State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia


State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia Quarterly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday May 12, 2023 at 12:00 PM


State Charter School Commisson 

2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., SE

Suite 1356 - East Tower

Atlanta, GA 30334


The SCSF board meeting will take place in the State Charter Schools Commission's board room, which is located in the East Tower of the "Sloppy Floyd" Georgia government building (also known as the Twin Towers across from the Capitol). Click here for directions. If you are able to take MARTA, there is a stop inside the building.


If you drive, you can park in the Pete Hackney garage ($10/day). It is confusing! Make your way to the 5th floor and take the bridge into another parking garage. When there, take the stairs or elevator to the 3rd floor. Cross that bridge into the building. Proceed to the East Tower and the 13th floor. We will have signs. 



  • You will need an ID to gain access to the building.
  • They have changed the lobby, and you will proceed through security immediately upon entering the building.
  • Feel free to bring your lunch. We will offer light refreshments. There is a cafeteria in the basement with a variety of items and a snack bar on the Balcony level. 

This meeting will occur in person in the Board Room of the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia.

Directors Present

A. Welcher, C. Sears, F. Konteh, G. Rogers (remote), J. Louis (remote), L. Olens, M. Dudgeon, S. Quinn, Y. Mack (remote)

Directors Absent

E. Mitchell

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Neely

Non Voting Members Present

M. Neely

Guests Present

C. Lockett

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Welcher called a meeting of the board of directors of State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia to order on Friday May 12, 2023 at 12:30 PM.


Approve Minutes

C. Sears made a motion to approve the minutes from State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia Quarterly Board Meeting on 02-13-23.
F. Konteh seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Financial Report


Presentation of April 2023 Reports

M. Neely provided an update on the April 2023 reports



M. Dudgeon raised questions about two budget line items.

-26K Website 

-36K Office Supplies


Other announcements -  Board to sign thank you card for former Executive Director, Lauren Holcomb


Financial Outlook

GEER II - We have received reimbursements and advance payments for GEER II totaling nearly $2 million. Our GEER II expenditures have exceeded $1.2 million to date. We have awarded $2 million in start-up grants, $300,000 in new school leader stipends, $300,000 in planning grants, and $35,000 for one expansion grant. We also have two active contracts for technical assistance and services (Replication and Expansion Cohort - GCSA, Lead with Excellence - New School Leader Fellowship). We purchased promo products for and have a contract for ongoing maintenance of the website. More than 95% of funds have been committed. Subgrantees have submitted their first requests for funds. All subgrant budgets have been approved, and subgrantees are authorized to request funds.


CSP - The SCSF has been awarded $38,295,000 by the U.S. Dept. of Education for the Charter Schools Program State Entity program to continue and expand the Charter Growth Initiative. We have submitted a revised budget and two subsequent revised budget narratives are awaiting approval. We have been given authority to start requesting funds as we await final budget approval; however, we remain cautious about accepting funds prior to budget approval. Right now, we anticipate opening the first grant round this summer.


Operational support - We continue to receive quarterly payments from the SCSC to support our operations expenses. We have negotiated an operational budget for FY2024, which will be included in the SCSC's budget for consideration by their commissioners in June. In FY2024, Michele will remain an employee of the SCSC, but all other operations and personnel will fall under the SCSF.


Grants & fundraising - We received a matching grant for $5,000 from Reading is Fundamental to purchase books for book vending machines and the Book Wagon. We are raising funds for Shining Star Teachers, and we have been included in a congressional special appropriation request for literacy support. The Junior League of Atlanta provided inkind support for the wellness room at Ivy Prep Academy, furnishing the room and bringing volunteers.


Other notes - We are reviewing financial policies and procedures and preparing for our first single audit at the end of the fiscal year. We have interviewed three firms and are making a final selection. Our bank accounts are now collateralized by the Georgia Bankers Association. 

III. Governance


Officers for FY2024

M. Dudgeon made a motion to approve FY2024 Executive Board Officers.
L. Olens seconded the motion.

2024 Board Officers:


Chair - Adria Welcher

Past Chair  - Chris Sears

Vice President - Yolanda Mack

Secretary - Fadzai Konteh

Treasurer - Joanne Louis 


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Schedule

Tabled for Executive Session. Board Dates to be confirmed at the next meeting. 


Board Planning Session to be held on either 2nd or 3rd week of June. Followed by Board social hour

IV. President's Report


Update on Organization Activities

M. Neely presented on the Foundations Activities. See attached report

V. Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative


Charter Growth Initiative Update

M.Neely gave an update on the Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative (Charter Growth Initiative). 

  • launch and promotional products
  • Replication and Expansion Cohort Program - update on participating schools/networks
  • New School Leader Fellowship Program - update on participating schools
  • Communications Campaign & Roadshow - dates and locations forthcoming

M.Neely an update on the CSP Grant.

  • Awaiting budget approval
  • Planning for cohorts
  • Expecting to open the grant application late summer


Presentation by School Founder

Ms. Sarah Harvey, Founder of Sankofa Montessori, shared with the board about the school opening this Fall and her experience as a participant in the New School Leader Fellowship program and Start-up Grant subgrantee.

VI. Grants & Teacher Recognition


Select Shining Star Teachers

The Board finalized Shining Star Teachers for Elementary through High School. 


Book Vending Machine Grants

The Board finalized book vending machine school recipients. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:49 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Welcher
Documents used during the meeting