One City Schools

One City Regular Board Meeting

Published on March 20, 2022 at 7:56 PM CDT
Amended on March 21, 2022 at 10:07 AM CDT

Date and Time

Tuesday March 22, 2022 at 4:00 PM CDT


The One City Board will meet virtually for the March 22, 2022 Regular Board Meeting.


Join the March 22, 2022 Board Meeting via Zoom at


Meeting ID: 964 1421 1790


Topic: One City Regular Board Meetings
Time: March 22, 2022 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance and Welcome Board Members   G.Wiseman 2 m
Roll call - take attendance of Board Directors and welcome to the meeting.
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   N.Wray 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes from February 22, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes N.Wray 2 m

Board members will review and approve the minutes from the January 25, 2022  Board meeting.

II. Introduction of One City Schools Special Education Director 4:05 PM

The Board will meet and hear from newly hired Special Education Director, Kim Anderson. Ms. Anderson's email is



  A. Introduction of Kim Anderson, Special Education Director FYI Kaleem Caire 15 m

Board members will meet Kim Anderson, One City's Special Education Director. 


Ms. Anderson has worked in education since 2000, focusing primarily on secondary education and teaching English. In 2007, she began teaching online, and has worked since then to find alternative paths for students' success. As a lifelong learner, Ms. Anderson obtained a Masters of Arts in Writing and Literature, a Masters of Teaching, and a Masters of Education. 

Ms. Anderson is  currently enrolled at UW Madison, pursuing her doctorate. Her dissertation topic focuses on the impact School Resource Officers have on Black females and Latinas, explicitly focusing on discipline and the school-to-prison pipeline. 

When Ms. Anderson is not working or going to school, she enjoys reading, hanging out with her kids, walking her dogs, running, and doing pretty much anything outside. Ms. Anderson's favorite thing about working in education is getting to know students as individuals and learning from them. 

III. Finance Committee: Discussion and Actions 4:20 PM

  A. Review and Approve One City's February 2022 Financial Reports Vote T.Jaeckle, L.Lange, CEO 15 m

Leah Lange of Numbers 4 Nonprofits has prepared One City's February 2022 financial statements. 

One City Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair, Torrey Jaeckle will present the statements during the meeting. The Board will discuss and then vote to approve the financial statements. 

IV. CEO Update and Organizational Report 4:35 PM
  A. CEO Departmental Reports: Key Topics and School Highlights FYI Department Heads and Parent Board Members 1 m

For your information and review, attached to this agenda are the monthly departmental updates for November 2021 from One City's Executive Team:

  1. Family and Community Initiatives - Ms. Marilyn Ruffin 
  2. One City Expeditionary Elementary School - Ms. Chris Hodge and Ms. Linda Allen
  3. One City Preschool - Mr. Bryce Pickett
  4. New School Development - Ms. Devon Davis
  5. Facilities - Mr. David Stephan
  6. External Relations and Operations - Ms. Gail Wiseman
  7. Parent Council Report - Ms. Wajiha Akhtar, Ms. Toya Pedracine-Steward and Dr. Dominic Ledesma

Please feel free to reach out to the appropriate team member above, or Kaleem, if you have questions. 

  B. One City Student Enrollment Update for the 2021-22 School Year FYI Marilyn Ruffin 10 m

M. Ruffin will provide a brief update on enrollment for the elementary school for the 2022-23 school year. 


As of March 18th, 2022, at the 5:00P enrollment deadline, OCS is 98.5% FULL with 95.5% students returning. We received new applications from 31 different zip codes



Open Enrollment for secondary school (grades 6, 9 and 10) will take place from April 4 through April 22. 





  C. Secondary School Planning Updates FYI Devon Davis 10 m

D. Davis will provide an update on plans for One City Preparatory Academy (OCPA).


OCPA hosted two virtual Open Houses this month with an attendance of approximately 75. The video recording will be posted shortly on our website. 

The OCPA webpage has been recently updated. 


Open enrollment for OCPA will take place the first three weeks of April, beginning April 4 and ending on April 22. 


  D. Fundraising and Facility Updates and Capital Campaign Plan Discuss Kaleem Caire, David Stephan, and Gail Wiseman 60 m

K. Caire and D. Stephan will provide board members with an update on the renovation timeline for the Pleasant T. Rowland Leadership Campus.


K. Caire will also update board members on fundraising needs, both for our Capital Campaign and for operations. We must
raise $7.5M for our Capital Campaign. Additionally, we must continue to raise money for operations. Our operations fundraising goal for the remainder of the year is $1M. We will need to raise $2.2M for the next fiscal year.




V. Other Business 5:56 PM
  A. Other Business Vote Noble Wray 3 m


The April board meeting will be held in person, at 2012 Fisher Street.

The Board Retreat will be held on May 7, the first Saturday in May, location to be determined.


VI. Closing Items 5:59 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Noble Wray 1 m