State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia


SCSF Monthly Executive Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 13, 2022 at 12:00 PM



Committee Members Present

A. Welcher (remote), C. Sears (remote), F. Konteh (remote), J. Louis (remote), L. Holcomb (remote), M. Dudgeon (remote), Y. Mack (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

M. Neely (remote), (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Welcher called a meeting of the Executive Committee of State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia to order on Tuesday Dec 13, 2022 at 12:14 PM.


Approve Minutes

C. Sears made a motion to approve the minutes from SCSF Monthly Executive Committee Meeting on 10-18-22.
L. Holcomb seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Programs & Initiatives


Approve Emergency Grant to Ivy Preparatory Academy

C. Sears made a motion to Approve Emergency Grant to Ivy Preparatory Academy.
L. Holcomb seconded the motion.

$32,600 grant awarded to the Foundation for the purposes of providing emergency aid to Ivy Preparatory Academy for Girls. Two primary needs areas:  I) Counseling services (teachers & students) & II) Concrete Barriers at the School. 


For the record, A. Welcher & Y. Mack have no direct ties or relationship with Ivy Preparatory Academy. No conflicts of interest noted at this time. 

The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative Update

Phase I of the Replication and Expansion Cohort program is ending, and the six schools/networks are beginning technical assistance with the Georgia Charter Schools Association's Incubator and continuing work with GCSA's Facility Resource Center. 


The Museum School 

Tybee Island

Liberty Classical - 5 School replications in 5-Years


The New School Leader Fellowship program continues, and plans are being made for the roadshow stops and roll out of 


The application window for eligible schools that are replicating, opening, or expanding in Fall 2023 will open week of 12/12 or 12/19 2022. Grant recommendations will be presented to the board in January, and the grant application will remain open until all grant funds are committed. We anticipate strong demand, exceeding fund availability.



Approve Planning Grants (GEER II subgrants)

M. Dudgeon made a motion to approve award contingent upon subgratee completion of program survey and approved budget by SCSF Staff.
C. Sears seconded the motion.

SCSF staff, as well as partners in the Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative, recommend awarding planning grants in the amount of $50,000 to each of the following entities, utilizing GEER II grant funds intended for the purpose of making subgrants. These schools/networks have successfully completed Phase I of the Replication and Expansion Cohort Program and are preparing to implement the strategic plans that they have developed. Staff recommend approval contingent upon these subgrantees' completion of a program survey and budget approved by staff based on allowable uses of subgrant funds. 


• DuBois Integrity Academy 

• D.E.L.T.A. STEAM Academy

• Liberty Classical Schools

• Museum School 

• Tybee Island Maritime Academy 

• Utopian Academy for the Arts


The Board has approved award contingent upon subgratee completion of program survey and approved budget by SCSF Staff

The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Other Programs and Initiatives

III. Financial Report


Presentation of November 2022 Financial Reports


Financial Outlook

A revised budget has been submitted to the U.S. Dept. of Education for the CSP grant. We are awaiting approval. A new checking account has been set up for this grant. 


• Awarded $10,000 grant from Next Generation Foundation (Bradley-Turner Foundation) for book vending machines 

• Awarded $5,000 grant from Georgia Power Foundation for book vending machines 

• Requested $32,000 grant on behalf of Ivy Preparatory Academy for emergency needs 

• First $10,000 installment of contract with SCSC for operational expenses received 

• Donuts for Teachers fundraiser was a success and sponsors identified for art contest


Annie Chen plus new team member will be a full-time employees of the Foundation.

IV. Governance


Strategic Planning Updates

More discussion to come in January 2023


Dates for SCSF Board and Executive Committee Meetings 2023

Exec meeting will be virtually on 3rd Tuesday except for November & December 2023

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:01 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Welcher