One City Schools

One City Regular Board Meeting

Published on February 20, 2022 at 9:00 AM CST

Date and Time

Tuesday November 16, 2021 at 4:00 PM CST


In person at the UW South Partnership building in The Village on Park Street, 2238 S Park Street, Madison WI. 


Community members may join the November 16, 2021 Board Meeting via Zoom at

Meeting ID: 964 1421 1790

Topic: One City Regular Board Meetings
Time: Nov 16, 2021 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Join the November 16, 2021 Board Meeting via Zoom at


Meeting ID: 964 1421 1790


Topic: One City Regular Board Meetings
Time: November 16, 2021 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance and Welcome Board Members   G.Wiseman 3 m
Roll call - take attendance of Board Directors and welcome to the meeting.
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   N.Wray 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes from October 26, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes N.Wray 2 m
Board members will review and approve the minutes from the October 26, 2021 Board meeting.
II. Recognize Retired Board Members Lynn McDonald and Jodie Pope-Williams 4:06 PM
The One City Board of Directors and staff will recognize Lynn McDonald and Jodie Pope-Williams for their service on the Board. 
  A. Recognition of Retiring Board Members Lynn McDonald and Jodie Pope-Williams Discuss Kaleem Caire 20 m
The board and staff will recognize Lynn McDonald and Jodie Pope-Williams as long serving members of the Board and supporters of the school. Both have made tremendous contributions to the success of One City to date. 


Lynn McDonald is the creator of Families and Schools Together (FAST). The program was set up to help to build multiple layers of protective factors around at-risk-children - including intensive parental involvement - and also promotes students' resilience in adversity and reduction of long-term negative outcomes. Its research-based activities bring families into the school for weekly meetings.
FAST is an integral part of One City Schools and is credited with setting the foundation for our exceptional levels of family engagement and our expectations around family participation. 
Dr. McDonald remains a steadfast supporter of One City and continues to join us for FAST graduations.


Jodie Pope-Williams served as one of the first parent board members for One City. She is an advisor  for the School of Academic Advancement with Madison College, where she helps to shape students into becoming well-rounded individuals by supporting their development of competence, purpose, and independence.  One of Jodie’s most impactful roles is providing students with the necessary guidance and support to ensure a successful academic career. Her unique perspective and ability to articulate parent concerns in a proactive and problem-solving fashion have been instrumental in helping to move One City forward.
Ms. Pope-Williams has a son in 3rd grade and will remain an active participant on the One City Parent Council.


The contributions of these two outstanding individuals to the One City Board and to One City Schools over the years cannot be overstated.



III. One City Parent Board Member Input 4:26 PM
  A. One City Parent Update by Parent-members of One City's Board of Directors Discuss Parent Board Members 10 m
One City Schools has a strong foundation of active and engaged parents. Parent representatives who serve on One City's Board of Directors will have the opportunity to share an update with the Board on behalf of the One City parent-led Parent Council. 


Parent Board Members Ms. Toya Pedracine-Stewart, Mr. Dominic Ledesma and Dr. Wajiha Akhtar-Khaleel will present/lead the discussion, including a report on the monthly Parent Council meeting.
IV. Finance Committee: Discussion and Actions 4:36 PM

  A. Review and Approve One City's October 2021 Financial Report Vote T.Jaeckle, L.Lange, CEO 15 m
Leah Lange of Numbers 4 Nonprofits has prepared One City's October 2021 financial statements. 

One City Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair, Torrey Jaeckle will present the statements during the meeting. He will also provide a review of our current financial performance, with support from Ms. Lange. The Board will discuss and then vote to approve the financial statements. 
V. Highlights of a One City Classroom 4:51 PM
  A. Highlights of a One City Classroom - 5K Jackie Thompson Discuss Jackie Thompson 15 m
Each month moving forward, we will be treated to a presentation by one of One City Schools excellent classroom teachers. Teachers will share what their class has been working on and what they will work on in the coming weeks and months. 


This month, we will introduce the board to Jackie Thompson, lead teacher in 5K. Originally from Wisconsin, Jackie's passion for teaching brought her the gift of traveling through Americorps programs in various states. Within the past 5 years she has taught 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th grade in California, Hawaii, and Illinois. The most important lesson she has learned from her students is the power of building relationships & giving back to your own community. Her relationship building skills are evident to anyone visiting her classroom.
VI. CEO Update and Organizational Report 5:06 PM
  A. CEO Departmental Reports: Key Topics and School Highlights FYI Department Heads 1 m

For your information and review, attached to this agenda are the monthly departmental updates for November 2021 from One City's Executive Team:
  1. Family and Community Initiatives - Ms. Marilyn Ruffin 
  2. One City Expeditionary Elementary School - Mr. Faren D'Abell
  3. One City Preschool - Mr. Bryce Pickett
  4. New School Development - Ms. Devon Davis
  5. School Health, Facilities and Operations - Mr. David Stephan
  6. Fundraising and External Relations - Ms. Gail Wiseman
Please feel free to reach out to the appropriate team member above, or Kaleem, if you have questions. 
  B. One City Student Enrollment Update for the 2021-22 School Year FYI M.Ruffin 5 m
M. Ruffin will provide a brief update on enrollment.


As of November 9, 2021, 229 out of 254 spots are filled in our charter school (grades 4K-4), or 90.16%.  There are 113 children on our waitlist, with the highest numbers in 4K, 5K and 1st grade. 


As of November 12, our preschool is serving 78 children, 38 of whom are in 4K.





  C. Staffing Updates FYI David Stephan 5 m
Candidates for two open positions, Director of Finance and Human Resources Manager are being interviewed. One City Chief Operating Officer, D. Stephan will share updates on the status of candidates to date.


  D. Secondary School Planning Updates FYI Devon Davis 10 m
One City Secondary School Principal, Ms. Devon Davis, will update board members on the status of the development of One City Preparatory Academy (OCPA), our new grades 6 - 12 public charter school that will open in our 1707 Broadway facility in fall 2022. 
  E. Facilities Update David Stephan 5 m
One City Chief Operating Officer, D. Stephan will provide Board members with an update on the state of renovations to the facility and next steps.
  F. Fundraising Update Kaleem Caire and Gail Wiseman 10 m
Kaleem Caire, CEO and Gail Wiseman, VP of External Relations will share an update on fundraising efforts to date and plans for the months of November and December. 



  G. Policy and Advocacy Update FYI Kaleem Caire and Fern Knepp 10 m
One City CEO Kaleem Caire will provide an update about the work the organization is doing on policy advocacy and the progress we are making. We will report on the status of the two grants we were invited to submit to support our efforts. 
VII. Other Business 5:52 PM
  A. Other Business Discuss Noble Wray 3 m
A Board orientation for new members will be held virtually on November 22nd and 23rd.
VIII. Closing Items 5:55 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Noble Wray 5 m
The One City Board of Directors does not meet in December. Our next regular meeting will be held on January 25, 2022. The meeting will be in person, at the UW South Partnership Building in The Village on Park Street. 


A special session of the board will be called in late December to provide detailed information around the formation of the new entities voted on at our September 2021 meeting.