State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia


SCSF Monthly Executive Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 18, 2023 at 12:00 PM


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Committee Members Present

C. Sears (remote), F. Konteh (remote), J. Louis (remote), M. Dudgeon (remote)

Committee Members Absent

A. Welcher, Y. Mack

Guests Present

M. Neely (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Sears called a meeting of the Executive Committee of State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia to order on Tuesday Jul 18, 2023 at 12:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

F. Konteh made a motion to approve the minutes from SCSF Monthly Executive Committee Meeting on 04-18-23.
M. Dudgeon seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Approve FY24 Board Meeting and Executive Committee Meeting Dates

M. Dudgeon made a motion to Approve 2024 Meeting Calendar.
F. Konteh seconded the motion.

Board Meetings are held quarterly and in person, unless otherwise determined by the board. Meetings begin at 12:00 p.m.



October 12

January 11

April 11


Executive Committee meetings are held monthly via Zoom, unless otherwise determined by the Executive Committee. Meetings begin at 12:00 p.m.



August 15

September 19

October 17

November 21

December 5

January 16

February 20

March 19

April 16

May 21

June 18

The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Financial Report


Presentation of FY2023 Financial Reports

Joanne provided a review of the preliminary year-end financial reports. Audit activities will begin before the end of the month.

2023-06-30 - Financial Statements.xlsx



Approval of FY2024 Budget

IV. Contracts & Grant Awards


Approve Contracts for CSP Technical Assistance Providers

F. Konteh made a motion to Approve Contracts for CSP Technical Assistance Providers.
M. Dudgeon seconded the motion.

SCSF staff is proposing sole source contracts with the following nonprofit entities:

  • Bellwether - $160,000
  • Georgia Charter Schools Association - $160,000
  • Lead with Excellence - $135,000
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve Contract with SCSC for Operational Support

M. Dudgeon made a motion to Approve Contract for SCSC Operational Support.
F. Konteh seconded the motion.

The SCSC provides operational support for the SCSF through an annual contract and employment of the President & CEO. The FY2024 contract is for $132,500, payable upon providing required deliverables.


The staff has reviewed the contract and recommend that the Executive Committee approve the Board Chair to enter into this contract.

The committee VOTED to approve the motion.


Update on GEER II Subgrants

SCSF staff is reviewing the progress of all subgrantees. After July 24th, recommendations will be made for any subgrant award modifications. Three subgrantees have not yet made requests for funds.

V. Programs & Initiatives


President's Report


  • Welcome to new employee, Molly Gassman, Program Coordinator on July 24th.
  • Official welcome to Annie Chen, who became the full-time Director of Operations on July 1st.
  • The SCSF team moved into the new cowork space. New address: 2475 Northwinds Pkwy, Suite 200, Alpharetta, GA 30009 - office 230 New phone: 770-753-6464
  • Migrated to new, upgraded QuickBooks with payroll and set up employer accounts, including health reimbursement plan and workers compensation insurance.
  • Converting from Google Workspace to full Microsoft 365 environment and taking over all file storage from SCSC.
  • Acquired new grantmaking software, WizeHive, that will be used for all programs from application to payments to monitoring. In the process of implementation.
  • Purchased two laptops; returning tech equipment to SCSC.

Federal Grants

  • CSP budget, logic model, and program objectives approved. Submitting Request for Applications for approval 
  • Michele and Annie attending CSP Project Directors meeting in D.C. this week.
  • Carefully monitoring GEER II expenditures and preparing for budget amendment request and possible additional/reallocated subgrants. Expecting around $1 million of subgrant payment requests in July.
  • Charter School 101 session to be held on July 27th at Serendipity Labs in Alpharetta.

Other Programs

  • Book vending machines being delivered; ribbon cuttings to be scheduled in August.
  • Secured donation of classroom set of Walking Classroom for Amana West through partnership with Alliance for a Healthier Generation

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
F. Konteh