One City Schools

One City Regular Board Meeting

Published on February 20, 2022 at 8:56 AM CST

Date and Time

Tuesday August 24, 2021 at 4:00 PM CDT


Normally, we will meet at One City Schools, 2012 Fisher Street, Madison, WI 53713. However, due to COVID-19, we will meet by Zoom conferencing for this meeting.
Join the August 24, 2021 Board Meeting via Zoom at


Meeting ID: 964 1421 1790


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      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   G.Wiseman 1 m
Roll call - take attendance of Board Directors.
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   N.Wray 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes from June 22, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes N.Wray 2 m
Board members will review and approve the minutes from the July 27, 2021 Board meeting.
II. One City Parent Board Member Input 4:04 PM
  A. One City Parent Update by Parent-members of One City's Board of Directors Discuss Parent Board Members 15 m
One City Schools has a strong foundation of active and engaged parents. Parent representatives who serve on One City's Board of Directors will have the opportunity to share an update with the Board on behalf of the One City parent-led Parent Council. 


Parent Board Members Ms. Toya Pedracine-Stewart, Dr. Wajiha Akhtar-Khaleel and Ms. Jodie Pope will present/lead the discussion, including an update to plans for improving communication with One City the One City leadership team.
III. Finance Committee: Discussion and Actions 4:19 PM

  A. Review and Approve One City's July 2021 Financial Report Vote T.Jaeckle, L.Lange, CEO 10 m
Leah Lange of Numbers 4 Nonprofits has prepared One City's July 2021 financial statements.

One City Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair, Torrey Jaeckle will present the statements and provide a review of our current financial performance. The Board will discuss and then vote to approve the financial statements. 
IV. CEO Update and July 2021 Organizational Report 4:29 PM
  A. CEO Departmental Reports: Key Topics and School Highlights FYI Department Heads 1 m

For your information and review, attached to this agenda are the monthly departmental updates for July 2021 from One City's Executive Team:
  1. Family and Community Initiatives - Ms. Marilyn Ruffin 
  2. One City Expeditionary Elementary School - Mr. Faren D'Abell
  3. One City Preschool - Mr. Bryce Pickett
  4. New School Development - Ms. Devon Davis
  5. School Health, Facilities and Operations - Mr. David Stephan
  6. Fundraising and External Relations - Ms. Gail Wiseman
Please feel free to reach out to the appropriate team member above, or Kaleem, if you have questions. 
  B. Facilities Report FYI David Stephan and Sallie Martyniak 10 m
The move from 450 Coyier Lane to 1707 W. Broadway is complete.  Findorff began construction on the 3rd floor classrooms almost immediately after we closed on the property on July 27th. Space is nearly ready for our scholars return to school on September 1. Staff is working with Findorff to create a timeline and project update for the lobby, so that everyone can see where we in the process in real time.

There will be opportunities throughout the project for scholars, families, staff, board members, and community partners to provide input and, in some cases, put a physical “stamp” on the project. Staff will continue to meet with the experts at Findorff to discuss safe and appropriate ways to engage.

An LLC has been created to ensure separation of funds to be used toward the purchase and development/renovation of the new school. The Board will be asked to vote to retroactively approve creation of the LLC.

David Stephan and Salli Martyniak will report briefly on the work being done to obtain New Market Tax Credits. 
  C. One City Student Enrollment Update for the 2021-22 School Year FYI M.Ruffin 5 m
We continue to strive for full enrollment for the 2021-22 school year. As of August 23rd, a total of 229 students are enrolled in the charter school, with 84 applicants on the waitlist. 
  D. Elementary School Updates FYI Faren D'Abell 5 m
Elementary school principal Faren D'Abell will report on new and existing teacher orientation activities and plans for the school year, beginning with our first day of school on September 1st.
  E. Secondary School Planning Updates FYI Devon Davis 5 m
Secondary school principal Devon Davis will update board members on expansion plans and plans for community listening sessions.
  F. Staffing Update and Introduction to New Staff Members FYI Kaleem Caire 15 m
One City has 28 new staff members.  We will spend some time briefly introducing Board members to these exceptional individuals and introducing our exceptional Board members to new staff members.
V. 2021-22 Budget Review and Fundraising/Capital Campaign Needs- Closed Session 5:10 PM
One City CEO will present and lead discussion of the proposed budgets for our three schools and administration for the 2021-22 school year.

The CEO will also discuss fundraising needs and Capital Campaign plans with members of the Board.
  A. 2021-22 Budget Review and Fundraising Needs Discuss Kaleem Caire 45 m
VI. Vote to Approve the 2021-22 School Year Budget
Board members will vote to approve the 2021-22 budget.
VII. Other Business
  A. Other Business Discuss Noble Wray
VIII. Closing Items 5:55 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Noble Wray 5 m