State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia
SCSF Monthly Executive Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday April 19, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Committee Members Present
C. Sears (remote), L. Holcomb (remote), S. Kumar (remote), T. Beck (remote)
Committee Members Absent
T. Lowden
Guests Present
M. Neely (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Financial Report
Presentation of March 2022 Financial Reports
Financial Outlook
III. Governance
Planning for May Board Meeting
M. Neely presented the possibility of amendments: pull the secretary position out of the treasurer position; increase the number of board seats; create a past chair position. Discussion ensued by T. Beck, C. Sears, and S. Kumar. Propose increasing board seats to 9-21. L. Holcomb strongly recommended an odd number.
M. Neely introduced the board candidates and updates on board recruitment. Candidates will be invited to the meeting.
C. Sears asked to have an agenda item for introductions since many people have not met each other. M. Neely asked to have time to go over board member responsibilities and obligations.
Planning for Strategic Planning
Discussion was tabled for future meetings.
The budget for the GEER II is approved now and will start the financial activities soon. The board will need to be able to react to needs related to this grant.