Jefferson RISE
Fall 2021 Jefferson RISE Board Retreat & October 2021 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Saturday November 13, 2021 at 9:00 AM
3645 Lapalco Blvd.
Harvey, LA 70058
In full compliance with Open Meeting Law, Jefferson RISE posts all agendas at least 24-hours prior to the meeting at the Jefferson RISE Office and online at Minutes are available online after they have been approved at the following meeting.
Directors Present
George Jackson, Ianisha Chairs, Mona Chawla, Rona Harris, Shekeitra Matthews, Shuna Hughson, Tanya Lewis
Directors Absent
Emad Jabbar, Emily Hartnett
Ex Officio Members Present
Kathleen Sullivan
Non Voting Members Present
Kathleen Sullivan
Guests Present
Chris Daniels, Kevin Guitterrez, Lindsey Cross
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Tanya Lewis called a meeting of the board of directors of Jefferson RISE to order on Saturday Nov 13, 2021 at 9:14 AM.
Approve September Meeting Minutes
George Jackson made a motion to approve the minutes from September 2021 Jefferson RISE Board Meeting on 09-22-21.
Shekeitra Matthews seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Finance
FY21 Year-End Financials
September 2021 Financials
Approve Transition from American Funds SIMPLE IRA Plan to Guideline 401K Plan as of 1/1/22
Shuna Hughson made a motion to Approve Transition from American Funds SIMPLE IRA Plan to Guideline 401K Plan as of 1/1/22.
Mona Chawla seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Jefferson RISE Board Retreat
Jefferson RISE Board
Shreketria adminsters the icebreaker.
Retreat Objectives
- People need to get to know each other personally & their specialties that they bring to the table.
- Clarify board member commitments (time, donations, committees, etc. guest speaker/JP context
- Jefferson RISE Board 101
- Basics: Overview of our school, major issues that come before the board, governance, vs. management
- school goals for the year
- Deep dives:
- Financials walkthrough, facility purchase coming up
- academics overview, including student engagement and achievement, curriculum, adaptations because of and after COVID, etc.
- Fundraising goals & event planning
- DEI objectives for board
- Develop scope& sequence for committees and board for next 12 months
- Visionary brainstorm on longer-term strategic planning
- What might we look like in 5 years? 10 years?
- Rebrand
Kathleen advises board on RISE 101 presentation
Chris provides an overview of 2021- 2022 school goals and sub-objectives.
2021- 2022 School Goals
- Objective 1: Improve academic achievement for all RISE students.
- Objective 2: Build and maintain a positive student culture that allows for learning and social-emotional growth.
- Objective 3: Develop staff members so they can do their job effectively. Ensure staff members feel valued, joyful about their work, and successful in their roles.
- Objective 4:Define RISE's strategic direction and ensure systems, polices, and procedures are clearly defined (on paper).
- Objective 5: Create an eceosystem beyond the school that supports students and staff, including finanical sustainability, good governance, family engagement, and commonly support (including JP).
Chris and Lindsey provides an overview of board committee roles, purpose and duties.
Board Committees
RISE Board
- Governance Committee
- Finance Committee
- School Performance Committee
- Development Committee
- Facilities Task Force (on pause)
- Other Committees/Task Forces as designated by the board
Effective Governance & Jefferson Parish Context
Kevin Guitterrez, Governor Director of Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools joins to deliver presenation entitlied, Board Governance 202 : A Pathway to sustainability
- Rules and Regulations
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Governance vs. Management
Goal-Setting and Scope & Sequence
Chris introduces group work task of creating SMART Goals and making progression markers.
Chris will combine the outcomes to compose a working document to be reviewed and edited at next meeting.
Chris introduced group work task of comments of a board member agreement.
Chris will combine the outcomes to compose a working board member agreement document.
Chris advises Board Retreat will continue for Part 2 on 11/17/21 (Deep Dive: Facility Purchase & Gym Next Steps) and Part 3 on12/15/21 (Visionary Brainstorming). Committee will report out at Part 3.
IV. Closing Items
Upcoming Board Meetings
The next meeting will be held on 11/17/21 at 5:30pm.
Adjourn Meeting
Rona Harris made a motion to Adjourn meeting.
Shuna Hughson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:35 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tanya Lewis
Chris reports end of year financials are within budget.