State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia
SCSF Monthly Executive Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 17, 2023 at 12:00 PM
Zoom Meeting link:
Committee Members Present
A. Welcher (remote), C. Sears (remote), F. Konteh (remote), J. Louis (remote), L. Holcomb (remote)
Committee Members Absent
M. Dudgeon, Y. Mack
Guests Present
M. Neely (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Minuetes approved with minor correction to A. Welcher's last name.
II. Financial Report
Presentation of December 2022 Financial Reports
III. Governance
Strategic Planning Updates
Mike from Board OnTrack will be training the entire board on tools to be an effective board member. The monthly board meeting will be virtual on January 24, 2023.
Strategic planning session will be held in person in February.
Organizational Structure
M. Neely discussed potential updates to org structure including potential loss of current Fellow position. The current need is for support for programs and operational support.
In the long term, it would be ideal for the Foundation to have a permanent office location, i.e Co-working etc. Michele and Annie toured a couple of location options, looking at ~$6-7K cost per year.
The Foundation is in need of a recurring general operations funding source.
IV. Programs & Initiatives
Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative
Find a GA Charter website is working (in theory). The Foundation is looking for an alternative vendor to manage the website, so that this task does not fall on Foundation staff. Branding and marketing will be available to the pubic and Board in coming months.
GCSI / Start Up Grant application deadline has been extended to 1/18. 6 applications received so far, with the expectation that a few more Schools will apply.
M. Neely reviewed financial reports in lieu of J. Louis. Currently, reports are being shared with the Exec Committee on the day of the meeting. We are working with the Commission to ensure that the go-forward approach will be to have reports ready ahead of meetings to allow for adequate board review.
Almost all grant award funding will be encumbered by the end of next week (week of 1/23)
CSP funds are currently not yet available to the Foundation, so there will be some short-term adjustments/re-prioritization or operations etc while we await funding.
The $32,6K grant for Ivy Prep was received from the Community Foundation on 1/17. There is also a $10K check enroute from Next Gen for the book vending machine.
Board financial commitments are critical to funding the General Fund.