Jefferson RISE
September 2021 Jefferson RISE Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 22, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Jefferson RISE Charter School
3645 Lapalco Blvd.
Harvey, LA 70058, USA
3645 Lapalco Blvd.
Harvey, LA 70058, USA
In full compliance with Open Meeting Law, Jefferson RISE posts all agendas at least 24-hours prior to the meeting at the Jefferson RISE Office and online at Minutes are available online after they have been approved at the following meeting.
Directors Present
Emad Jabbar, Emily Hartnett, George Jackson, Ianisha Chairs, John Hummel, Shekeitra Matthews (remote), Tanya Lewis
Directors Absent
Mona Chawla, Rona Harris, Shuna Hughson
Ex Officio Members Present
Kathleen Sullivan
Non Voting Members Present
Kathleen Sullivan
Guests Present
Chris Daniels (remote), Trent Mackey
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Tanya Lewis called a meeting of the board of directors of Jefferson RISE to order on Wednesday Sep 22, 2021 at 5:38 PM.
Approve August Meeting Minutes
George Jackson made a motion to approve the minutes from August 2021 Jefferson RISE Board Meeting on 08-13-21.
Emily Hartnett seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Executive Team Report
Executive Team Report
Chris detailed Chief Strategy Officer Report
- Committee meetings starting meetings again post-hurricane
- Board retreat scheduling: Saturday in late Oct/Nov, survey coming out
- School Performance
- Ianisha
- Shekeitra
- Fundraising
- Emad
- Finance
- Emily, Chair
- Governance
- Tanya, Chair
- George
- To be determined
- Mona
- Rona
- Survey for dates coming soon
- The objectives scheduled to be reviewed are:
- People need to get to know each other personally & their specialties
- Clarify board member commitments (time, donation, committees, etc. )
- Jefferson Rise Board 101
- Develop scope & sequence for committees and board for next 12 months
- Visionary brainstorm on longer-term strategic planning
- Developing revised set of Fiscal Policies and Procedures
- Deep in middle of annual audit process; delayed with hurricane but still on track
- Fiscal year closed with Finance Committee
- More information at next meeting on FY22 budget and staffing, actual expenses, etc. - will know October 1 count and full beginning of year expenses
- Moving day-to-day HR to new Dir of HR, managed by Sullivan/Mackey
- New Chief Academic Officer started early September
- Building out year-long scope and sequence of learning for managers on the team
- Mostly on hold as school year gets started, hurricane, etc.
- Beginning to work on longer-term strategic plan in October/November
- working with key employees on special projects throughout fall
Approve revised 2021-22 academic calendar effective 9/28/2021 with executive team discretion to revert to original calendar if instructional minutes waiver is granted
John Hummel made a motion to Approve revised 2021-22 academic calendar effective 9/28/2021 with the executive team discretion to revert to the original calendar if instructional minutes waiver is granted.
Emad Jabbar seconded the motion.
- Waiver statusĀ
- Need to make up at least 6,000 instructional minutes
- Proposal
- Cancel Fall Break = 1,140
- Add 30 Mins/Day = 4,170
- Reduce AM HR by 10 mins
- Extend end of day by 20 mins
- Students dismissal at 3:10-3:20 pm; staff dismissal at 3:30 pm
- Change 4 Exam Days (12 pm) to Reg Days (3 pm) = 720
- Total = 6,030
- Proposal
- Considerations
- Quarters and semesters
- The semester will move into January; Awaiting district decision on state-mandated testing for high school
- State testing
- PD days and conferences
- Quarters and semesters
- Academic Calendar Adjustments
- JPS Updated Calendar
- We fall into Tier 2 and Tier 3 School of returning to school
- Calendar Proposals and Calculator
- Staff and Family provided input
- 10% of families responsedĀ
- 80% staff responsed
- Staff and Family provided input
- JPS Updated Calendar
- Priorities
- Meet instructional minute requirements
- Minimize negative impact on instruction, students, staff
- Timeline
- Tuesday, Wednesday - input
- Wednesday - Board approves updated calendar
III. Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement Committee Report
Kathleen discusses the trends of state testing data.
IV. Development
Development Committee Report
Committee scheduled to meet soon.
V. Facility
Facility Task Force Report
Chris provides an update. The executive team will discucssion the gym options and provide update to team.
VI. Finance
Finance Committee Report
Emily provided an update. See documents attached to agenda.
Audit Update
Tanya will provided an update at later date.
VII. Other Business
Executive Session
START: 6:54pm
END- 7:13pm
END- 7:13pm
Vote to Approve SY21-22 Head of School Salary
George Jackson made a motion to for Kathleen Sullivan, H o S, the board approves a 3.5% salary increase retroactive to 7/1/2021. The board also approves reimbursement of Kathleen Sullivan, Head of School, or direct pay on her behalf up to $7k for continuing education, subject to the documentation of these expenses by Kathleen and approval by the school.
John Hummel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Vote to Approve SY21-22 Chief Strategy Officer Salary
Emad Jabbar made a motion to For Chris Daniels, the board approves a 3.3% salary increase retroactive to 7/1/2021.
George Jackson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VIII. Closing Items
Upcoming Board Meetings
Chris advised the next scheduled board is 10/27/21.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tanya Lewis
Documents used during the meeting
- RISE Statement of Financial Position EOY FY21.pdf
- RISE Statement of Activity FY21 Monthly Complete.pdf
- Board_Finance_Report_2020-2021_6.30.21.xlsx