One City Schools

One City Regular Board Meeting

Published on August 21, 2022 at 3:58 PM CDT

Date and Time

Tuesday August 23, 2022 at 4:00 PM CDT


Pleasant T. Rowland Leadership Campus, 1707 W Broadway

Join the August 23, 2022 Board Meeting located at 1707 W Broadway.


We strongly encourage in-person attendance for all Board members. For those who must participate virtually, here is the Zoom link:




      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   G.Wiseman 1 m
Roll call - take attendance of Board Directors.
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   N.Wray 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes from July 26, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes N.Wray 1 m

Board members will review and approve the minutes from the July 26, 2022 Board meeting.

II. Approved Updated Scholar/Family and Employee Handbooks for all three One City Schools 4:03 PM

One City's Leadership Team has revised, updated and established its policies and procedures for the 2022-23 school year. In creating and updating the policies and procedures, One City consulted with internal and external stakeholders, including QTI Human Resources/TandemHR, Boardman Clark LLP, UW System Office of Educational Opportunity, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, City of Madison Child Care Division, City of Monona Police Department and others. 

  A. Approve One City's Family Handbook for One City Elementary and Prep Academy Vote Kaleem Caire, Devon Davis 15 m

The Board will be asked to make a motion to approve updates to the Student and Family Handbooks for One City's Elementary and Preparatory Academy, and One City Preschool. 

  B. Approve One City's Updated Employee Handbook for SY2022-23 Vote David Stephan 10 m

The Board will be asked to make a motion to approve updates to One City's Employee Handbook for SY2022-23. This includes the addition of our four-day work week for instructional staff and legal responsibilities of an organization that now has more than 100 employees. QTI Human Resources/TandemHR, and their attorneys, were involved with updating our Employee Handbook. A summary of the updates is included as an attachment for Board members to review so you do not have to review the entire policy handbook.

III. Updated Financial Policies and Procedures 4:28 PM

Board members will review and vote on suggested changes to OCS Financial Policies and Procedures.

  A. OCS Financial Policies and Procedures Vote Alice Torti 5 m

Finance Committee members have reviewed and approved suggested changes to current Financial Policies and Procedures. One City's CFO will present changes to the board for approval.

IV. CEO Update and Organizational Report 4:33 PM
  A. CEO Departmental Reports: Key Topics and School Highlights FYI Department Heads 30 m

For your information and review, attached to this agenda are the monthly departmental updates for July 2022 from One City's Executive Team. Members of the Executive Team will present brief updates about our reopening and onboarding activities for One City scholars, staff and families:


  1. Family and Student Engagement - Ms. Marilyn Ruffin (
  2. Talent - Mr. David Stephan (
  3. One City Preschool - Mr. Bryce Pickett (
  4. One City Elementary School - Ms. Maria Yturriaga Dyslin (
  5. One City Preparatory Academy - Ms. Devon Davis (
  6. Athletics - Mr. Jeremy Clements (
  7. External Relations/Partnerships - Ms. Gail Wiseman (

Please feel free to reach out to the appropriate team member above, or Kaleem, if you have questions. 

V. July 2022 Financials Review 5:03 PM

Board members will review and approve the July 2022 financials.

  A. Review and Approve July 2022 Financials Vote Torrey Jaeckle, Alice, Torti, Leah Lange 10 m

Treasurer Torrey Jaeckle, Leah Lange of Numbers4NonProfits and Alice Torti, One City CFO will review the financial statements from July 2022. Board members will be asked to vote to approve the financials.

  B. Present and Discuss One City's 2022-23 Budget Discuss Kaleem Caire, Alice Torti 20 m

One City CFO, Kaleem Caire and One City CFO, Alice Torti, will present and lead discussion of One City's FY2022-23 budget that includes projected income and expenses for all three One City schools. 



  C. Presentation of One City's 2022-23 Fundraising Plan Discuss Gail Wiseman, Kaleem Caire, Alice Torti 15 m

Kaleem Caire, One City's CEO, Alice Torti, CFO and Gail Wiseman, VP of External Relations will present One City's fundraising plan for the 2022-23 fiscal year. This will include an explanation of strategies for covering One City's operating expenses, current capital project and monthly cash flow needs. If the Board desires to discuss specific sources of funding, we will need to move into closed session. 

  D. Vote on One City's FY2022-23 Budget. Vote Noble Wray 5 m

Board members will be asked to vote on the budget. Suggested Motion: "To approve One City's FY2022-23 Budget for all three One City Schools and Adminstrative expenses". 

VI. Other Business 5:53 PM
  A. Other Business Discuss Noble Wray 6 m

One City Board Members are invited to attend One City's Open House on September 30, 2022 at 5:30pm at our new 1707 W. Broadway location. Please put this date on your calendars. 


Are there any other items Board members would like to discuss today or put on the schedule for a future meeting?

VII. Closing Items 5:59 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Noble Wray 1 m