the waitlist to join One City after the 1st of the year, in January 2023. 


Department heads will be available to answer questions from board members, and written reports from each department are also provided. 

V. Other Business 5:44 PM
  A. Other Business Discuss Kaleem Caire 15 m

One City elementary school held its first all scholar assembly since before the pandemic!  It was an exceptional celebration of the achievements of One City elementary scholars. One City staff will share highlights of the event with board members. 


The One City Board does not meet during the month of December. Board members will receive school and department updates. 

VI. Closing Items 5:59 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Noble Wray 1 m